It's Thursday! Wake Up

Connie D.
on 9/24/15 3:22 pm

Cindy....he went in to ER last night...he was having trouble breathing. He is home now. I have been waiting for another update from Kathy!!!

I love you too....and I am hoping for a restful evening too. I so want to sleep in tomorrow!!!!

More love and hugs....connie d

Cindy P.
on 9/24/15 2:36 pm

Oh, Carla, I hope your car repair is relatively simple and not exorbitantly expensive.  It is so frustrating to go to start a car and have it not start.  We're having an oil change next week and I'm having them test the battery.  Everything on a car is battery powered these days -- like engine starts, windows, door locks, etc. 

Sounds like you're enjoying Vinnie's birthday preparations.  Hope she has a really fun celebration.


Cindy P.

on 9/24/15 3:47 pm - Bradenton, FL

Ok folks it only cost me 106.00!today! That's on top of the 147.00 I spent on the battery yesterday. It was the radio draining power from the battery. The radio wouldn't turn off when the car was off!! So We had then disconnect the radio. We will replace the radio when we get back to Florida. I have music on the iPad and my phone!!!

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Cindy P.
on 9/24/15 4:13 pm

Glad they got to the bottom of the dead battery issue, Carla.  Sorry you had to spend over $250 to fix it though. 


Cindy P.


Eileen Briesch
on 9/24/15 8:07 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry I've been missing lately. Since my fall, it's been hard to type without my left pinkie. I don't know where to put my fingers on the keyboard. 

The past two days, I've been at the old apartment finishing moving. All that's left is to clean it up. But the city water department disregarded my instructions to turn off the water Sept. 30. (This apartment owner doesn't put it back in his name as most complexes do; it gets turned off and the new tenants must get it turned back on before they can move on. Cheap ******* one of the many reasons I moved out of there.) So now I either must get the city to turn it back on or truck water in there. The carpet cleaners bring their own supplier, that's not the problem. But my cleaning lady needs water to clean the floors and the fridge etc. 

Car problems, Carla, they're not fun. I had one car when I was in Montana that went through three alternators in four years (it was a Ford Escort ... Ford stands for Fix Or Repair Daily ... or Found On the Road Dead). 

Vickie, so glad Carrie felt the baby move. How exciting to feel new life kicking! One child born and the world to carry on, as the song goes.

After we finished up at the apartment Wednesday, I took my brother Gary out for his birthday dinner. We went to the Gersthaus, a German restaurant in Evansville. It was very good but expensive! We both had Jager Schnitzel (wiener schnitzel with a sauce with wine and mushrooms ... very good). I hadn't eaten anything but a protein bar all day so I ate it all. Then we split a piece of German chocolate cake ... Gary had most of it. He had a glass of German riesling wine and I had German beer. It was a wonderful meal in a charming restaurant. 

Oh, my therapist is leaving her practice. She's going to another, but it will be two months before I can see her there because of paperwork, etc. I'm crushed. I really connected with her. She gave me names of other therapists. I'm now losing a chiropractor and a therapist. 

Went to the Y this morning with the splint on my finger ... came out with a wet spongy splint. But it felt good to be back in the pool. 

So glad to see you all. ... don't remember what everyone said, sorry. I'm waiting on a story so I thought I'd check in.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Cindy P.
on 9/25/15 3:55 am

Eileen, it's so good to see you back on OFF.  I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing after your fall.  Your dinner sounds delicious.  I'm sorry you're losing your therapist.  It's difficult to transition to someone new but at least you have names of new therapists that your old therapist recommends.  That's worth a lot.

Can't believe the water was turned off at your old place.  Hopefully, you can get it back on without too much of a hassle so your cleaning lady can finish up there.

Take care, Eileen. 


Cindy P.

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