Travel Thursday

on 12/10/15 2:46 pm - Bradenton, FL

Miss Vinnie wore me out! We went to he Children's museum today and played non stop! Then we came home and tried to take a nap after lunch! She won't take one for me! She want to go get coffee for her mama and take it to her mamas work! That girl has a one track mind!

I must of walked three miles today!!


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Connie D.
on 12/10/15 6:57 pm

Hello Carla....I love Children's Museums!!  There are always so many fun things to do! I am glad you and Vinnie had a great time!

Vinnie is learning all these coffee runs from you!! She is about at the age when my daughter's quit taking naps but started to go to bed earlier. That was good too!

Walking all those miles you will be skinny, skinny by the time you get home. Lucky you!! I so much wish I could walk and have fun!!

Have a good you...hugs....connie d

on 12/10/15 2:55 pm

Hello Everyone!

I have had a real crappy day...ugh!  Jim & Jasmyn have been late getting up all week which has created havoc with my work training. We have been tripping all over each other trying to get out the door on time. Plus, Jim's back pain has been waking him up several times a nite which then wakes me...I know I am being a ***** as he is hurting, but I need my sleep!

My job requires you to wear a badge plus carry keys. The badge doubles as a time card. So I am trying to carry this stuff in and out to clock in and out and lock and unlock every door I pass thru while carrying my purse and lunchbag. Due to the morning rush and making sure I had everything before I got out of car at work I locked my keys in my car!!! Thank God we have roadside assistance and they came quickly to unlock car.

We had our last day of trading which was how to defend ourselves against violenpatients, and it was all physical. We literally had to stand all morning practicing defensive moved. I had to sit it out in the afternoon as I could not physically keep up.

So feeling old went to the next level. I doubt anyone in the training envied me, Connie, but thank you for your kind words. They probably wondered how the hell I am going to manage teenagers!

The good thing was I went on a practice ride on my van with the temporarydriver, and IT was a piece of cake! I think I am going to like it.

I am not exhausted, but ready to call it a day at 6pm! LONG WEEK!

Connie, glad you didn't fall and chip your tooth...had me worried. Glad you can get it fixed, and that you have been able to get out ad well as put up some decorations.

Cindi are such a good daughter to your mom. That is ALOT of running around on her behalf. Safe travels.

Judy, hopefully the blood on your stool is from stress. I had it during my 1st marriage...colitis. And altho I didn't lose alot of ppl to death this year my daughter lost over a dozen and other ppl I know have said the same thing as you!

Vickie, I am sorry this season is so hard for you. You need to be selfish and do the things that will take you out of the depression... for 10 minutes or a day!

Mary, sounds like you had a productive day aside from the pain. Those are the kind of days I love and feel best.

Cindy P. ..the computer problems sound like a nightmare. It's bad enough on older ones, but brand new? Ugh! SO frustrating.

Yvonne, sounds like you have things under control!

Well, wanted to stop in so now time to eat and relax. I will probably be seeing my bed very soon!

Love & hugs to all!


Connie D.
on 12/10/15 7:08 pm

Hello Kathy....I am replying people really late this evening. I do a few posts and then rest then back to post some more. It takes me quite a while. Sorry!

I don't blame you for being upset about getting your sleep interrupted. We all need our sleep. It sounds like a crazy morning !! Sorry about the keys getting locked in the car. 

Honey you will handle teenagers just fine...I know you! Plus you did really good with the driving part of the training. I am proud of you Sunshine!

Have a good and restful sleep you deserve it!

Love you much...HUGS...connie d

on 12/10/15 3:34 pm - Cibolo, TX

Okay, my turn to ***** and vent.  Honestly, Christie can make me so mad!  Tonight is Benny's Christmas program at school.  Chris said she was going to pick the boys up early and feed them dinner before going up to the school at 5:30 (Programs starts at 6).  Good plan.  

BUT.  First she calls me during the day saying she has pink eye.  I say: go to the doctor.  Then she calls again and she's on her way to the store to buy yogurt for some homeopathic treatment she read about on the internet.  I say again: go to the doctor.  She says: I can't get an appointment until tomorrow.  I say: go to urgent care then.  She says no.

Then at 4:15, she calls, crying.  Do you have an eye patch?  Well, hell no.  That's not a normal thing to keep around the house, now is it?  She says her eye is so bad she can't drive.  Of course, she has not picked up the boys.  Of course she has not cooked their dinner.  I say, why did you wait so late to call me?  She got huffy, but I said I would be there as soon as I could.

So I have to get dressed, put on makeup, gather up dressings and gauze pads, etc.  I get over to her house and holy crap.  Her eye is completely swollen shut.  I scolded her for not going to the doctor.  She got mad.  I scolded her for waiting so late to call me.  She got furious.  

Anyway, it didn't take long for her to twist off, cuss me, and throw me out of her house!  

Well normally I would have tried to placate her, but you know what?  I'm sick of her ****!  So I left.  She immediately started texting crap to me, but I turned off my phone.  Mom and I are going to the Christmas program together, and I don't care if she speaks to me or not.  

I feel badly for Benny and Budder.  Chris owes them a decent childhood.  She owes them a clean house, a hot dinner, and a cheerful attitude.  I know damn good and well they didn't get any of that from her today.  She'll be *****y and irritable with them for the rest of the evening because she's mad at me.


But, then I think, she needs me more than I need her.  She should at least be decent TO ME.  I'm the one who always drops everything and rushes to help her.  And she CUSSES me???  

I already told her last week that I am not babysitting the boys this weekend, and I could tell she didn't really believe me.  I could tell she still planned to insist that I babysit on Saturday.  Well, maybe she'll be so mad at me that she won't talk to me for the rest of the week and she won't ask me again to babysit.  Ha!

Well, thanks for listening.  Christie always twists off around this time of year.  The holidays do something weird to bipolars.  I don't know what it is.  But without Butch here to run interference, it's liable to get bad this year.  I just do NOT feel like putting up with her.  I have my own grief and depression to deal with.  I do not want to deal with her crazies.

Love you all.



on 12/10/15 6:41 pm


I know what you mean and you, like me, can only take so much.  I hate the cussing out.  I hope the Christmas play was good and that she was in a better mood.  Keep your chin up; she knows she is wrong. 


Connie D.
on 12/10/15 7:19 pm

Hello again Vickie.....Chris has a horrible are right she needs to learn how to reel that in around the children. I am glad she kicked you out. She can't blame anyone but herself. She should have gone to the urgent care hours before you got there. She was probably sleeping. She needs to stop and think of all you have done and are doing for her. She would be in sad shape without you!! I would let her sit on that for awhile!!!

I hope the program was really fun for the kids and you and your mom too. Benny did great I am sure of that! 

I hope you can hold your ground and not babysit Saturday. It won't be easy but guess what that is her fault too. You gave her plenty of notice. 

Good luck...I don't want you dealing with her crazies either!!

Love you more...hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 12/10/15 6:51 pm - Perry, MI

Good Evening Everyone,

I've had a weird week, and I've started many times to post, and always have gotten interrupted, shut the laptop, and never gotten back to it.  

On Tuesday, I saw an associate of my surgeon, to get my stitches out, and go some bad news.  I can't leave for Pennsylvania this coming Tuesday, and might not be able to go at all.  Pray, please pray I am able to go.

I have a pressure wound almost the size of a half dollar coin.  Doc doesn't know how deep it is.  On Tuesday, the area around it was very red, and tender.  Doc put medicated gauze on it, wrapped it, and gave me antibiotics.  Went back today, and it's starting to heal, but I have to see my regular surgeon on Tuesday.  Might need wound care, and might not go home.  Colleen and the kids are going, so I wind up with no family for Christmas.  Pray hard.  Today the doc told me to turn on the tears for my Doc on Tuesday.  I am hopeful, but unsure.

Vickie, I've been reading the posts all week, and must agree with Eileen.  Please start therapy.  You are grieving, and need someone objective to talk to and guide you through this.  Plus, you have your Mom, which my sister, who is not grieving, is dealing with, and that has its own challenges.  Then, you have Christie, and all that goes with her.  I totally understand your concern about the boys right now.  All I can say where Christie is concerned, when you are able, do what you can to provide the boys with some sense of normalcy.  If there were some way to force her hand to get her into treatment for her bipolar disorder, that would be great.  But, right now, you need to take care of Vickie.  Please get help.  You deserve to feel better.  Therapy will help you tremendously.  We love you and want what is best for you, and your family.  

I better scoot.  I need to crochet.  If I do get to Pennsylvania, I need the baby blanket for my niece's little girl finished.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 12/10/15 7:32 pm

Hello Trish....I have been wondering where the heck you have been!! I am glad it wasn't anything bad. I was praying for you!!

Oh No...a pressure wound. That is bad news. Most of those kinds of wounds need wound care. They take forever to heal. They do go very deep. I am saying g prayers for your healing now. I hope it works out so you can go home for Christmas.

Have a good you ...hugs....connie d

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