on 3/12/16 1:15 pm, edited 3/12/16 5:13 am - Canada

Hello Everyone! 

Just popping in to say yesterday I got extensive results from a blood test for food intolerance I did a week ago.

As you know have had painful IBS for over a year now, been on several rounds of antibiotics, bleeding has stopped, still occasionally have pain, but my "liquified bowl movements" still continue several times a day although mostly painfree . My doctor suggested I do my own intolerance tests by removing suspect foods for 3 months, then slowly reintroduce thibgs one by one....I felt it would take me months to really pinpoint trigger foods, so paid for the blood test myself as my insurance won't cover it.

The multipage results are in and I am stunned. There are foods so healthy I would never have cut them out as never suspected problematic.  Doing it on my own over 6-8 months would have me missing a lot of my trigger foods.

Sure : milk and dairy , including goat cheeses and anything with Cassein are my biggest problem, followed by wheat anything, also most cereals including oats ( so much for my protein oatmeal), anything barley or multigrain , and many GF flours including spelt.....Eggs have always given me stinky gas, seems am very intolerant to egg whites, less so egg yolks. Ditto for carby things but figured I was a mild celiac, but many GF flours are also in my high intolerances. All pulses, lentils and beans are in my high intolerance range. I knew had tremendous flatulence and intestinal cramping after beans, edamame and soya, peas, corn, so had chili con carne maybe once a winter loaded with melty cheese, but there was a huge list of other "high intolerance" items that floored me.

Spinach, asparagus, basil, tarragon, butternut and other squashes, celery, radish, leak, cabbage all kinds, raisins, avocados, peppers all colours , nectarines, peaches, figs, bananas, watermelon ( cantaloup and tomatos are ok) tangerine, oranges, limes ( but grapefruit is ok) pears, dates, raisins,  lobster, shrimps, salmon, trout ( but a lot of fish I never eat or hardly, are ok such as mussels, oysters,  octopus, sole). Spices like curry and ginger, and things like ginkoba, nuts like pine, walnut, hazzlenuts, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, brazil, etc are all in high intolerance.  So are mushrooms and turnips, rice of all kinds, potatoes except sweet potato....  

Meat proteins of all kinds are not a problem, all in the " no reaction" rating, so can eat chicken beef, veal, pork, rabbit,duck, horse,turkey, partridge, quail,venison, wild boar, goat, etc, no problems as not even "sensitive" never mind intolerant.

The vegetables and huge array of fruits are what surprise me the most, so many are healthy. Leafy greens are mostly out, and live off salads and spinach and asparagus, baby bok choy,   so going to be hard to give up, although broccoli and cauliflower are ok. Watercress is also in the " no reaction" but who wants a watercress salad as so bitter? Sugars like honey, maple syrup, agave  and of course any refined sugars are no reaction or  just "borderline", whereas I would have expected them in the high intolerance group.

So many things I would not have cut out had I tried to do this on my own, and I would have cut out things causing me minor or no problems and wondering why I still couldn't  get an accurate handle on trigger foods after months of journaling food reactions.

it is goint to be hard figuring out how to eat excluding so many healthy and nutritious foods, at least dense protein won't be a problem if I stick to meat. Veggie protein and my fave seafoods ( salmon, shrimp, lobster), eggs and cheeses of all kinds , any protein drinks ( whey protein), yogurts and fruit smoothies, are off my menu. 

They never mentioned alcohol and sugars from alcohol on the list, so I guess I can drink wine, but I personally feel more than a glass or two is a trigger for cramping next morning...maybe I was wrong and it is the tons of cheese and crackers I ate with the wine!

Sign me STUNNED.


on 3/12/16 7:08 pm - Cibolo, TX

Wow Jen, I am stunned too.  That's quite a list.  Poor baby! No wonder you have been feeling so lousy for so long.  I hope, as you eliminate the problem foods and begin to feel so much better, that you will find the benefits of your new diet are so wonderful that you don't mind the restrictions at all.  I'm glad you finally have some answers!  


on 3/12/16 7:44 pm - Canada

Just gave  the highlights of 5 pages single line type...where it says raisins are an intolerance, so are all fresh grapes, but apples and strawberries aren't even mentioned, so completely ok.  Cherries are not and have some delicious greek yougurt with cherries and Granola I ate for a healthy breakfast,  knowing now have intolerance to all ! Think some of my body aches ( fibromyalgia) might be food intolerances as fibro meds like Amytriptilene  and Cymbalta never did anything for my pain. I have arthritis of various types which is why NSAIDs do work some despite not supposed to take them after wls, but they don't work on Fibro supposedly...

still in food shock


Judy G.
on 3/13/16 7:03 am - Galion, OH

Have you ever tried SAVELLA (I think that's how it's spelled) for your Fibro pain? If not, ask to try it...

on 3/13/16 11:14 am - Canada

Savella/Milnacipran is not compatible with some other meds I take so my doctor said not an option unless I stop taking the other meds which are working for me. Cymbalta seemed a better option but after some initial success, had to lower the dose because of the side effects, and it no longer worked. 

I find NSAIDs do help take the top layer of pain away, so probably works on my RA, and other types of Arthritis, so can function, but now wondering how much of the muscular and other body pains are due to cumulative food sensitivities and not Fibro. I was diagnosed with Fibro about twenty years ago or so, by default as my doctor tested me for everything under the sun including Lupus and Lyme, and finally in frustration told me it must be Fibro, but the various meds for Fibro never seemed to work properly.


on 3/12/16 7:52 pm - Manteca, CA

I am so late that I'll just pop in for a second. I know that you are not thrilled with Obama Judy  but if you weren't forced to have insurance you would be in a world of hurt right now. This sounds like a pretty big surgery if you are having so many medicines and also the restrictive diet. When I had my blockage in September I was forced into the same liquid diet...I think for six weeks. It was not fun. But it's doable. Jeannie's ideas are great. I loved mashed potatoes and soup the most. 

I am trying to get the house really clean in the next few days. Next Saturday I leave for San Francisco again for my oncology appointment and I would love to come home to a very clean house. 

I am so happy to read that Caralee is in the clear... CF is a terrible disease. 

Jeannie, what you are doing for your brother is wonderful! It's hard to believe how crappy some parent's  own children can be. It breaks my heart. 

That is it for me!





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