Better Friday for all! (I hope!)
Hello Kathy...after reading Eileen's addition to her post I am so upset and scared for her...OMG!!! I can't think straight!
I am glad you are sleeping better and have more energy!! I would need a nap after all you gave done too!!!! UGH windows!!! I wouldn't have the patience at all!!
Enjoy your weekend!! It is partly sunny here today. It is 57 degrees with a forecast of a high of 66. It keeps dropping. It was forecast yesterday to be in the 70s today. They already changed the forecast for the next two days...great...rain and storms...I really don't need that!! I was looking forward to the three days of sunshine and upper 70s for temps. DANG!!!!
I need to get dressed and doing something. I will go walk while I can. Walking helps me relieve stress!
Much love and oodles of hugs.....connied
Good morning Vickie and everyone...
Vickie....I agree go get you're groceries but then come home and take it easy. Take a walk or do something for you. I think the banking with you mom can wait another wee****il you feel better and stronger. I don't want you relapsing.
I love you and want nothing but the best for you and your family!!
I am glad Butch was feeling better yesterday. I hope he can manage that until next week.
I am confused...I thought the doctor decided the Chemo is doing more harm then good for Butch. So why is he going to be getting more?? Still praying for both of you!!
As for me....The last 4 days have been a nightmare. Today finally I am feeling a little better. Pain is about a 6 and is so much better then it was. I slept about 3 to 4 hours yesterday afternoon. I went to bed at 11:00 last night. I slept until noon today!! I am embarrassed to admit that, but wow did I need it! Carrie called me last night to check in on me. I told her I felt like I had gone through a car crusher!!!
Nothing else going on with me today. I need to go to the bank if I can find someone here to take me. Otherwise I can make a few calls and find someone for later. No big deal.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!!
I wish Judy would get back here where she hear me girlfriend??? We need you!!! I hope nothing is wrong.
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.
Much love and bushels of hugs to all....connie d
Connie, glad you are felling a little better, but I know the rain is bad for those with allergy and joint problems. Take advantage of the better weather for now.
I was also confused about Vickie mentioning Butch's next chemo. I thought either they were going to stop or find another type treatment...even another type chemo or more time between treatments so he'd have more recovery time.
I just read Eileen's addition about Richard. Like me, the good points you bring up about her having NO contact with him probably didn't occur to her. You are right...everything should be cut off. I thought when you got a no contact order that you were not allowed within 300 feet of the person, no phone or written contact or even messages sent between friends?
Like I said this guy was spiraling out of control before his attack on Eileen, and having that machete is just insane. God only knows what else he is up to or capable of. I also thought he would be on a 72 hour hold when he went into the psych ward. This whole situation is just so scary!
Well, obviously up from my nap! Jazz is having 2 friends overnite so I will check in as I can.
And where is Judy?

Hi Kathy....good thing I walked earlier...I had a hard time walking but I just slowed down when I needed to. Now it is getting cloudy again. YUCK!
I know I shouldn't get so upset with R contacting Eileen. It must really be different where Eileen lives. Here you would go right into a 72 hour hold. My brain goes into overdrive when things like that happens. It brings all the feelings of my rape right back to me. I think I will go work on a puzzle or something.
Lots of love and more hugs to you....connie d
I didn't want any contact with him; he tried to refriend me and I rebuffed him immediately. I've been stressing out about it all day. I guess here they can't hold you against your will. Geez, I hate some of these laws. He's crazy, I get attacked, yet I'm the one who has to worry about him and he's protected?
Crazy Busy Day for me. Can't post much coz I have to get to Colleen's to watch the boys. Izzy is in a play tonight and tomorrow night. Today I went to a slew of yard sales, and picked up some great finds for the nursery, my Munchkins, and myself. Found an adorable bookshelf with A, B, and C on both ends, and a potty chair for the Toddler nursery. Then for Infants I found a tiny rocking horse and one of the busy things that babies lay under. For the kids I found some books, and a puzzle for Frankie, but the best thing is some soccer nets.
Must scoot.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hello sure have been getting here later lately. That is fine...just so you are okay!
I hope things settle down for you soon. Your days are packed full!
I love garage sales and really miss them. No car means no garage sales! This area is all owned by the St Benedict Center and the St Cloud Hospital. There are no family dwelling close by.
You sure got a lot of great buys at the sales you went to...good for you!! It is nice that you remember the church nursery when shopping too. You are such a good person!
I am going to either work on a puzzle or just relax on the couch and read.
Lots of love and hugs to you...connie d