Crappy Tuesday (sorry!)

on 5/12/15 4:23 pm - Bradenton, FL

I'm sitting parked at Midway Airport waiting to board a plane that isn't here! We were supposed to board at 6pm. Hmmmm

So I guess we will be late taking off.

I had a great morning with my daughter an Vinnie. We went to the Chicago Botanical Gardens. Very pretty there.


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Connie D.
on 5/12/15 8:02 pm

Hi Carla....stuck in an airport is no fun....hope you didn't have too long a wait.

I love Botanical gardens...I am sure the three of you really enjoyed that adventure.

Good and hugs to you....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 5/12/15 6:41 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and my OFF family:

And I'm bringing up the rear ... Watching the White Sox play the Brewers at the end of a very busy day, drinking a glass of blueberry wine. You guys have been busy but not have a good day. Vickie, your daughters are not having good luck with men ... which is why I have a magnet on my fridge: "The more I know about men, the more I like my cats." Given to me by the mother of a female basketball player in Montana ... that's when I had five cats. Just one now. And after my recent go-round with living with a guy, I'm happy to be single and alone with my cat again. I agree with Jeannie, the guy Carrie's seeing is a jerk and she needs to be rid of him. He's a stalker. I'd be worried about her. And Chris was right to kick Mike out. Maybe he'll get wise and shoot her some of that cash. Payday loan places are not good ... I know this from experience. It takes forever to get out of those places. 

I hope you can get some rest, Vickie, or you will be too sick and then you can't function. So stay in bed and heal.

I set my alarm for 8 a.m. to go to the Y ... then slept to 8:30 ... then dragged my butt out of bed. And I do mean dragged. I was really tired. But I did go to the Y and I was glad I did. Did my arthritis aquatics class and a little water walking, came home, turned up the heat on the slow cooker with the salsa chicken, then went to the chiro after a little rest. Had to tell her the whole story about the attack (even though she's a facebook friend, she hadn't heard it), got adjusted, came home and did laundry while letting the chicken cook ... took a couple of 15-minute or 20-minute naps in there (I was so tired!). Then I feasted on my chicken ... so good. Now just relaxing with the kitty on my side and the blueberry wine to mellow me out.

It was a gorgeous day today but I was too tired to do anything. I was tired the past two days at work. Fortunately, they were two easy days. The assistant sports editor's father died today ... no big surprise. He had been in hospice since Saturday. 

I have seen a couple of tornados ... the one in particular was in South Dakota. We were in tornado watches/warnings all afternoon and were told to go into the shelter (our mailroom, essentially, or the lunchroom). As good journalists, none of us wanted to go ... we wanted to be out covering it. Well, I was covering sports then, so there was nothing I could do, so I went into the breakroom and sat down with the newspaper and relaxed. One of the neighbor ladies came in because it was also the neighborhood shelter. We bought her a cup of coffee and gave her a newspaper. As the sirens stopped, I took a look outside and walked up to the top of the overpass. I saw twin tornados up in the sky. I hightailed it back down to the shelter. Later, we had a report of an ER doc who decided to be a storm chaser like the people in the movie "Twister." He went out with his pickup chasing a tornado and saw it starting to come down at him, so he turned around, right into its twin. The tornado flipped his truck and he was lucky to get out of it with a few bruises as well as chuckles from his coworkers at the hospital.

Have a good night, ladies.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 5/12/15 8:29 pm

Good evening Eileen.....yup...most of us are having a rotten day actually week!! Vickie by far has the most on her plate. 

Later this afternoon I started having a runny nose and my throat is a bit scratchy. I just took another Sudafed. That always seems to help. I have other things I can take if I decide I need it.

I am so glad you got to relax and enjoy your day. You have earned it!!

Good job getting to the are really enjoying that and it is so good for you. I just keep walking!! 

That train derailment in Philadelphia was sure nasty. I hope everyone was safe. They didn't have too much information when I got the report. Praying for them. Another plain crash too...there is a lot happening. Then the Marine helicopter that is missing....that really scares me. Last I checked they hadn't found them yet. My goodness those awful tornadoes. I was worried about Vickie in Texas and some other friends there too. It  missed them. Jeannie outrunning a tornado scared me too. I was glad nothing happened to her.

Now tornadoes in your area...oh my..two at once!! I am glad you made it to a safe place. That ER doctor won't live that down for a long time!!!

 So sorry to hear about the death of a dad to one of the assistant sports editor. Even when you know it is happening it a hard time. Sending prayers for him and his family.

I am going to bed shortly. I have a new cleaning fairy tomorrow. My original was in a bad car accident. Her replacement had some kind of family emergency. She will be out for a while. I hope this one knows how to clean!!

I also have to get up early to grocery shop in the morning....ugh!! I am so not a morning person. 

Have a good and more hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 5/13/15 8:08 am - Evansville, IN

Connie, the tornadoes were in South Dakota several years ago, back in the 1990s. Nothing here the past several days. All clear. We had rain over the weekend, but yesterday was clear and sunny and coolish.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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