Wednesday Morning- Mom delivered back to her home

on 1/6/16 7:34 am - Danforth, ME

Good Morning OFF-


Well after three days of driving, I got Mom home to her house and facility yesterday.  We have two days of to dos for me to complete and then I will be off to return to Texas.  Next time I am flying for one of these visits, my butt is simply not meant for sitting anymore.


The weather is much colder up here, in the twenties.  I won't complain as I read what Connie is dealing with.  I have been mentally structuring my New Year Plan and will commit to the forum soon.


Vickie like you I need to commit to practicing more patience with Mom.  It's very difficult to see her struggling with low vision and incontenience.  She puddled several times on the trip home.  I'm taking her to her urology appointment today.  But after months of trying various products I think we have found the pads that work for her best and I can set them back up on monthly delivery from Amazon.  We're also making arrangements for someone to put her pills in a weekly container so she doesn't get confused and take the wrong ones.


What I've learned from this trip is that you don't take Mom out of her routine and you have to move slow.  Her brain simply doesn't process at the speed that it used to.  If I rush her she becomes more confused.


Trish I hope you will breath a bit and not overload during your healing process.  Glad the physician has a shuttle service, that's a great help.


Judy hope you get a chance to relax a bit.  Unfortunately, the apartment complex you are managing does have a lot of turnover.  I would definately suggest to management that you charge a fee for background checks to those who are applying.  It could be refunded as part of first months rent for successful checks.  That should help weed out some of the deadbeats.  I would certainly not do what you and Rick are doing, I don't have the patience.


Kathy don't get so busy with that job that you don't take time for yourself.  Same for you Christine.  Julia looks like you and Cindy P will be getting some rain later this week which will head my way.  My poor fire management friends are frustrated because it's too wet to burn anything on the Refuge.


One of my New Year's plans is to start coloring.  I printed a lot of coloring pages from the internet and gave a bunch of my friends colored pencils with the pages for Christmas.  Kept some for myself but have not started as I didn't want to get distracted from unpacking while Mom was there.  I did find a coloring app to down load to my iPad.  Not as fulfilling as actually coloring on paper but something to do to focus on me.


When I return I have to take down my tree and put it away.  I still have tons of pictures to hang but the house in basically unpacked now, just have to move stuff to the toolshed.


Well enough rambling.  Thoughts and hugs to all of you.


Cindi B

Connie D.
on 1/6/16 8:22 am

Good morning Cindy and everyone....

Cindi...I agree about your mom. I had to be more patient with my mom. The more I tried to do things too fast the more fuddled she got. Like your mom and mine she just couldn't think that fast. I am dealing with the same problem myself.

As for me.... I am waiting for Nic and Stephanie to get here. They are leaving today. I miss them already!! My grandchildren all love me so much and take such good care of me. I really do need to get the move started!

My cleaning fairy will be here about the time the kids leave. After that it will be nap time for me. Day 8 of this miserable flare up! 

Have a good day everyone....I will try to check in later.

Prayers for all our beautiful OFF Family and their families.

Love you all...HUGS....connie d


on 1/6/16 8:42 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Cindi and Connie and all my sistas,

Don't have a lot of time this morning.  I finally feel like myself (more later) and I have a to-do list a mile long.  Cindi, I'm glad you got back to your mom's place safely.  Can't be easy making a multi-state journey like that!  I have to drive to Houston with Mom this weekend and I'm already dreading it.  Don't know how you did it!  Kudos!

Connie, YES!  You need to start on "the move"!  That will be so good for you.  You are too lonely and too isolated where you are now.  Your so-called sister is no help.  You cut ties with Pam and what's-his-face? Tony?  Whatever.  You need to be near people who love and support you.  Please don't wait any longer.  Just do it!

I am now on Day Three of no Cokes and no junk.  I haven't lost any weight yet, but BOY! is my energy level back!  I swear, we just kill ourselves eating that junk, don't we?  Why do we do it?  

I want to share a couple of websites.  Both are recommended by my WLS, Dr. Garth Davis.  I'm not advocating everyone go vegetarian.  I don't think I could do it.  But I think I can do what Jeannie has been doing, and eat fish instead of beef or chicken.  And eat mostly fruits and veggies.  Anyway, here they are: e-healthfully-in-6-easy-steps/2016/01/04/f67e928e-af32-11e5- b820-eea4d64be2a1_story.html

I am trying to get ready for Carrie's baby shower in Houston on Saturday.  This involves getting some maintenance issues done to my car and getting my presents ready to give.  Did I tell y'all I found Butch's smart key?  It was in his coat pocket!  I bought a new battery but it still won't work.  Time to go to the Mazda dealership and let them figure it out!

And I MUST go get my car cleaned!  OMG!  The backseat is covered in orange cracker crumbs from the boys last weekend!  Orange goldfish.  Orange peanut butter crackers.  ORANGE SNOW!!!  LOL!

I have decided that the only way I'm going to get my sewing done is to declare certain day(s) of the week as "sewing days"!  Right now I'm leaning towards Tuesdays and Thursday.  Those are sewing days.  All other chores must get done on alternate days.

Oh!  And I wanted to share a new sweetener I found with you all.  It's a mixture of Agave and Stevia and it's really good.  Only a slight tinge of an aftertaste.  Had some on my oatmeal.  Didn't miss the brown sugar at all.  

Gotta get my butt in gear now.  Love you all!


on 1/6/16 12:58 pm

Hi Vicki,

Glad you are feeling better. LOL at the orange snow all over the car. I am glad you found Butch's smart key. In his pocket.

I would be a vegetarian in a heartbeat, but doesn't post bariatric surgery ask that we eat protein first? I am so not a meat eater. I would do well on a vegetarian diet.

Glad you are feeling better and please get back to your sewing.



on 1/6/16 1:36 pm - Cibolo, TX

Hi Arlene,

Well, my WLS says that plant-based protein is actually better for you than animal-based protein.  He says that meat is inflammatory to our systems.  I realize that a lot of people don't agree with or want to hear that, but if you're interested, I can point you to some of his articles on it.

I know an awful lot of people here have problems eating meat and struggle to get it down.  Personally I love beans and spinach and kale and other sources of plant-based protein, so it's not a problem for me.  My numbers are always good, too.

My problem, as always, is Cokes and chocolate.  The twin banes of my existence!




on 1/6/16 9:22 am

Good Morning Everyone!

I am glad to have a few minutes to post...I feel like I am missing a great deal.

I am hoping all the busyness of the past several weeks is behind me as I don't do well when my routine is compromised. I am SO anal...I need consistency to function well. I hate feeling pulled in too many directions as it increases my stress levels. And then I want to eat!

The job is requiring a lot of hours. Not quite full-time, but about 32-35 weekly. I enjoy it, but find myself exhausted every single day. I need to leave out of here at 5:30am to get on my van and get it warmed up, and then I am driving the entire county picking up kids from the city to the far out sticks. For 3 hours in the am and 3 in the pm...give or take a half hour. The kids are no problem, I rarely see my boss, and the hospital staff are friendly. But I am SO freaking tired! I had started enjoying the energy from the weight loss, but now it seems to have gone away...during the week. I hope it's just a matter of 'getting back in the saddle' after 18 months of being at home and not tied to a schedule as the money and hours are good. We'll see!

I am also struggling with my meal plan. I have only lost 20 pounds since my surgery. I continue to average about 1000 calories/daily. I have moved away from the 'slips' of Christmas cookies and candy, and just seem to require a certain portion level to keep my appetite under control. I am trying to drink enough, but have found I need to watch what I have while driving or I need to take a potty break...which means holding it until I get all the kids off the van. I just saw the doctor yesterday for a UTI...

Anyhow, good stuff is coming as a result of having work income. We enjoyed last weekend going out to eat...I behaved, but had a good time. And I was able to stock up on a lot of goodies I've wanted to have on hand to stave off the hunger pangs, but remain healthy. Plus, Jim, Jazz and I were able to do things we haven't for awhile so that is good.

But wouldn't it be great if we didn't require money to live? Ugh!

I have been reading the posts and think of you all daily.

Cindi, you are such a good daughter taking your mom out to TX and back and trying to help her in every way you can. I am sure she appreciates it. Yes, the weather is freezing here...we had a wind chill of 2 below zero yesterday. I hate winter except for the value of long sleeves!

Vickie, your energy amazes me and your resolve to move on after your visit to your husband's hometown is admirable. It has been a real priviledge to see your journey from the time of Butch's death...I am proud of you. That new baby girl on her way will carry you even wait and see!

Connie, my heart truly aches for you and all you have to endure pain-wise. My wish for you is to find a place closer to family where you can be looked after by those who love you. You deserve that!

Jeannie, I still need to make that New Year's list I spoke of in my resolutions post. We got so busy over the weekend I never got to it and I let it slide. I agree it is good to be held accountable. I have been more patient with Jim, but I still feel I can never do half as much for him as he does for me. Poor man gets up at 5am to be with me while I get ready for work and to warm up my car!

Mary, like with Vickie I am so proud of all the progress you have made pushing yourself out there even though I know it affects your comfort level! I am glad to hear all is going well with the volunteer work and getting your home in order. I think the offer made by Jim's aunt is just a reflection of how well you are liked!

Julia, I love to read your posts as there is something in them that takes me out of myself for a minute...maybe imagining myself living your life on the beautiful West Coast!

I know I am forgetting ppl, but I promised myself to limit my online time to focus on other things. So I need to go. Hopefully I can pop in more often as my tiredness and schedule allows.

Love to all!



on 1/6/16 1:02 pm

My dear,

You sound like one busy stressed out lady.

Guess it is great to be working and busy again. Good for you.

As far as the weightloss, have you checked with your NUT to see how many carbs and calories you should be eating? Good luck with the weight loss and life in general.


Mary Gee
on 1/6/16 3:25 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good to "see" you Kathy.  Can I ask what your program calls for...mine is Calories:  Less than 600, Carbs:  Less than 40, Protein:  At least 65 grams, plus at least 65 oz. of liquids.  To me, 1,000 calories is a lot, for the losing stage.  But our programs do differ from surgeon to surgeon. Thankfully, the holidays are over so we can all get back to basics.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 1/7/16 9:04 am

Hi Arlene & Mary!

I was never given a specific plan...and I have not seen my NUT since before the surgery. I see her next week. She was always pretty lax anyhow...something I liked about her. She mainly encouraged good eating choices, protein at every meal, and to eat protein first. She also stressed eliminating any drinks with calories.

However, I have read on the boards the same or similar recommendations you have, Mary, and I just do not seem able to stay around 600-800 calories or under 40 grams of carbs. I feel real hunger and lightheaded with no diabetes or other medical issues I am aware of for that reaction. I was told to drink at least 48 ounces of water and usually come close or meet that goal and my protein usually hovers around 60 or above.

I plan to discuss all this with my NUT next Tuesday. I only (haha) have 50 pounds to go after all that pre-op work so this just shouldn't be that hard. And Cindi...I do take B12 and B complex vitamins in addition to my multi-vitamin...

Thanks  all for your input and concern.


on 1/6/16 4:58 pm - Danforth, ME



Try some B vitamins for extra energy.  Maybe you need to increase exercise to get that metabolism burning fat again.  I always focused on protein not calories.  I convinced myself that if I had 65-100 gms of protein a day I was fine.  Perhaps with the new job you could join the local Y for the winter and get into the pool for some water exercise.  Remember to focus time for yourself and I'm sure that you will settle into a better routine post the holidays.  You've had a lot on your plate with your brother passing, new job and holidays that can stall weight loss because of the stress.  Key to to focus on non-scale things like still dropping sizes, more flexibility, etc...  Hang in there.



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