Thursday reckoning
Hello Cindy....sorry I didn't get here again yesterday to answer this post.
I wish we had a grandchildren always call when they plan on coming up to see what I need. They are so good to me!
Sleep...elusive sleep!! I am so tired of insomnia. I have one good night and then back for more not sleeping! I remembered my doctor switched one of my meds. I think that is the culprit!! I went back to 1/2 at noon and 1/2 at about 6:00 PM. I pray it works! I better send her a message when I finish here. I like to keep her informed. How is your sleep???
That flu shot just doesn't like me. I got sick again last night, and this morning I had a whopping headache. Both are tapering off again and I hope they stay gone!!
Lots of love...hugs....connie d