Crappy Tuesday (sorry!)

on 5/12/15 5:53 am

Good Morning Ladies!

funny how we can all have similar days. I have only been up an hour and am dragging so bad I haven't even gotten a shower! I have been sleeping like a rock, but drank too much before bed and was up every hour...ugh! Then, it was humid as hell. Jim wanted to turn on the air, but since it was 'only' 78 in the house and we had fans and a warm breeze coming in the window I asked him to hold off. Don't want to get an early start on those summer electric bills!

I used to live in an apartment where the neighbors must have been newlyweds. Their bedroom was next to ours and every night there was 'commotion!' I've said before I am OCD about getting my sleep, and noisy neighbors are a real pain in the butt. Sorry you didn't sleep well, Connie. That always gets the day off to a bad start.

Vickie, I sure hope all the drama ends for you soon. Like you wonder your immune system is down! You have been doing the work of 10 ppl. Even without the physical part of moving, being in the hospital with Butch and taking your mom around...all the emotional & mental stress you are under is EXHAUSTING! But damn, if you aren't the rest of us...that women can kick ass!

I am so glad I am out from under the 'budget woes' at work. I worked for a non-profit and all I heard was 'it's not in the budget' or 'we are working on a grant to get a, b, c.' It got to the point where asking for a pencil seemed like too much. I ran a homeless shelter that housed 44 ppl on an average daily basis and provided all their meals free of charge. My budget? Under $1000/month...and I had to justify needing that much...smh.

Mary, I have always felt more like Jim's 'mom' than wife. He has so many issues I have to help him with. He is good to me most of the time, but that kind of 'inbalance' in a relationship can put a lot of weight on you.

I am so tired I cannot remember much of what I read. I will check in later, but hoping the day improves for all of us thus far.


Mary Gee
on 5/12/15 10:10 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Kathy - I'm sure you and your Jim have a give-and-take relationship where you support each other - maybe in different ways, but still giving to each other, physically and/or emotionally.  "My" Jim is a taker.......and always plays the victim roll.    It's a very unbalanced situation.  Right now, it's a wait-and-see thing.  Of course, I can't blame anybody but myself for getting  into this pickle.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 5/12/15 11:27 am

Good morning Kathy....the fatigue i****ting a lot of us. I know why I have mine and some of you have the same thing. Fibromyalgia and weather changes!! I hope you are more energized soon. We are all dealing with high humidity too!!

I will gladly keep my cranky old lady....I wouldn't want any young couples next me either!!!So sorry you had to struggle to sleep.

I ended up with the A/C on one day last week. My apartment stays at 83-84 degrees all year long. I have to keep a window open especially when I have company. The sun shines very brightly on my side of the building, plus everyone around me keeps their apartments so hot!!! Hold off as long as you can!!!

I worry about Vickie too. Now she is so sick and run down. I just have to keep praying for her and Butch. If Butch wasn't so ill he could fend for himself. I hope Vickie's mom is able to help some with Butch. There is just so much to get done and only one person to do it. That Vickie is a strong lady if I ever knew one!! 

I am glad you got out from the "budget woes" at work. I worked for a couple non-profit agencies myself....I know exactly what that all involves!!

Don't forget to take a few deep breathes as you go about your day!!!  

I slept a couple hours. I could have slept more but I forgot I hae a meeting here at 1:30. 

Have a lovely day.....lots of love and hugs....connie d





on 5/12/15 6:44 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Holy cow! Lots of bad ju ju flowing in my girlfriends lives today!  I recommend you all watch this clip from Singing in the Rain, and start your days over again:  Good Morning!

better? No? Well then, pass the vodka.  It's going to be a long day :-)

just trying to make you guys laugh a little.  Not making fun of, nor light of, any ones troubles.  I wish I could come and give each and every one of you an in person hug.  Sounds like everybody needs one today. 

Vickie, you are not whining. You are a powerhouse of a woman but it might actually help if you took a day off, to rest and recuperate.  You will be able to get everything done in the rest of the week!  Hope you can do that. And you'll need to rest up because you (and the rest of the OFF posse) are going to go and kick both those guys a$$es into next week.  

Jeannie, I am quite sure your budget meeting will go fine but it sounds just so draining. You too should plan a little something nice when today is over.  Manicure?  Movie?  Treat yourself! I would suggest a nice walk but I don't want you to be swept away by a tornado.  *shudder*

Mary, I don't blame you one bit for deciding to go it alone!  I had a series of bums in my life when I was younger, and decided I was better off alone. I read a book called "I married adventure" and decided yep, that's me! I went to an online dating site a few months later to meet companions, dinner dates, nothing serious and wouldn't you know it.... I met the love of my life.  So much for marrying adventure! LOL But my point is, you don't need a man to take care of you.  It is nice to have companionship and a true partner, someone to live and laugh with. You will have that again, but until then, keep working on YOU! You are doing an amazing job with your weight loss, you're improving your health, and the world is opening up to you! 

Kathy, it is so tough to be the caretaker in any relationship. There is a truly special place for you and all those in similar situations.  You're right that we women can truly kick a$$! Hear us roar! I hope you get some energy back in your day.  

Connie, oh that is just so awful that your neighbor is so nasty and rude and loud.  You need peace and quiet so you can get some rest. After our OFF posse gets finished kicking The butts of those guys in the Poe family (not Butch!), we will circle up to you and teach your neighbor some manners, oh golly could you imagine??? 

Trish, you can try out some Zumba workouts from home,  just look up the videos on YouTube and try them out! That's what I did, and it was so much fun.

Eileen, happy weekend! :-) I am honestly in awe of your strength, but it will take a while until things are back closer to normal for you. Just be patient with yourself and keep reaching out for help as you need it.  We are hear for you, too. 

Carla, the weather here in NY has been very dry.  We haven't had rain in quite awhile and we need it badly. Hopefully some of what you guys are getting will make it's way to us soon. 

Judy, your new truck was already off the website by the time I went thee so you'll have to post pictures for us.  Stay safe and hope all is well for you. 

Monique, no guilt here!  Just a hearty welcome!  No need for a resume, just jump on in and soon we will know you as well as you know us! 

Well ladies I have to admit, no drama in my life today.  Just work, errands, cleaning, and getting ready for my stepdaughters graduation this weekend.  Ron and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary Thursday.  I had promised him before surgery that we would celebrate at our favorite restaurant, so now... Dum dum DUUUUUUM! It's time for me to navigate a restaurant.  It will be my first venture out since surgery.  I know I can do it, and I know how to prepare (I will look up the menu ahead of time, order an appetizer and not a main dish, etc.) but still, it will be a challenge!  To take the focus off food, I am planning to get all dressed up - I will wear one of the dresses from the Gwynnie Bee rental service, something in my current size. 

Sending light and love and hugs to everyone today.  I hope everyone's days turn around!



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Mary Gee
on 5/12/15 10:21 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Well GOOD MORNING!!!! to you Christine!!    I think we have to forego the Vodka .... don't know how it would affect me (used to love my Screwdrivers and White Russians... their just memories now!).

Happy 10th Anniversary!!  You'll do fine at the restaurant.  Last week when I drove to NY, we met at a BBQ place -- I ordered chicken wings and ate two of them -- that was my "meal".  I enjoyed them very much, thank you.  More important was the happiness of seeing my brothers; didn't realize how much I missed them until then.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 5/12/15 1:23 pm

Hello Christine....I am laughing so hard..."when our posse finishes kicking ass in Texas then the posse will come here to circle up and teach my neighbor some manners"!!! You are a hoot!!

I am glad you have no drama today!! However getting ready for a graduation can be a lot of work!! I am sure you will do well at your anniversary dinner. You have checked out the menu and know what to eat. I am over the top proud of you!!!  Take a pic of you and hubby on your will look stunning I am sure!! I hope you have a wonderful time!!!

My meeting just finished. I am eating a late lunch and then laying down again. Have a good evening!

Lots of love and bunches of hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 5/12/15 11:38 am - Perry, MI

Greetings Vickie and OFF Sisters,

Wow!!!  My sisters here are having a really rough time this week.  My day has just been goofy.  I had an 11:10 appointment in Owosso at my hematologist's.  Well, I woke up thiking today was my 11:15 appointment in Lansing, 20 miles from Owosso.  So, I had to reschedule my Owosso appointment, and since I was halfway to s store I needed to go to this week, I went there.  I picked up lunch at Boston Market, which is about the only take-out I really enjoy.  

This afternoon, I am watching Izzy and Lincoln, and I get to take them to softball practice too.  Colleen is taking Frankie to his 3 year check-up at the pediatrician's.  I sure up the weather makes up its mind, coz it has rained, drizzled, and sunshined off and on all day.

Sean's girlfriend is graduating from community college tomorrow.  He said he told me over Thanksgiving, but I told him that I was probably holding his cousin's newborn then.  Can't be expected to remember anything but that baby.  Turns out she didn't have the money for her cap and gown, so I ordered her one from Amazon, which was delivered this morning.  I made sure her parents were going to be there for her, or I would be heading to Pittsburgh tomorrow. 

Vickie, if you don't take them already, I suggest you start taking probiotics and EmergenC to strengthen your immune system.  I sent it to Mom this last week.  As for Mike and Leo, I have a size 10 foot, and I'm thinking that kicking asses isn't what's necessary, turn them around and kick them in their jewels.  Mike makes a baby with Chris, but doesn't support his family?  Puh-leese, he is scum.  Chris needs a lawyer, and to fight for child support from the weasel.  As for Leo, the other gals are right.  He's a predatore.  I hope Carrie stays far, far away from him.  

Connie, I'm sorry your neighbor is rude and ugly to you.  I am so grateful that I have had great neighbors when I lived in an apartment.  I'm also grateful that I now live in a house, in a nice neighborhood with great neighbors, close to Colleen and the kids.

Chris, I did look up a Zumba lesson on Youtube.  I look ridiculous, but it was more fun than walking.

I can't remember everyone else's posts.

Must scoot.




Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/12/15 1:47 pm

Hello Trish.....well I hope the weather clears up for you so you can enjoy the softball practice with Izzy and Lincoln. I hope they have fun!!

We haven't had  a Boston Market here for years. They just didn't do well. I didn't go there often but it was good. I hope you enjoyed your meal. 

I think that you buying that young lady her cap and gown was a wonderful thing to do! I am sure her graduation will be a much better day for her!! You are always so thoughtful!! 

My neighbor has lots of issues. She treats everyone this way!! I basically just ignore her. I say hi and that is it! Some days she is okay and keeps to herself. If she wakes me up like that again I will go to the director. She can talk to her.

I bet you have fun doing Zumba....I am sure you don't look funny!!  I do love my walking!!  I do a lot of praying and thanking God and Jesus along the way. 

I am getting sleepy so I may rest for a little while. I will set an alarm so I don't sleep too long.  

I heard the forecast for this week....UGH!! More weather just like this...OH NO!!! 

Lots of love to you my friend....hugs too...connie d


Patricia R.
on 5/12/15 5:15 pm - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

Turns out Colleen got back from Frankie's appointment in time to take the kids to baseball and T-ball.  I'm glad, she said they froze outside for an hour.  It was absolutely gorgeous last week.  Even yesterday, with sporadic rain, it was in the 70's.  Today, cloudy and 20 degrees colder.  Brr.  My arthritis is awful today.

Called Mom earlier, when I was with the kids.  When I had them on speaker they were sillier than ever.  But, when I put the phone back to normal they each took a turn talking to her in their playroom alone.  I'm glad they get a chance to get to know her long distance.  They miss their great-grandpa, who lived next door before he passed away in November.  He was 93 years old.  

My pouch has been so wacky lately.  Whenever I get constipated I get nauseous and sometimes vomit.  Every single time.  I take stool softeners more than I ever could have imagined.

Well, my Phillies are losing, as usual.  I still enjoy watching them.  

Love you.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/12/15 8:36 pm

Hello again take good care of you...if that tummy doesn't feel any better soon contact your surgeon. Throwing up is one of the worst things we can do. Sending more prayers!!

It was nice that the kids got to speak with your mom. That made it nice for all of them!!

I have to go to bed...remember I slept 45 minutes last night...then I laid down and remembered I had a meeting here this afternoon....I set and alarm ... I got a good two hour nap. 

Have a good and more hugs....connie d

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