Manic Monday

Eileen Briesch
on 5/11/15 12:44 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

It's been raining off and on today. Woke up to thunder ... Juliette was cuddling with me one minute and the next she was scurrying to her shelter (the closet). Poor baby.

So tonight is my Friday ... hope it's an easy night. We didn't have a sports slot person because the guy who usually works on Sundays was off ... his father is in hospice and probably doesn't have long to live. Poor guy ... he's so nice to me. So we had to proof our own sports pages. Most of it was wire anyway. I was kind of in a funk and tired last night ... my first week back after the attack and I'm still not right. I know he probably isn't going to get me again, but I'm antsy about everything. Just don't feel right. He's blocked two of his friends that are my friends on Facebook. One of them is his best friend from college ... he's been trying to get him into treatment, to no avail. Well, he's got to admit he needs help.

Hope everyone has a good day. Don't remember what everyone said. CRS. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 5/11/15 1:39 pm

Hello Eileen....poor least she has a place to go and can feel safe! 

I am so sorry you are still not will come took me years after my rape. Just keep talking about it...that really is the best thing to do....I am glad you have a good psychologist.

I am glad you have some time off after tonight. You need a break! I am so sorry to hear that your co-workers dad is dying. That is a really hard time they are going through. I will be sending prayers for the dad, your co-worker and their family. 

I will have to check and see if he blocked me.....could have. He did send a post to me yesterday. Too bad he isn't getting help with his issues. He will just do this again to someone else. 

Keep watching and listening especially going in and out of your car. Always check the backseat to be sure it is empty.

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers every day!

Much love and many hugs....connie d


Connie D.
on 5/11/15 6:25 am, edited 5/11/15 6:26 am

Trish...I replied to all these posts and did my post....where are they? Those damn gremlins again. I really checked to be sure I didn't miss anyone....they were all there...very confused.

I am not doing them pain is too if they don't appear again you all know I care and I love you bunches.

Love and even more bunches of hugs....connie d

P.S.....Now they are there again...I am going to lay down!!


on 5/11/15 1:37 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi all,

I had a wonderful mothers day with my Vinnie and my daughter and her husband.

Yesterday morning Vinnie and I took mommy to work, then we went to brunch at my sisters house. Vinnie played with her cousins for a bit. 

We also went out to dinner with my son in laws family. The restaurant needs Chef Ramsey attebtuin. It was terrible. It took over an hr for the foid and appetizers to come out. Tge foid was cold. I TOLD THEM TO FORGET MY ORDER! I wasn't paying for use cold food. 

Today is low key. I'm packing up cause I'm flying home tomorrow.

Vinnie needs a low key day. We have been running for days!!

Vickie and ***** I'm glad u are feeling better. But as for Mike he needs to grow up!!! The other one too!! Life's to short for  this highschool stufff.

The weather has been like Noah's ark the past two days here in Chicago. Raining rauning. A,few days ago it was 85 here!!!

Judy congrats on the new truck. U will love it. My cousin has the same one. His is the diesel and is black.

Eileen stay safe. August will be here before u know it. My kids are moving to Skokie June 1st. Carl and I are dariving back to Chicago with our truck to help them.



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Connie D.
on 5/11/15 1:47 pm

Hello Carla....I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day with your family!!

Sorry your service was so bad at Chef Ramsey restaurant. Being a holiday you would have thought everything would be great.

You are leaving tomorrow, have a safe trip..sending prayers.

The weather has been just as awful here the last few days...I want the Sun and 80 degree temps back!!

I am glad the kids found a place out of Chicago. I know they wanted  house. One will turn up when it is the right time.

Lots of love and hugs....connie d

on 5/11/15 5:20 pm - Cibolo, TX

hello sistas, I am sick today. Posting and reading from my phone in bed. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Love you all.


Nik L.
on 5/11/15 5:53 pm

Vickie, I hope you feel better soon and that Butch has easier days. I'm praying for your whole family. Also praying for all of you on here that are in pain.



Connie D.
on 5/11/15 6:52 pm

Hello Monique....did you use to post on this site?? You look familiar. If so welcome back....if not welcome!! 

Thanks for the prayers....we all need prayers. 

Love and more hugs....connie d

Nik L.
on 5/12/15 6:01 am

Hi Connie... I only posted once on this board, and a couple of times on the RNY board. I am a lurker trying to come out of my shell. Christine posted for me to start posting the other day... so I will try. I will try to do a small resume of my life so you guys get a feel of who I am.

I have the advantage of knowing most of you and feel guilty staying in the shadows 


Love and hugs to all of you,

I promise I will be back, Monique



Connie D.
on 5/11/15 6:48 pm

Hello Vickie....I am so sorry you are sick. Just keep resting until you get stronger. The boxes will still be there. I wish I could help!!

I hope Butch is doing well too...prayers!! 

I am praying tomorrow is a much better day for you!!!   

Prayers...Love....and Hugs.....connie d 

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