Happy Thursday
Hello my OFF family:
I got up for some reason at 7 a.m., tried to go back to sleep but finally got out of bed at 7:45 a.m. (alarm was set for 8 a.m.). But I am so sleepy, have a bit of a headache and a cough, I think I'm skipping the Y this morning. I've already taken a 20-minute nap in my recliner; don't know where the cough is coming from. I slept well enough last night; woke up with Juliette snuggling next to me. Nice feeling to have her little body next to me and purring softly. She doesn't do that often.
Strange thing happened last night. I was sitting in the living room watching baseball when someone put a key in the door and tried to get in. They turned the key and it didn't work, so I think it was a case of someone forgot what apartment they were supposed to go to. Still, it freaked me out. I wanted to look outside to see who it was and yet I didn't. I know youknowwho said someone stole his keys at one point, but I always thought that was a lie he concocted to cover up his theft of my vicodin. Anyway, nothing happened for the rest of the night, so I have to think someone went to the wrong door.
Back to work tonight. I'm just dragging even though I had two days off. I should go to the Y but I'm so tired right now. I need another nap. I don't know why I'm so tired. Plus this cough. I have to think it's allergy related.
Anyway, enough of my whining. Talk on ... I think I'll make another cup of coffee.
Good Afternoon Eileen & my OFF Family!
I am more motivated than yesterday having had a bad sinus headache & was suffering from lack of sleep the night before. Getting laundry done, Jazz organized & a few other things taken care of. Hope to get in the pool later - I dragged around until after dinner last nite & then had bright idea of walking instead of swimming. easily did 25 minutes, but boy did I feel it in my legs & back!
Eileen, that would scare me hearing someone put their key in my door! Geez! Hopefully it was just a mix-up. Am glad your brother will be coming soon! The house on FB looked cute. We have a 1300 sf house after a 2000 sf...I am glad most times for the smaller space & smaller yard. Hope you begin to feel better, but at least hearing about your fatigue makes me feel less guilty about the days I want to go back to bed.
Vickie, I LOVE to play in the dirt & plant everything from bushes to flowers to shrubs. I kinda like having the best lawn/curb appeal on the block, but have a long way to go before that is accomplished here. But it takes time, & I enjoy the process. I also envy you going thru the pregnancy w/your daughter. I had always hoped for more grandchildren, but I don't know that this is going to happen. My middle daughter does not want children & my youngest hardly dates. Jazz's mom cannot have anymore. I think enjoying a daughter's pregnancy & birth is such a special time in your relationship. It already sounds like you are enjoying it!
Trish, I hope your friend finds her way back to recovery. We know each time we relapse recovery can become more elusive. It sounds like she has experienced a lot of loss. Guilt & pain will take you out if you don't deal w/them. I always advocated for a 12-step program, good sponsor AND counseling! Bless you for being such a good friend to her!
Cindi, you seem to be rolling along w/the packing. Do you have a date you need to move or are you playing it by ear? I HATE moving & all it entails. I have stayed in most of the places I lived for 20 yrs on average. I guess I also get too comfortable. I am a native Delawarean & am likely to stay here. Oh, and thanks for posting those recipes on FB. I loved Vickie's canning recipes, but I do not have the skill or patience for canning. Quick & easy is more my style!
Judy, you really must have pissed Mother Nature off considering wherever you are or wherever you are going the weather always seems to be a mess...lol! I am really hoping you have beautiful weather for your son's wedding & Rick's fishing trip! You deserve it!
Connie, your cleaning fairy reporting you looked gray does not sit well with me. And then the pain. I am glad your family will visiting this wkend. I pray you begin to feel better...or at least as well as can be expected. O, & yes, my Verizon bill is ridiculous! It is almost as high as my mortgage. I am really looking at alternatives. I feel like I am being robbed. The only thing that ties me is the early termination fees. We have a bundle for our cell phones, TV, internet & I forget the 4th thing, but they all had different start dates on 2 yr contracts. I just really hate these companies that have almost monopolies on services you need. The cost of living just seems so out of control anymore. You are blessed your daughter takes care of that for you!
Christine, you are really busting your butt at work & then you perform in addition to that? Geez! Like Cindi said I no longer have the energy for that despite feeling so much better the past several months. But then again, I think you are the baby of the group...lol! See you are a few pounds from onderland...congratulations!
I know I am missing a few ladies...Francine & Karen...don't seem to be posting as much, and Mary, either. But that may be her computer. Hope to hear from them soon!
Well, time to change a load! Plus making barbequed chicken wrapped in bacon in crock pot...yum...lots of protein....& sodium & fat!
Hello Kathy....I am sorry you had such a bad day yesterday with a sinus headache and not enough good sleep. I hope today is a much better day. Good for you walking...the pool is easier on your body to walk in...you did good at 25 minutes. I would wait to walk when it gets cooler outside! Sorry about your back and legs hurting.
Kathy...your daughter maybe could change her mind about wanting a baby and your other one may find just the right person. I wouldn't give up yet on another grandchild.
I always have my skin turn pasty or gray when my pain reach's the..... I can't stand this anymore stage!!! No need to worry. My doctors are aware of it. I get to the point that I can't take deep breathes and that is when it happens.
I agree with you about those phone and cable companies and places like that. They have us paying out left and right!! Bundling really isn't as great as they say it is!! Sorry you have such a huge bill!!
Have a good evening....much love and many hugs...connie d
I hope your day goes well. My brother had surgery yesterday so I spent the afternoon and evening sitting with him and his wife. When I finally came home, I was so hungry that I made some Asian chicken, mashed potatoes, fried squash, and a little bit of gravy...not one bit healthy but it sure was good.
After work, I have an appointment with my hearing aide doctor and he is going to see how things are going. After the appointment, I am going to use the leftover chicken from last night and make some stir fry...probably not the most healthy but there will not be potatoes involved.
Eileen (had to change it because I put Judy), I have been feeling a little tired too and probably could take a nap if I weren't at work. And, if anyone put their key in my door, I'd freak out. I cannot wait until your brother gets there....
I posted on Vic's jam/jelly post yesterday and think it would be fun if we had a weekly recipe post...in addition to our daily posts. Wouldn't that be fun. The person who starts it can theme it.....Breads or Mexican or Asian or Chicken dishes or desserts or only healthy....you know, wouldn't that be fun.
Hello Jeannie....I am glad your brother's surgery went well. I hope he is well enough to go home soon.
I hope all went well with your hearing aide doctor. Any changes?
Your late dinner last night sounds great!! What is Asian chicken? I love meals like that!!! Stir fry is another thing I love to make!!
I can't wait until Eileen's brother, Gary gets there!! That key thing would have had me up all night!
We did have a recipe thread at one time. I think it was Eileen who posted a reply about that. It was fun, but soon people gave up on it and there were only about three of us left....Eileen, me and Brenda...if I remember right. We stopped doing it then. Brenda was going to make a cookbook for us. That never was finished, no offense to Brenda. It was hardly worth making one as there weren't that many recipes. When we did it ...we had breads one week...desserts another...chicken another and so on. Like you said whoever started the thread could pick the topic. Maybe you were the one that started it last time...were you? I would love to see that starting up again!!
Have a good night...I took a two hour nap again today. My body just wouldn't stay awake!
Love you much...HUGS....connie d
Francine, hope your brother is doing okay. I hate hospitals...whether a patient or visitor. They cause me major anxiety!
I guess we are all getting older, hence the need for more rest. I have always loved my bed, but I do not want to need it! Sleep, reading & recreational activities only!
I would love to do a recipe exchange! I am not a great cook by any means, and like you Eileen prefer the crockpot. Today I just baked a couple boneless, skinless chicken breast for 20 minutes in the oven at 350 since I got a late start. Otherwise, I would have just seasoned them w/pepper, paprika, sage, rosemary & chicken seasoning & thown them in the crockpot w/2 slices of chicken toothpicked around them. I water down my barbeque sauce due to the sodium (I have high blood pressure), and usually pour about 1/3 water mixed w/2/3 sauce over them. I usually cook them on medium high for 6 hours or a little longer based on tenderness. When I am bad I put them over brown rice!
Nothing fancy, but tender & tasty...