It's Thursday! Wake Up

on 9/24/15 5:55 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi There,

My car is dead and was jump twice. It's at Firestone. We had to buy a new battery. All was well. Yestermirning it was stone cold dead again. I called Geico road service to come jump it and to Firestone again it sits!!! It isn't the Altinator! I hope it's just a bad battery they sold us! 

We r gearing up for Vinnies Birthday! She us so excited! That little girl wants everything she sees!!

Hope everyone is doing well! 

I need coffee!


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Patricia R.
on 9/24/15 7:14 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Carla and OFF,

Carla, I hope your car is able to be fixed without too much hassle and money.  Travel can get dicey when the car decides to not cooperate.  Vinnie, sounds so much like Lincoln when I moved here.  We'd watch a cartoon on TV and absolutely every commercial that had a toy would spark a request for that toy.   I'd tell him to ask Santa, and tell Mommy to put that on his Christmas list.

I am heading to the therapy session I missed yesterday.  I'm mortified I missed it.  I worked as a therapist that would have clients who would not show up, or call to reschedule their appointments, and hence not get paid.  

I have so much to do in this house, I am truly overwhelmed.  But, I will tackle parts before and after my appointment.

I colored my hair yesterday.  Not the shade I wanted, but I had a box of Revlon I found in my closet.  Could not find the Nice and Easy I usually use.  So, I'm more auburn than l had wanted at this time, but I am not upset.  I had used this shade in the past.  I refuse to let my grey stay for now.  if and when I let it go grey, I don't know right now.  Like Scarlett O'Hara, I'll worry about that tomorrow.  

I had rearranged my living room, and need to make some changes and fini****  I wasn't originally finished or happy with the changes.  The hardest part was moving the desk from the spare bedroom, and the sofa.  I need to move the desk again, and a chair, and one table, and totally relocate a cedar chest, and bring in my second favorite piece of furniture, my coffee table.  I'll do a little today.

My mouth doesn't bother me, except when I accidentally try to eat something not soft enough.  I made some burgers on the grill, but accidentally overcooked the outside, yesterday.  Kind of a challenge.  I am craving meat.  I'll try something else, less hard, tonight.

I have to get moving.

Love and Hugs,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 9/24/15 9:03 am

Hello Trish....I hope your session went well. I see my new therapist  next Thursday. 

Please don't be overwhelmed about your house. Remember one room at a time and one section at a time. If you look at the whole scope of things sometimes it can be very overwhelming. Do the best you can. 

Anything on the grill is wonderful!! I am sorry the burgers didn't work so well for you! You can grill salmon. That would be easier to eat. 

So you are rearranging your living room.What is unique about your coffee table? Rearranging can be so much fun and refreshening when it is done!! I always was rearranging my furniture until a couple years ago. I even switched rooms sometimes!! I miss that time! I am so grateful my Carrie, Amanda, and Tyler did it for me!! I love the way it is now!!!! My daughter, Jamie loves to rearrange and switch up things too. She takes after me on that!!

Have a wonderful and happy day!!!

Love you....Hugs....connie d


Cindy P.
on 9/24/15 2:41 pm

Trish, I'm so glad you're not suffering with your tooth extractions.  Maybe you could eat a ground meat dish -- like lasagna or something like that.  I always crave something if and when I can't have it.  Ha! 

Take care moving your LR furniture around. 

My mom used to love to move furniture.  My hubby can't see the sense in doing that.  He's one of those people who thinks you should map out the furniture layout to see where it fits best in a room, arrange it that way, and then leave it there forever. 


Cindy P.

on 9/24/15 3:44 pm - Danforth, ME

Cindy P-  Have to smile when you describe your Mom and your Hubby's approach to furniture.  When ever my Dad got orders my Mom would get the room measurements of new house if possible and lay it out on graph paper.  She would pre-fit the furniture to the rooms.  But once we were in the house, there we days of weak minds, strong backs and beer as the furniture was re-arranged.  


I haven't used graph paper but mentally I have planned where each piece of furniture is going.  Each box I've packed has a label for which room it goes into when it gets to Texas.  I'm sure it will be rearranged but I've got to recruit the weak minds and strong backs!


Cindi B.


Cindy P.
on 9/24/15 3:52 pm

Cindi B., Oh, yes, graph paper and little cutouts.  Hubby lays everything out on the computer now but in the old days, he did graph paper. 

It's good to have a plan in mind.  You'll be glad you put some forethought into the whole thing.  So will your helpers.


Cindy P.

on 9/24/15 7:41 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Trish and all my sistas,

Carla, I'm so sorry for the car troubles!  I hope they get it fixed today.  You and Vinnie have things to do!!!  

Trish, have you tried cooking some meat in your crock pot?  Some cuts of beef and pork will just literally fall apart after cooking them all day in the crock pot.  They might be soft enough for you to eat.  

Okay, sistas, WHAT THE HELL?  I'm getting these damn messages again from "deactivated" members.  Today's message is from "cynthiajj" and reads:

"Hello my dear, I will like to be your friend if you don't mind you can contact me through my email address at ([email protected]) for more details and to give you my pictures."  

Yes, I reported it as spam, but I guess I'm really going to have to change all my passwords and user name and such.  I thought we were fairly secure here, but obviously not.  You'll know me when you see my new persona from my signature sign off, right?  

My shoulder is aching again today.  It's been awhile since I had a flair up, but I'm not surprised.  I do a lot of reaching and stretching when I sew big amounts of fabric.  I hope to finish up my second valance today.  I'm more than halfway through, so hopefully I'll get it made and hung today.  That beaded fringe is so pretty (!), but it's hell to work with!  And it adds so much weight to the curtain.  Makes maneuvering the fabric a challenge.  

However, I think I will have just enough of the beads left to make a small relaxed style Roman shade for the little window in my utility room!  I should have some leftover fabric, too.  And I'm hoping I have enough leftover fabric to make some new throw pillows for my couch in the living room.  I may have to get creative with them and make them unique sizes.  I can stuff them using polyfil, rather than pillow forms.

Oh, and guess what???  Carrie felt the baby move!!!  She says she now knows she's been feeling Pita move for a couple of weeks, but didn't realize what it was.  It's really getting real for her now.  There's a BABY in there!  LOL!

Oh, and I saw on FB that Kathy had to take Jim to the ER.  Praying that all is well for them.  Kathy, I know what it is like to deal with a stubborn man.  I will pray that Jim can stop smoking.  Smoking kills.  Period.  Cigarettes are the scourge of man.  I hate them.

My week has been so busy so far that I haven't had time to do a lick of research for that grant project.  I will have to squeeze that in before next Monday's meeting!

Well, I'm off to do my sewing.  Love you all!



Connie D.
on 9/24/15 9:27 am

Hello sweet Vickie..I am so excited that Carrie finally realized what that fluttering was....I am sure she was over the top with excitement!!!!

I am sorry your shoulder is causing you pain today. You are right, it probably is from making and hanging your new drapes and things. Soon they will be completed. I really, really, love the beading on your kitchen curtains. That really finishes them off so nicely! Great job!!!

I am sure somewhere along the line you will get your research caught up. You have a lot going one at once lately. I pray that settles down soon.

Sorry about your hacker or whatever it is. I agree at least change your password again. I wish OH had better screening.

I think some of it is people we don't know. Some have no information on their site and no picture. They could be an issue.  Many are friended and never seen again. They just want into the system. Like I said I am cautious these days. I do a little research before I friend. 

Have a good rest of the day!! Enjoy your sewing!! I love you!!!

Loads of love and many hugs too....connie d



Cindy P.
on 9/24/15 2:49 pm

Vickie, how exciting for Carrie to feel movement!  I think we are all more than anticipating finding out the sex of the baby.  Can't wait myself. 

Hope you've had a relaxing day sewing.


Cindy P.

on 9/24/15 8:03 am - Danforth, ME

Good morning Carla and OFF-


Carla hope they get the car fixed.  Doesn't help things to have car trouble while traveling.  Hope it's a simple problem like a bad replacement battery.


Kids are so funny around their birthday's and Christmas.  They want everything.  Add a Grandmother into the picture and they want everything!


Trish glad you are pain free except for the tough chewing stuff.  I agree with Vickie put some meat in the crock pot and let it sit all day cooking.  Isn't it always the case that when we're on soft diets we crave the tough stuff.


Vickie - I too got the phantom emails from that person.  I'm just deleting them and not worrying about it.  I don't ever open messages with attachments that come from people I don't know.  


Well the valance my father made me many years ago does not fit in the short wardrobe box so I guess it will go in the roof carrier of the car to get to Texas.  Silly to ship it as I can easily recreate it in Texas but my Dad made it and it's the right size for the new bedroom window.  I just have to recover it with the fabric that matches my quilt/duvet cover.


Today I pack the Tupperware.  I'm only packing it if I have a lid for it and a use for it.  I washed down all the furniture in the little cabin and gave it a good coat of polish.  I also felted a backpack I knitted last fall to make a new purse for myself.  I won't have time to line it and fini**** before leaving but may be able to fini**** while visiting my Mom.  It felted up beautifully just needs to be shaved as it's fuzzy.  Now I have room in the knitting bag to pack the odds and ends strewn about the living room.  It's becoming a reality ladies, I'm moving.


Tomorrow to distract myself I think I will go to the Common Ground Fair.  I love this fair and it's great for people watching.  Hippies young and old, boomers, and tourists attend.  They have parades through the fair grounds of children dressed up as fruits, vegetables and insects.  It's just a fun fair with loads of craft people.  


Well off to the dump with another load, then lunch with a friend.

Thoughts and hugs to all of you.  Kathy give Jim a piece of your mind!


Cindi B.

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