Wednesday Already! Yippee!

Judy G.
on 5/6/15 9:56 am - Galion, OH

Vic...I agree with Connie on getting some help with Butch right now.....Please do so!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Connie D.
on 5/6/15 9:56 am

Good morning Christine and everyone....

Christine ...I am so glad your new job is going well.

I am absolutely on cloud nine with how well you are doing things. Your exercise is great. That's how I did it too...3 times a day...then went to two then to one. Don't over are doing an amazing job!! Terrific weight loss too!!!

Oh I have a very attainable goal set for your anniversary!!! 

It is so nice that you came back...I knew you have been busy. It still is nice that you can check in now and then!! You are always missed!!

Like you said....with Pam gone it is just a huge stress relief!! I feel it...I am not hiking my shoulders up to my ears all the time. That is how stressed I was!! GOD is good!!

I went grocery shopping this morning. That wore me out. I am looking into an agency that has someone to help take me shopping and do all the carrying and bagging and such. I am sure I will get someone as I was with them before. We didn't have any problems. They just couldn't give me enough hours.

I have my cleaning fairy here in about an hour. Then I hope to lay down for an hour and rest.

I will check in later.....have a beautiful day everyone. 

We have storms in the forecast for later this afternoon.

Prayers for all our awesome OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and hugs to all....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 5/6/15 5:29 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Christine and my OFF family:

Well, I'm exhausted, but I feel I made progress in taking my life back. Started out this morning going to the courthouse. First to the police shop. Get the incident report. Then to the county clerk. Fill out protective order ... long bit of paperwork. Finish with that, hand it to the nice young man and have him look it over. He checks everything over, sends me over to the county courthouse to a judge. At this point, it's after 10 a.m. and I'm supposed to pick up a friend and take her to her epidural appointment. I finally find the judge's office, explain the dilemma to the secretary and she says I can return later. Whew! 

So I pick up my friend for her appointment, drive her to the doctor and go to Sam's for a few things. Get my stuff, go back to pick up my friend (doc's office and Sam's are very close). Stop at Starbucks for an iced coffee (mine from home was nearly empty). It's now about 11:45 a.m. I realize I won't make my appointments for apartment viewing, so I cancel them all. Take my friend to her bank (she has no car), then we head to the courthouse. She is a pro at the courthouse, so she guides me around. First, I get out as close as I can and she parks the car. Saves on my legs. 

Back to the judge's office. Secretary goes over paperwork, judge comes in, she hands it to him as he goes to his office, he hands it back, signed as he goes out. Protective order is in the books. Now, back up to the clerk's office. I now have a date for a hearing but until then he can't contact me unless police are there. 

Clerk gives me copies. Then we go back to the county building to the prosecutor's office. A few people in front of us. Two very rambunctious children. At least parents told them to behave. Eventually, it's my turn. I get more paperwork to fill out. My friend goes up to the clerk's office to do some work for the newspaper (she checks the divorces we put in the paper). I tell my story. My handwriting is horrible, so I print. Wish I had a computer. Then I hand it back to the receptionist, she says someone will contact me. I go to find my friend. I've had enough for the day. I could do the eviction notice, but my body is beat. Next week.

With all the walking I've done, who needs the Y? And I have two replacement knees that don't like all this pounding. Plus, it was in the high 80s today and humid. I had two Atkins bars and two big cups of iced coffee. I was so thirsty by the time I got home. 

Got home, drank a big cup of iced water, got Juliette ready to go to the vet. She has a flea allergy, so she got a shot, a flea application and the vet put something on the one sore she had that was really bad. Nice vet. The office has separate entrances for dogs and cats. I appreciate that. 

Having a beer and lots of water now ... had a decent dinner and all I really want is lots of water and icepacks. Still very shaky. But I feel I have accomplished a lot to take my life back. 

Here I am, talking about myself. Sorry. I have been very self-centered lately. I have been thinking a lot about Vickie and Butch, hoping Butch is doing OK and Vickie is getting some rest. Can't remember anything about anyone else. 

Have a good night everyone. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/6/15 6:15 pm - Canada

Hi Eileen: you are not  being self-centered talking about yourself. We want to read what you are doing to stay safe, and the admin runaround is fascinating for someone who has never had to do it. Hope you can get the eviction notice completed and filed soon. Take care of yourself and Juliette, let us do the worrying over Butch and Vickie for now. Your safety is your first priority, keep posting to let us know you are OK.  



Connie D.
on 5/6/15 6:44 pm

Eileen...don't you dare call yourself are no way like that ever....even now. You have been traumatized. Not to mention all the things you accomplished today...WOW!! You are doing great! You are getting your life back!!!  

Rest and enjoy your beer    you deserve it!  

So tomorrow you need to fill out the eviction notice. Is that the last thing you need to do besides going to the hearing? How long before the hearing? I hope they didn't make it too far out.

I am so PROUD of YOU!!!!!!!

Have a good evening....Love and hugs to you...connie d

Mary Gee
on 5/6/15 6:37 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good Evening Ladies.

Eileen-- SO GLAD you got the TRO -- what a hectic day you had.  It was nice of your friend to help you at the Courthouse, but you certainly did an awful lot for her and it added to the craziness of the day.  Learn to take care of EILEEN -- NUMBER 1.  

Christine and Kathy - congratulations ladies, you are both doing great.  And Christine, things seem to be going well with your new job.  I've always been envious of people who can do some of their work from home.

Connie, dear - sounds like things have improved so much for you since you got rid of the STRESSORS!

Jeannie -- sorry you are having a tough time with allergies - and this year it's very bad.  

Vickie -- I sure hope the IVs help build Butch up.  It's good you had a nurse at home -- I'm sure he "obeys" them more than he does you! Hope you can have a nurse on a regular basis.

Judy - saw your note about tomorrow -- good luck, I'm sure things will go smoothly - but what a hassle to have to go see the doctor just so they can tell you the time for your surgery -- it's always something it seems.  Hope Rick is doing ok too.

I didn't do much today -- except went to K-Mart and picked up odd and ends for the house -- cleaning supplies, paper goods, cat food.  I also picked up a fan - took it home and couldn't get it put together - one knob would not unscrew, so I went back to the store to have them put it together for me.  They couldn't assemble that one, and had to pull out two more from the shelf before they could figure out how to get it together.  It was a comedy of errors, but I wasn't leaving the store until I had a working fan, because my place is so hot.  Jim insists on keeping every window locked, with plastic over them.  But finally got it done.  Tomorrow I take Jim to his PCP, and he is supposed to have his biopsy Friday.  But, I think when his PCP sees him, he will have him go to the hospital to have a procedure to have fluid drained from his abdomen -- he had lost like 40 pounds of water weight a few weeks ago - it all came back, they increased his Lasix and he hasn't lost the weight again -- when he walks into the room, his stomach arrives about 30 seconds before the rest of him. His belly is HUGE from retaining water (ascites).  Don't know if he'll be able to get his biopsy -- which he was supposed to get last Summer, but didn't.  Men -- they don't take care of themselves - they rely on us to push them.    Like I don' have enough to take care of myself.

Well, hope I covered everything -- I do try, but I get those senior brain farts!!

Prayers and good wishes to all.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 5/6/15 7:19 pm

Hello Mary....We don't even have a KMart here anymore. It closed about 6 months ago. It was so far on the other side of town I never went there. They did have good deals in their ads. I hope you found what you needed. It sounds like you did.

I hope Jim does get tha****er removed....that is very dangerous.I wonder why the Lasix isn't working. He best not exert himself any more then he has to until he gets seen. I am glad he is going in to see his doctor tomorrow. 

I hope you can manage to get a good nights sleep...the fan will help you!!! 

Love ya...hugs too....connie d

Patricia R.
on 5/6/15 7:21 pm - Perry, MI

Greetings Christine and OFF,

Wow!!!  So much is happening with our dear family here.  I am so glad that Butch is in a place where he can get the blood he needs.  I hope he shows improvement soon.  I continue to pray for them, as well as Eileen.  

I am beyond tired right now.  I had a really good day with Frankie.  He absolutely loves puzzles.  I spent hours organizing Colleen's puzzle bin.  Lots of pieces to lots of puzzles had fallen to the bottom of it.  Jigsaw puzzle pieces of all sizes and colors, plus assorted wooden puzzle pieces to about 15 wooden puzzles.  Somehow I managed to sort them, and put the cardboard pieces in ziploc bags.  Frankie had a blast helping me put most of them together.  

After I left Colleen's, I had a 4:00 appointment with my primary doc, coz I have another sinus infection.  After waiting an hour and a half to be seen by him, I almost blew a gasket coz my back is killing me, and my blood sugar had plumetted.  I  complained to the nurse and doctor.  I have never waited that long at a doctors office before.  I told them that if the doctor was that behind, the front desk should have told me.  There's an urgent care office right down the hall that could have had me in, out and home in that time.  Doctor was very apologetic, told me that he had one patient who was having a stroke and had to be sent to the hospital.  Another patient with cancer needed to just talk to him.  I love him to pieces, and know that **** happens all the time.  I blame the front desk for not telling me.  

Since I left his office at 6:00, I was very late to a dinner for all the workers of the children's program at church.  Better thing yet was the fact that my GPS could not find the address of where I was going.  Somehow I found it.  I wasn't hungry coz the nurse at the doc's office gave me crackers and juice, then I grabbed a cheeseburger at Burger King just to get me home.  I did want to see my friends, and have adult conversation.

I need to get to bed.  I have a busy morning tomorrow.

Love and hugs,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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