Better Friday for all! (I hope!)
Hi Connie. The Toddler bathroom has a grown up toilet and the little kids are afraid to sit on it. Also we have books but the kids couldn't get them. I've wanted to set up a reading area for them.
Albert Schweitzer

Re Richard -- I guess things are different from state to state. Personally, I have gone through the experience of getting someone committed against their will. I had to go to the Courthouse to file a petition -- they had the person brought to court and brought in a psych to do an evaluation -- person ended up being committed for 30 days. And, I'm really shocked about the machete..... is it legal to carry such a weapon around? Here in MA there's a limitation on the size of pocket knives for goodness sake!!
Personally, I would not respond to any attempts at contact -- don't respond to computer inqiries, and have the post office keep his mail. Have police contact Richard affirming he is not to contact you, and he must contact them to pick up possessions. Every response from you just keeps him coming back for more contacts. NO contact = NO contact, not even rebuffing him on FB or dropping his mail off......
Eileen, I don't mean to sound self-righteous or critical -- it's just that I worry about you, and i'm so concerned. I hear you when you say you're done.....but even little responses of any kind keeps the candle burning for Richard.
Vickie -- take care of yourself dear. You are at a stage where YOU MUST get help taking care of Butch, and you must get relief for yourself. You know you can get someone to come in to give you a break so you can take some "time off". You are going to get sick -- and then you won't be able to help Butch.
Connie - sorry you are in so much pain -- take your meds when you need them - don't suffer more than you have to.
I saw my PCP yesterday -- have to see him every other month because of the methadone I take. He lets me just come in to pick up my prescription one month, then the next month I have to see him in order to get the next script. What a nuisance -- we "elders" should be able to get scripts for more than one month at a time. We're not selling our meds to buy dope..... sheesh.
I'm sitting here, it's 8:30. I asked Jim if he took his meds today. No, he'll take them now. And he'll take what he wants, not as the doctors prescribe. Yesterday, no meds. And he wonders why his stomach is like a hard boulder... Oh well, that's his choice; I'm not chasing him.
I slept a lot today -- dozing in the chair. Sometimes I'm awakened when I spill a cup of tea or coffee that I made for myself, and am drinking as I sit and watch thing you know, I'm soaking wet. (At least it's not salsa sauce Ellen!! LOL - I can just picture it) Why are we all so tired, and why are we not sleeping?? The weather??
Take care ladies -- prayers and good wishes for all!
Hello Mary....I am taking as much of my meds as I can...all of them. These flare ups are just awful. I should just sleep through them!! I don't because I physically couldn't sleep that much. I see my doctor on the 7th. More changes need to be made. Maybe even a different pain medication. Maybe tomorrow I will send a message to Dr F or her nurse. If they are around they check messages throughout the day. They will reply.
As far as the drug (narcotic) I am taking...I have to speak with my doctor every time I need a monthly. I don't have to go in. Thank goodness. How long have you been on methadone??
The problem is yes there are elderly people misusing these drugs. If not for themselves, then for some other family member.
I do have a very good friend. We dated a several years ago and just remained buddies. A guy he knows, that we begged him to stay away from, gave him some methadone.This man didn't have a prescription. My friend didn't know it was in whatever they put it in. He almost died. As of today he has hardly any memory of anything. He had to learn to walk and everything else all over again. He can't even remember friends. He was always the funniest guy to be around. Everyone just loved him. He could tell jokes forever! Recently he told me he wishes he would have died. He is absolutely not even close to who he was. He can't even smile anymore. When I see him I always cry.
You just need to ignore Jim. If he doesn't do what the doctor tell him, you sure aren't responsible. If he wants to die so be it.
YOU be good to YOU!! Do something nice tomorrow just for you!
I agree, everyone I talk to is so tired. We all think it is the weather too. I hope it lifts soon.
Have a good peaceful and quiet night. I am praying I can sleep soon.
More love and many hugs to you...connie d