Happy Hump Day!
Hey there sisters
typing from my phone so this won't be a long update, but I thought I could kick off the Wednesday thread! I'm doing well, tired and traveling all week as usual. Staying on track with eating and all though I overslept and missEd my planned exercise this morning! We'll no excuses, I will have to work it in there somewhere. I am going to have to work it in sonehow!
I have been working since 7am and have meetings scheduled straight through until 11pm. Today I envy those of you who are retired!! But I know I'm lucky to have solid employment in this eco NJ omy so, I will take it!
Well I hope to return sometime mud afternoon for a b we tter visit. Until then just know you're all in my thoughts and prayers.
137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Good Morning Christine and OFF,
Christine, it's so good to see you start the thread. I may be retired, but I will be looking for part time work, coz I sure could use the money, and need the structure.
I've spent the last hour trying to get my laptop to stop freezing up, and making phone calls. Last night, I was talking to a friend I met in rehab, after my last alcohol relapse. She's at the worst right now with the drinking. Please pray for Heather. She's Sean's age, has lost custody of her daughter, and was evicted from her apartment. She is back home, so I made some calls. There's red tape, getting her help, but I am determined to try. She and I were roommates in rehab, and she's called me Mama Trish since then.
Today I have a ton of cleaning, and since I didn't cut the grass since I got home, I have to start that. Today I will do the front. Tomorrow, the back. At least I'll get some exercise. I also have to weed my flower garden. It have tiny maple trees growing in it.
I fixed Franklin's sea shells, but now can't remember where I put it. I'm panicking, coz I don't want it to break again. Poor guy was heart broken.
Vickie, you keep busy, coz that's your best coping mechanism.
Connie, I hope you are having a better day today.
Jeannie, I am glad you are back from your trip. Hope you can catch up with life before your next trip.
Judy, I'm praying for your sister. I hope they can get the infection under control. I hope she's okay.
I'm praying for everyone. I know I have missed folks.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer
Hello Trish...Sorry about your laptop freezing up. Seems like a lot of us are having or had issues with our computers. I hope you get it working the way you want it to soon. Nothing is more frustrating then wasting time on our computers trying to fix them!!
I will be praying for Heather. That poor lady. I hope she can get her life all straightened out soon. With Mama Trish helping her she has a good chance of that happening.
You have a busy day as usual...cleaning and mowing the lawn. Don't overdo...take it slow!! I hope you find Franklin's seashells/butterfly. He would be sad if it was lost or broken. I am not sure how well that will stay glued. Time will tell.
You have a good day!!
Much love and many hugs...connie d
Trish, I'll swing chickens for Heather ... having gone through financial difficulties, with an eviction notice, shutoff of electric, etc., I can understand somewhat of what she's going through. I didn't have the drinking issues, but I don't often manage my money well. That's why I'm in the quandary I'm in now with trying to rent a new place. I hope you can get her some help.
Good morning Christine and everyone....
.....can you tell I am happy to see you!!!
You have been working so hard and such long days. Is it always going to be like that? I think right now you probably needed more sleep and missing the exercise will be excused. You are doing great with eating!!
We will look forward too seeing you again soon. We miss you!!
Have a good rest of the week!!
Love and oodles of hugs to you....connie d
Good morning everyone....
I am doing okay today. My pain is as good as it gets. I slept kind of restless last night. I had crazy dreams. Some of them scared me enough to wake me up. I think I was just way overtired from the busy day I had. Well busy for me that is.
Today my cleaning fairy comes. She does such a great job and is a real sweetie. I hope she stays for a long time. You never know, they can get better hours and more pay with another agency and then they will be gone! She will get my bedding changed, clean all the rooms and do laundry and any other thing I might come up with. I have been having her help me go through the apartment getting rid of things I don't want. I really am trying to keep working at that. We will finish going through the kitchen cabinets for sure. I mean how many casserole dishes and baking pans do I need!! I still need to figure out what to do with all this crystal I have!! I am not putting that in the donation totes!
I need to get myself busy and go out for my walk earlier today. Usually I don't go until after my cleaning fairy leaves and that is 4:00 PM. I hit that 3:00 to 4:00 time and my body is done!! I have walked at that time but I don't enjoy it!!
Well enough babbling for me. I will be checking in throughout the day. Try to stay out of trouble ladies!!!
I am trying to do at least one act of kindness a day. How about you? It doesn't need to be a big thing. Think about it.
Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.
Special prayers for Judy and her sister Bonnie. Prayers for our Vickie as she tries to get through these difficult days. There are others that have asked for prayers and they are included.
Wishing you all a peaceful day!! God Bless you all.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Hello sistas!
I missed the good morning mark by about 5 minutes. Today I have been working outside in my yard. I'm hot and sweaty and ready for a bath. But I love working outside and it was fairly cool this morning. For Texas that is. LOL!
Anyway, I have no plans for this afternoon but listening to my audio book (I just started that new Harper Lee novel and Reese Witherspoon is the narrator. So good!), and I want to continue with my crochet. It makes me so happy to be crocheting a new baby blanket for little Pita Piper! Baby crochet is always so much fun.
I'm so excited about my new grandbaby. I'm planning a trip up to Waco next week. And then I'll go back again for Carrie's next pre-natal visit. We are hoping to hear the heartbeat at that one. I asked Carrie if she wanted to take childbirth classes and she said yes. I told her I would love to be her "partner" and she said that's what she wants too. I had to LOL! I really can't imagine Carrie going through natural childbirth. I told her I was an expert at it since I did it twice with no drugs. I think she gulped a little bit at the thought of no drugs! Carrie is a lot of smart and savvy things, but good at handling pain she is not.
Anyway, she's convinced we're having a girl. I hope so! I mean, I just really NEED a little girl to sew for! LOL!
Chris asked if I would go on a picnic with her and the boys this weekend. We're going to take them back to Landa park and that big natural swimming pool. I just love that place.
So, I'm trying to eat better this week (cokes and chocolate birthday cake notwithstanding, of course!). I made my favorite roasted veggie and wheat berry salad last night. I just love that stuff and it makes a big bowlful, so I can eat on it all week. This morning I had my coffee drink--not my beloved ProJoe, because I just really can't justify the expense of that one any longer--and then a baby Coke while I was outside. But I just had a bowl of cereal and yogurt for my noon meal. Greek yogurt and high fiber cereal. This afternoon I'll snack on cheese and triscuits with fresh slices of cantaloupe and watermelon. Then tonight I'll have that wheat berry salad again.
I really need to get started on some of the thank you notes for the funeral. Maybe I can force myself to work on those for an hour this afternoon.
Well, loves, I need a bath. I'm stinky! But my yard is pretty. LOL!
Love you all!
Hello Vickie....I am sure your yard is really pretty!! You have such a green thumb!
I hope you did get outside to listen to your audio book. That would be very relaxing. I hope you find out for sure if Carrie is having a girl or boy. Then you can really have fun making baby things!! I too am hoping for a granddaughter as you already have two grandsons. But a boy would be just as nice!!!
I hope you took a very leisurely bath too!!!!
Your menus sound so good...I am happy for you!! I tried harder today and failed with eating. I know why it is happening I just need to work through it again.
If you haven't been notified of the donation I made for Butch by Monday please let me know and I will contact them. Thanks!!
I love you sweetheart....and I am glad you are back here with us as you can be!!
Lots of prayers...much love...and oodles of hugs....connie d
Good evening Christine and OFF-
Christine reading your post reminds me of myself before I retired. Now I would not be able to sustain that pace. You go girl. Sometimes a good substitute for missed exercise is just climbing stairs or parking a long distance from the door. It still helps.
Trish - I will swing some chickens for Heather and keep her in my thoughts. Addiction is an incidious disease and it's good that she has Mama Trish on her side. As for the computer freezing, could be that your computer is downloading updates. Since I'm using a hotspot while in Maine I've disabled my automatic updates as I took a big data hit when I first arrived.
Connie - I wish I had a cleaning fairy. Someday, someday I'll be able to afford it. Admire you for trying to keep mobile dispite pain. I'd be curled up screaming. I had difficulty getting settled last night maybe it's the approaching "blue moon".
Vickie- brave to be working outside in Texas during the summer. My broker in Houston says most Texans hibernate during the summer just the opposite of Mainers in the winter. Happy to read that you're taking charge of eating healthfully again. I can relate to the hospital food and junk food. When I worked on the book project I consumed a lot of junk food. Day by day my friend. You're in my thoughts all the time. I have another name suggestion for the grandchild. Pita Penelope Poe.
I think it's amazing how supportive you are as a mother to your daughters. I don't have that relationship with my mother and I admire anyone who is close to their daughters. I hope it's a girl too.
Well today I finished the acursed tool shed. It is sorted, purged, packed and cleaned out. It's done and I'm feeling it tonight! I'm tired but also relieved that this project is over. Next is the screen repair on the porch and cleaning out the gee gaws that I have stored on the porch.
Talked with my mother. She has a black eye and bruised face. Also a bruise on her thigh, otherwise all is okay. I'm relieved about that. She went to a foot specialist today who gave her a special ankle support to wear on the foot giving her pain. Due to her flat feet and former bad knees her ankles turn in very badly. I did suggest that she take the long way to the common building as it doesn't have any curbs to step up onto. We'll see. Just relieved that she didn't break a hip.
Well that's all from Maine today. We had a beautiful sunny day and no humidity despite rain being forecast. I'll take it. Keeping all of you in my thoughts.
Cindi B.