TGIF Morning
Good afternoon Trish and everyone....
Trish....that was wonderful of your neighbor to plow your driveway. I can't imagine doing that with a sore foot!
No school today...I guess Colleen must be home as you didn't mention staying with the kids.
Have a good rest of the day...keep your foot up!!
Much love and hugs to you...connie d
Connie, my sweet neighbor shoveled my driveway, the old fashioned way. It was over a foot, and heavy. The little bit I did required me to use two shovel fulls to get one spot done. I'm sure it took him only one shovel full. I have one neighbor with a tractor he puts a plow on, and three years ago he did do my driveway. I was going to get a snow blower before this season, but kind of got sidelined by my surgery in November.
Love you
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Ladies,
I'm making a new dish today for supper, Stuffed pepper soup. Hope it's good. This morning I walked with my friend to the store. It wasn't too bad out. Then I exercised this afternoon. Now I'm just relaxing while my soup is cooking.
I'm going to my dad tomorrow to spend the night. Sunday after church we're meeting my uncle at golden corral for lunch then going to the theater to see sister act on stage. I'll have a busy weekend for a change.
Everyone have a good day. Thoughts and prayers for everyone.
Love and hugs,
Holy cow! Caralee's photo shoot, part II, was awful! That poor baby cried almost the entire time. We maybe got 10 minutes total of calm, non-crying time. Hopefully we got some good shots. But as for the rest of it--forget it!
Carrie and I are done. No more photos for awhile. Our nerves are totally shot and the poor baby is traumatized! Caralee has not turned loose of Carrie's breast since we got home! She won't let me hold her at all.
This grandmother gig is exhausting!