Sunday - Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Ladies!
Taylor, Jim and I just came back from having breakfast out. Taylor had pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, and Jim had eggs, homefries, sausage, etc. The owners of the restaurant served all the "mothers" a big slice of yellow cake with fresh whipped cream and various berries - I admit I indulged a bit - but Taylor did her share of helping me. She has a healthy appetite.
It's supposed to be very muggy here today, then will drop down later on this evening. Glad I got a lot done yesterday. Maura will be stopping by later to pick up Taylor. Nothing else planned for the day, except "fertilizing" Taylor (which means a tubby, followed by powder, perfume, cream, hair volumizer and a manicure). She used to hate baths, but now she enjoys the deluxe treatment. Anything to make my special girl happy. I think when Maura comes over today, I'm going to see if we can schedule a date for the three of us to go out together. She and Jim sometimes clash, so she usually doesn't stay long when she picks up Taylor, and I want to spend some more time with her. I enjoyed our trip to NY, so maybe we can set something up where we go out for lunch or something every other week.
I hope everyone has a nice day -- do something special!!
Prayers and good wishes to all.
I just posted on Connie's post so won't bore you
Mary its supposed to storm bad here tomorrow then the temps are to drop....grrrrrrrr Mother Nature sure needs a good swift kick in her pants!!!!
Glad that you had a good time going out!!! Enjoy the rest of your day!!!
Happy Mothers Day Mary,
I'm glad you got to spend time with Taylor this weekend. Pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream sounds heavenly, though it would kill me to eat it now.
Sorry to hear that Maura and Jim sometimes don't get along. Is he her father, or stepfather? I'm so grateful that my ex's wife gets along with all of my kids. Plus, she gets into really spoiling the Munchkins. She has two sons, who are single with no kids. But, I'm glad she gets along with everyone. I've always been welcomed in their home, and have been invited, along with my family, for Christmas dinner there. We get along. I dated a little after my divorce, but stopped after finally listening to my dear friend encouraged me to stop looking for love in men, and start looking for it from God. Men were incapable of filling that void that only God could fill. Once I did that, I realized I was good enough without the men. After my break-up, I did say that if anyone I dated didn't get along with any one of my kids, then they were history. If I can't enjoy time with my kids, in my home, then we're going to have a problem.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish, my husband, Maura's dad, passed unexpectedly 13 years ago (I still feel like it was just yesterday). What an effect that had on the two of us. I made some mistakes trying to "make up" for her loss, and it wasn't the best thing, in the long run. She ran into some problems because I gave her too much lee way, but things have straightened out now. Now if I could only get MY head screwed on right!!
Oh Mary, I'm so sorry to learn of your husband's passing. Don't beat yourself up for giving your daughter too much slack. My Dad passed away at 51, leaving my Mom with my 11 year old brother, who was extremely close to Dad. My sister lived with them, so my brother got away with so much between the two of them. He had some issues, of course, but turned out okay. I miss him terribly, coz he died 9 years ago at the age of 40. I have also missed my Dad terribly as well.
As for taking care of you, I can't remember if you've ever mentioned counseling or therapy for yourself. I have been blessed to have been in therapy for a very long time. I stopped a couple years ago, because I moved halfway across the country, but recently started again here in Michigan.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Happy Mother's Day Mary!
I made a bigger post on the other thread but wanted to wish you the very best day. You deserve some small indulgences today, and I am so glad you enjoyed your special breakfast.
I am also so very sorry about your husband's passing. That has to be so very difficult, every day even now. It sounds as if you've done a great job with your daughter and will everything. No one is perfect (not even you) so I also hope you'll cut yourself some slack.
The weather did work out beautifully in our area of the world, so I am glad you had the chance to enjoy it!
Take care

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!