Sunny (But Cold) Saturday
Good Morning Ladies...
Well, Pookie did wake me up earlier than I would have liked, but I did sleep through to 7:45 which is pretty good for me.
I posted late last night, and it was a pretty long post, but I did forget to mention one thing. I was talking to the young lady at the computer shop and mentioned I was going to go to Best Buy to get some information and ideas on cutting back on my cable/internet/phone expenses. She suggested I call Charter first because they have new pricing for new customers. She says she pays $29.99 each for internet, cable tv and phone. And it's a "forever" price. I called, and she'll be in for a surprise in one year, because that price is only for one year, then it increases - plus you have to pay extra for the equipment (cable boxes, wifi fee, etc.) My current bill is $231, and by eliminating all the extras I have on the tv, I could get my bill reduced to $161 a month, a savings of $71.00 - good, but I think it's still worth a trip to Best Buy to see about antenna options and cell phone packages. I may be able to reduce my expenses to $125 for everything, which would save me $106 a month.
So, since Maura and Taylor are busy this weekend, I'm going to get over to complex where they have all the stores (what's the name for these "outdoor malls?) where they have a Best Buy, and also a Michael's. A business (Best Buy) and pleasure (Michaels's) trip. At Michael's I want to get yarn and a crochet hook, and some coloring books - and also just take a look at the jewelry making supplies, and ask about classes for cake decorating and jewelry making. Also have to stop back at the pet shop. Exchanged a car seat harness for Pookie. Went yesterday to exchange one I got at Christmas because it was too big. Got a smaller one and it seemed ok, but right after I left the store, she managed to get out of the smaller one, so maybe I need to get an extra small one for him. Look at me, being so active!
One more thing, then I'll stop - promise! There's a Chinese restaurant right across from the computer store, and I've been wanting something different. I got enough food for a week -- chicken wings, boneless spareribs and shrimp egg foo young. Checked everything on myfitnesspal, and everything will be fine as long as I keep portions in proper size. Checked a few listings for each item because I know they can vary. The chicken wings are seasoned, no breading, and I won't use any sauces or gravies. I had two chicken wings for supper and I was stuffed.
Well, time for me to get dressed (10:45) and get going.
Hope you all have a good day -- stay strong!!
Good morning Mary and all my sistas!
Oy vey Saturday! I really didn't expect to be posting this morning, but we're still here at the house, waiting to leave for Houston, so I have a few minutes.
Mom woke up sick with an IBS flare up. Oh she was so upset. Cried and said she wouldn't be able to go to the shower, etc. Christie called and said that she has decided to drive herself to Houston after all, and spend the night with her friend Katy. It was chaotic.
But NOW things are calmer. Mom is feeling better and has decided to go after all. Chris came over and helped me get the two big packages in the back of the car. The pack n play and the travel system are in BIG boxes. Well, it seems a little dumb for me to haul them down there, just to have to haul them back here tonight, but so be it. I got them wrapped up pretty and it will be fun for Carrie to open them.
So, I haven't had a bite of animal protein in days now, and I have to tell y'all: I feel so much better!!! My doctor, Dr. Garth Davis, has been telling me for years that meat is inflammatory. But I still couldn't convert all the way to vegetarianism. However, y'all know how much pain I was having before Christmas. I could barely get up and down out of my chair and all my muscles and joints ACHED. Well, they don't anymore!!!
I really started noticing it yesterday, but this morning I rolled out of bed with nary a groan and I thought, "Wow!" I don't hurt!
Now, Connie and Eileen and all those of you who hurt--maybe you should consider giving up animal based protein for a couple of weeks and see if it makes a difference! Here is a link to a youtube interview with Dr. Garth: 16424397
It's long and it doesn't really address inflammation so much as nutrition, but pay attention at about 10 minutes in. Dr. Garth talks about the plethora of diseases we, as a meat eating society, suffer from. It's interesting.
Okay, off my soap box. But I worry so about so many of you. Connie, you especially, hon! And I know you eat a lot of meat. It would be worth a shot, huh?
Well, I need to go slap some paint on my face. I don't wear much makeup anymore. Oh! That's another thing! Since I quit eating meat, my rosacea has calmed down! So I looked it up and yep! animal protein (including dairy) is inflammatory and can cause rosacea to flare up.
I do have to note that I haven't lost any weight yet. Possibly because of the peanut butter at night??? LOL! But my bowels are MUCH happier than they've been in ages.
Sorry for all the TMI. I'm just excited to finally be feeling better again.
I'll try to take some pictures at the shower and post them tomorrow. Love you all!
I totally agree with you about having so much more energy and less aches and pains after switching to a vegetarian diet. We only eat fish or seafood a couple of times a week and on the days we don't eat fish, we eat an egg for breakfast...but there are days that all of our protein is plant based and let me tell you, I high step it when I don't have any eggs, fish, or dairy in my system. I am making an effort to learn how to cook with tofu and other protein rich products.
I can tell you that when I first made the leap, I worried about what I would know, what would dinner look like without a huge piece of meat on my plate...well, it looks just fine and taste just fine. In fact, it tastes better than find because when you start cooking with only beans, lentils, and other vegetables, you really start experimenting with ways to make the food really tasty. Also, bean patties are about the best source for an entree without actually always eating a big plate of beans. I keep canned black beans, chick peas, and other peas and beans in the cabinet and at any given moment, I can open the can, rinse them off, dry with a towel or let drain, smash up, add some onion, garlic, corn, flour, and just anything I want to the smashed beans and make the best dang patties that you can imagine...I put them on a cookie sheet in the oven and let them brown on one side, then flip and let them brown on the other, and they taste delicious and are great as an entree or as a part of a sandwich...just delicious.
Also, my allergies have sure calmed down too. The meat industry uses so many antibiotics and steroids...especially the pork and poultry industries...and I am so dang allergic to everything, so when I was eating meat, I'd have to use my damn epipen at least once a week...I don't think I've used my pen in a couple of weeks now. My husband's roschea is all but cleared up too and his chorines disease is not nearly as bothersome now. I know it is hard to even consider giving up meat when we are so conditioned to think that we need to get so much protein and we can only get it from meat or dairy or supplements but believe you me, vegetables are loaded with proteins....and they are easier to eat too.
Good Morning Mary and Ladies,
Mary, it sounds like you are doing so good with your portion control. I think for all of us we need to make sure we know exactly what the normal portion is and then take into consideration our pouches.
Mary, I have to say that one of my favorite meat dishes was chicken wings. I cooked them often for me and two is about my limit too. Whenever I cooked thighs or breasts for my DH, I would throw me a wing or two in. A few years ago I bought one of those pampered chef oval pans that is lined like a know they have the pizza rock, which I got too. Anyway, that pan makes the best baked chicken in the putting just a little oil and seasoning on the chicken and baking at 350 degrees, it would come out like fried chicken...I kid you not...without the calories from the breading and the grease. Now I use that pan to roast vegetables and it can make potato and zucchini chips better than a deep fryer.
We are having a little bit of a snow storm, and I am regretting not going to the store last night. I don't mind driving in the snow but I hate the other drivers who cannot drive in the rain so imagine how crazy it gets when we have snow on the ground. If I had eggs, I wouldn't even bother but last night, I was trying to put the egg carton back in the refrigerator (the egg holder in my refrigerator is full of boiled eggs), and I dropped them...that happens with think you are holding but you are actually letting go. Anyway, almost an entire dozen eggs smashed to the floor...what a mess.
So today we are eating oatmeal. DH has such high cholesterol (it's coming down now that we have given up meat) so the doctor said for us to make sure he eats oatmeal at least a few times a week. Today was oatmeal day. I also still have a ton of pecans and walnuts left from those I picked up at our house down in the valley so I roasted some pecans for the topping and cooked the oatmeal with raisins. Now we are eating loaded oatmeal, which is pretty dang good.
Today, when I get back from the store, I am going to do some much needed sewing. My granddaughter hates to wear jeans because she doesn't like the waist band. I totally know what she means. So I have two pairs of her new jeans we bought her and I am taking the waist band off and replacing it with a softer jean material...I may even use a totally different material next to her skin like really soft flannel. I'm not sure yet but I am sure that I am putting elastic in the waist band.
Other than getting some much needed rest and doing some sewing, the rest of my day is going to be uninterrupted...I hope.
Ladies, have a great Saturday and for those in the colder climates, stay warm and for those of you who are in the sunny states, enjoy the sun.
Hello to all,
I want to get input on something going on with my sister.
No, it is not my business. But her daughter got us involved so her goes. My niece and sister live in St. Petersburg.
My sister's boyfriend/husband passed away in 2012 at the age of 64 of colon cancer, so my sister is on her own. They lived together for 29 years but only got married a month before he passed, so in the eyes of the law, she received none of his Social Security. I also must say she is my only sister left because my oldest sister passed in May last year. And Joyce my beloved sister, is a wimp.
I only ask here because of why others spill their hearts out.
Anyways, a year ago my niece started dating a man she knew from high school. He had moved to Minnesota. They did correspond and she visited him a few times.
He is bipolar an an alcoholic. Yes. How grand. He was in jail for sixty days last year for throwing something at his ex and it struck her in they eye and caused permanent damage.
A few months ago, he moved down to FL and stayed with my sister. I don't think he and a job ever heard of each other. Guess my niece was supporting him.
About a month ago, he had just moved down and was on probation, he went to Tampa with my niece and got roaring drunk. A break of parole. He came home with my niece and was out of control. It was 1 a.m. in the morning and he was running around and yelling at the top of his lungs. He wanted to run into the street. They do live on a somewhat busy street. My niece, having worked at Salvation Army had been trained to put holds on out of control drunks. She sat on his buttocks and restrained him.
He punched her in the nose and bit her on the hand. She refused to press charges. She is pretty much dead to me because I am done with her.
He went to jail for a few days and because he broke probation had an ankle monitor and something that notes the blood alcohol level. He stayed with his mother for a while but his ex wife came down to visit. The state of MN has a no contact order between him and his ex. And just because my niece doesn't want to press charges the state of FL does. And he still has to answer to the state of MN for breaking parole. But because he had to stay away with his ex wife, and she was visiting his parents, he ended up back at my sisters. The state of MN listed my sister's address as his legal residence. When I heard that, I was fit to be tied. I love my sister but this was too much. As a matter of fact the dueling banjos from Deliverance started playing in my head.
I am going to stay out of it, but worry bout my sis. I give up. I do.
Anyways, folks, I officially have trailer trash in my family.
To Mary, wow, your cable bill was high. I have cable here but with my computer an with HBO...I don'****ch much but joint apartment, split the bills an I pay for cable and electric; Vicki, I am so ready to be a vegetarian. I don't like eating meat. I like a nice steak now and then, but I don't know how I choked down the protein to lose the ninety poud I did. I will have to check out your link.
To all, have a great day. My love to all. xoxo Arlene.
It sounds like your sister may be eligible to apply for her husband's social security based on having lived with him for so long. She might have to consult with an attorney but a friend of mine lived with her common law husband for years and years and then he died and she later applied for disability and was able to get it through his work record...she never worked a day in her life. So, I think it might be worth it for your sister to call an attorney. As far as your niece's situation...girl....I know what you mean...what are they possibly thinking?
Hi Ladies,
It's a dark dreary day today. We are supposed to get a snow storm tonight and get really cold. It supposed to snow for several days in a row. I'll become a hermit for awhile. I'll go to church tomorrow morning since I walk there. It's just across the street from where I live. I made sure I have plenty of food, my meds so I don't need to worry about getting out.
Mary you are doing so go
od, getting out there. I should look into volunteering but I probably won't do until spring.
Vickie I loved the sweater outfit you made.
Trish Loved the picture of the kids.
Good job on your diet choice but I don't think I could do it. I love my meat but I don't have the problems like a lot of you have. But if I've got problems then I know about eating more plant based diet.
Everyone have a good day. Thoughts and prayers for everyone
Love and hugs,
Hi...well if its not people passing away it is now Ho****er Tanks or Refrigerators!!!!!!!! Had TWO HWT's go this week and just had them delivered this morning late. Now for the parts to go with them is another story!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The tanks for the other side is NOT the same size as what was in there so now Rick has to figure out how to make this one work!!! FUN!!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He told our boss the height needed yet she orders what SHE wanted for here.......GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get the petty cash in mail today...just made it to the bank before it closes to get that cashed...Get back home and I have a tenant waiting for me....his refrigerator is not working. WTH????!!!!!!! Is this complex possessed????? I feel like crap with this dam cold I got somehow and trying to stay on track and it is NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus we have a possible storm coming in and the nerves are on edge. Plus it didn't help with Chase being off most of the week either...but not his fault his dad passed away.
My granddaughters got their Christmas gift and from what I was told by my son they liked it. No word from them to thank me either. So I will mention to my son that I will be making a donation in their names this year for their birthday to Ranger's Legacy Equine Rescue. Atleast I get a huge thankyou from them!!!!!!!! I have helped support Ranger's Legacy for several years now have come to love Crystel and all that she does!!! Plus now she is also trying to get a program going to the kids that are disabled. I sure do wish I lived closer to her so I could help out!!!
Going to Bingo tonight and MAYBE get rid of some of this stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope so!!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!
Good afternoon Mary & my OFF family!
I can really see (well the difference in You the past several weeks. I am so happy for you! I had wanted to respond to your memory concern as I have also become more forgetful the past several years...more noticeable now that I am working. I fear Alzheimer's, too, since my dad had it. But what can we do unless it might be our meds like Jeannie suggested? It's not preventable...sigh...
Vickie, your endless talents continue to amaze me! The baby outfits were adorable, and isn't a girl so much fun. you could always supplement your income if needed with all your sewing skills alone.
Both you and Jeannie have me very interested in a more plant based diet. It was strongly recommended when I had cancer. But I was so new to nutrition back then it was too much info to take in, and I was just learning to reduce sugar and junk food. I am now moving in a much healthier direction...minus bacon and chicken. I have never been a fan of red meat, but do enjoy occasional ribs or meatloaf. But I would never miss them...just the bacon and chicken.
My youngest daughter is into the vegan lifestyle and helped educate me on nutrition. She is very much into the inflammation thing and how it relates to the development of disease and other health conditions. she even bought me these sticks you put in your urine that read your levels. So I hope you guys continue this conversation so I can learn and experiment...
Trish, those kids are so cute...absolutely precious! And the hat idea was priceless!
Yvonne, please keep the cold and! I do not want to have to drive in any snow! it is dark and dreary here today...reminds me of last winter which was the darkest winter I can ever remember. Ugh!
Cindi, hope you have made it safely home...A LOT of driving in a short period of time!
Judy, I sure hope you can catch a break soon. I think I said before a factor in me retiring and leaving the shelter was how it was affecting my health. The clients had the same sense of entitlement as your tenants. It eventually drained me. I hope you don't go down that road...our health has to take priority.
I am glad the weekend is here! I fell asleep before 9 last nite and didn't get up til 10! And I don't feel! The kids on my van tested my last nerve Thursday and Friday with their teenage antics. they can't keep their hands off each other, make or sing out crude sexual remarks, and try to sneak smoking. I had to pull over several times to address their behavior, and of course I am then the witch...smh. Oh well...they will learn, but I know they will also continue to test limits.
Took Jazz to her mom's and now hubby and I can enjoy some quiet plans...just peace and quiet!
Oh, and Arlene, I feel for you. you can't change ppl and its hard as hell to watch those you love welcome one train wreck after another.
Everyone have a good day!

Good afternoon Mary and everyone..... are doing so great with all the changes you are making for a healthier and happy life. I know I have said it before but I will say it again, I am so proud of you!
Vickie...the info on Dr Garth's site I get because I liked his site. I have been getting info from him for a long time. Yes, I am thinking about going meat free.
The problem is that I have a chest freezer full of chicken, turkey, and pork. I also have Chili and soups and so many other things. What do I do with it all? I have a lot of money tied up in there. I could give some to my grandchildren. This is really something I need to really look into further. I also want to find a place to get some good tofu. Anyone have any good recipes for tofu? I have had it in Chinese dishes and even spaghetti. I have been told that I really need to have some good recipes or I won't be eating it. More thinking.....
Judy....what a wild ride you always have!! I don't know how you keep all those balls in the air!! Good Luck at BINGO tonight!!
Arlene ....sorry about all the family issues you are dealing with. Family can be more crazy then fun sometimes.
Jeannie....You and your hubby are really noticing some huge differences in your health eating no meat. Like I said I need to investigate it further. Thanks for always giving everyone such good tips!!
Yvonne...Eileen....Kathy..... I apologize to you and so many others. I just can't remember what was written on your posts. CRS and depression w/ PTSD is full blown right now. You all know I care so much about all of you!! I love you very much!!
As for me..... nothing great happening around here. I went out to read the paper in the lounge area this morning. I wanted to get out of my apartment for a little while. It was nice as so many people came along and stayed to chat. I must get out of my apartment and talk to others at least once a day. That isn't something I enjoy anymore. I want to be alone. I HATE WINTERS!!!! I get so depressed and my PTSD and Fibro flare. I am a miserable mess!!! I won't continue anymore...sorry!
I don't think I will be back on here tonight. I only got 2 hours of sleep last night and I am so over tired!! Please be patient with me.
Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families.
I wish you all a wonderful rest of the day!
Lots of love and many hugs to all...connie d