Saturday Surprise
Greetings Mary and OFF,
I have not been here for a few days. Started to post both Thursday and Friday, but Frankie was here, and I never finished. Yesterday, I got a huge box from Amazon, and I emptied it and let him play in it. He had a blast.
Today, I went to urgent care, coz I have an awful sinus infection. My head feels like it will explode.
Jeannie, I supported Hillary in 2008, in the primary, and worked for Obama in 2012. Right now, I'm working for Bernie, but will definitely be supporting Hillary if she definitely does win. You gave me an awesome idea for travel destinations in visiting presidential libraries. I need to do some work on making a list, and researching locations. I've visited the Adams house in Massachusetts, Monticello, Jefferson's home, Washington's home, in Mount Vernon, the Eisenhower farm in Gettysburg, Teddy Roosevelt's home on Long Island, and FDR's house in New York. I was married to a hardcore history buff, and I got turned onto it right away. It helped growing up and living outside of Philly, plus being stationed in Massachusetts for three years. My kids used to act so put out and bored, because we vacationed near Gettysburg countless numbers of times. I've taken classes to see the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Valley Forge military park, and Washingtons Crossing.
I am finally starting to get some relief from the sinus pressure.
I almost forgot to share something very special in my grandchildren's lives. Isabel is going to be baptized on Sunday, March 13. This is a big step in the life of any believer in the Lord. We don't Christen, or Baptize babies. Families, in our faith, usually bring children before the congregation for family dedications. There, the parents, and congregation, promise to pray and help teach the children our beliefs about the Bible, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. After a believer accepts the Lord, regardless of age, they make the decision to go through believers baptism, by immersion. It's a big deal to us, because the person is publicly identifying themselves with Jesus, and making a public profession of their faith. When Frankie was here yesterday, I read him a story from a children's Bible story book called, "The Good Dunking," about Jesus' baptism by John. The kids get a kick out of me calling it a dunking.
Well, I am way behind schedule. I'll catch up on the posts I missed later.
Albert Schweitzer