Wednesday Already! Yippee!
Hello, hello my friends!
sorry to have been absent, again. If I don't get on here and post in the morning, it seems I won't get bac****il 9pm. By that time it feels too late to post, so then I say, I will come back tomorrow - and the cycle repeats. Even if I post late, from now on I promise to get on here and at least say hello so you all know I'm still breathing and thinking about you!
So anyway, here I am, starting the post today!! Better than missing you all!!!
My new job is fine. Started Monday with a full day orientation conference, which was nice. I got to meet many people and was able to stay on plan (food wise) very easily. I had planned ahead, which really helped! Now I am waiting for my first client assignment, so I am working from my home office today, and I assume I will be for the rest of the week at least. I am just taking some company-required online training classes and filling out a boatload of paperwork. It's a little strange but I know once I am assigned to a client I will be working long hours away from home so, I will enjoy my time while I can.
Connie, I miss your smiling faces as well! I am glad you're feeling a lower stress level without Pam. Sometimes we don't realize how much such "friends" take out of us. They call those buses you take "mobility wheels" around here - thats what they are! Mobility for you. Glad you have them and hope all went well with your return/credits.
Vickie, I have been seeing your updates on FB as well as here. My prayers to you and Butch, both. Such a horrible situation. Cancer really sucks. Love and hugs to you.
Eileen, I think you're getting the run around. Like Mary, I once needed an order of protection - from a non-sexual relationship. I went to the courthouse where I filed the forms myself. You're an a amazing and strong woman! Glad you're getting the help you need. I am praying for your continued recovery and support.
Kathy, I couldn't be more proud of you!!! I couldn't do those 10 minute walks until after my surgery. My nut and doctor advised I strive for consistency - meaning, keep those 10 minute walks going 3 - 4 times a week. You don't want to get hurt. I'm also so proud of you for changing your goal. I was convinced - CONVINCED - that I would be the one person in the history of RNY who would not lose weight. To my shock and surprise (and joy), it does work! Just like everyone says it will! So have faith in the process and keep doing everything you're doing. You are a STAR !! When I started the process, I started a diary/journal. I am so happy I did. If you didn't already, take your measurements and then record them once a month. I just updated for my month 1 (it was 4 weeks for me on Monday) and I nearly passed out (from joy). I couldn't believe the difference, as I don't see it. I took a before picture in a door frame, as was suggested, and took another one. I didn't see a difference until I looked side by side with the one from a month prior. I cried, I really did. All this work we're doing really does pay off!!!
Jeannie, I keep hearing that this is the worst allergy season in years, if not decades. Everyone is suffering. Strangely I have no symptoms - for the first time in my life. Maybe it's menopause, maybe its surgery, but it's odd - in a good way. Anyway, hang in there and it will pass!
Trish, what an amazing and rich upbringing you had around music! I know you mentioned that you used to sing, but you have an amazing collection of experiences. Do you still sing at church or even just for fun? It sounds lovely. If you grew up around Philly then you sure did have a huge number of cultural things to choose from. I lived in Phily for 2 years during grad school, and loved it!
Mary, restful days are good too. Enjoy the nice weather, you and everyone in the Boston/NE area earned it this year. I was waving to you as you drove by on your way to NY!!!
Jennifer, I'm worried about eileen too, though I know it's closer to home for you, Connie and a few others here. I pray you can get some rest soon too.
Judy, oh my GOD I'm glad the tornado missed you. I am petrified of tornados. And glad for your good news about the trespasser. Whoo hoo!!
Carla, your little Vinnie is just a doll. Enjoy her!!
Well ladies, as I was mentioning to Kathy, I continue to be happily shocked and surprised at my weight loss. Yes, I had the surgery expecting loss but really thought it wouldn't work as well for me as it did for everyone else. Well, I lost more weight (21 pounds) in Month 1 than I had in the 2 years prior to surgery. I had been trying to lose weight after my stroke in December 2012 and only lost 18 pounds in 2 years. 21 pounds is a miracle to me. And I've lost more weight since Monday. (I weigh daily but log it only weekly.) When I started I thought, gee, I would like to get below my wedding weight by the end of the summer. That would be awesome. And today, I am .5 pounds from my wedding weight! My 10 year anniversary is next week, so I will weigh less than I did on my wedding day by then. So so so happy! And since I gained 18 pounds on my honeymoon I know this is the lowest I've weighed in 10 years. Seriously amazing.
So ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. Praying as always for all of you, but especially today for Butch and Vickie, and Eileen.
Hugs and and love

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
It is always good to wake up and find someone has started the daily thread. I remember that honeymoon phase of WLS...oh was that beautiful. I also remember the buyers remorse phase, which came in went very quickly. LOL. I was like you and lost weight really quickly (I had a lot to lose) and when I did hit stalls, I just walked a little more and got through advice to you is to avoid glider foods such as crackers, potatoes, chips, sweets, etc. and just live on green vegetables and will do just fine.
I live in the foothills of the Ozark Mts and we have trees every where and I am so allergic to pollen so breathing in all the toxins is hard on me. I have a rare condition called mast cell activation disorder so it doesn't take much for me to have an allergic reaction. Until the doctor did the blood test that diagnosed this condition, I thought I was just getting more allergic as I aged but now I know and it all makes still sucks but I make sure I take my allergy medications to avoid reactions....
Judy, this is tornado season here in AR and we live in tornado alley. Last night, we, too, had tornados in our area. Last year, we paid for a storm shelter down at our old house so that my daughter and our grandkids will have a safe place to go.
Vic, I am thinking of you and Butch and I hope he regains his strength...and I hope you are able to get visiting nurses to come daily to help you take care of him. Even if he isn't ready for hospice, you can get a visiting nurse. I had one come help me with Kenny because when he was getting chemo and radiation treatment, his diabetes went nuts and of course he was blind, so there was a few hours a day that I needed someone with him and thankfully our insurance covered it.
Eileen, be safe girl.
Connie Girl...I hope you can get out for a little bit today and enjoy the spring weather...but do be careful.
Hello Jeannie....yes I got out and went grocery shopping. I am so exhausted now. I hope to lay down and rest soon.
Wasn't that honeymoon of WLS wonderful. I can remember those days!! I wish I could have that feeling again!!
I pretty much just have green veggies and my protein of course. My doctor wants me to have 2-3 snacks a day. That is when I eat my fresh fruit!! I love all the berries right now. They are expensive but well worth the price!!
Love to you...and hugs too....connie d
Good Morning Ladies!
So good to hear from you Christine! Glad the new job seems to be working out...I always hated being the 'new kid on the block' lol! Thank you for the compliment about my is killing me, but what can I expect at 300+ pounds! Can't wait to join everyone on the other side. I know it will be work, but I am getting anxious to get down to where I can breathe and move a little better!
I know what you mean, Christine, about not being able to lose weight prior to the surgery. I really thought I'd turn my life around & drop 100's of pounds after my cancer diagnosis, but after losing a little I gained back twice as much within a year. I don't think I will see my (1st) wedding day weight of 150 in this lifetime...nor would I want to. In high school they used to call me 'Stretch' b/c I was so tall & thin. Needless to say I never went back for any reunions!!!
I am SO pleased you are losing the weight despite your initial perception you'd be the only one in the world not to!!! shows what a little work and motivation can do!
Vickie, I kind of get alarmed when we don't hear from you. Praying Butch is doing okay...I know cancer treatment causes major highs & lows...this just may be one of those low periods due to the culmative effects of the chemo. After all, that crap IS poison.
Connie, forgot to comment on your friend Pam & how much better your life is without her. Like our relationships with men...a friend who sucks us dry emotionally is no good for the soul. I am very careful who I befriend these days, and really see more of my daughters for socialization than friends. I have been burnt too many times to invest the energy in the friends I seem to attract. Again, I think my tendancy to want to help others results in very needy relationships. Glad your free!
Trish, I have to echo Christine on your upbringing around music. I often tell my kids our generation was SO lucky to have grown up with the musical influences of our time...Elvis, the Beatle invasion, soul music & spirituals, rock, heavy metal: my personal favorite country rock like the Eagles! I love can change your mood & bring back good (or bad) memories in a heartbeat.
Judy, I swear you go from crisis to crisis! Geez! I sure hope things calm down for you soon. Good news is the tornados did not hit your area altho scary as stepson & family still freak b/c they live in Joplin & went thru that bad one a few years back. Glad to hear Rick cleared his heart tests.
As usual I am sure I am missing someone or two, but my thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

Yes, I'm no doctor and I am just giving my own perceptions but... You don't want to kill yourself with the walking now. I think just establishing the habit of walking is the key thing. As I've lost weight it is hurting me less and less, but I'm careful not to overdo the walking so I don't get injured. Once I drop below 200 (into merely obese territory), I think I will be able to really kick up the intensity - or so my orthopedic surgeon believes! And I just can't wait.
After my stroke two years ago, I thought the wake up call would have been enough motivation to change my life but... It wasn't. I needed help, and I'm glad I took my PCP's advice to look into WLS. It's not for everyone - and it sure isn't for sissies! - but it was the right choice for me. And yes, I am so proud of you and your determination. I know you will be a huge success!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Hey Christine...thanks for the concern...the pain in my knees from carrying the weight for a mere 15 minutes twice a day is what is killing me, and I was told I needed to work thru the you said it should lessen or go away when I get down around 200. My husband wheels right next to me as I walk, and during the night time 'strolls' Jasmyn has been coming. We are fortunate to live in a smaller town that is scrupiously clean & well maintained so I don't have to worry about tripping on uneven sidewalks, etc. I change locations to mix things up, and this week we have been doing the town square which is all brick, tree-lined, and still has tulips to admire along the way.
I am feeling the results from my efforts as I can stand longer...I used to have to sit to prepare dinner, and doing laundry (stairs!) was a nightmare! I could barely catch my breath coming up with a laundry I can do it!
It is just the knee pain that is killing me, but a few Tylenol and some icing heals me within an hour or two.
It is a good reminder for me of how bad I let things get, and this pain is minimal compared to what I could have been facing down the road!
Your comment about your mine about the cancer & us both thinking they would be turning points just underscores to me that WLS is a necessity for many of us...not an easy way out. I had a PCP who compared ppl who were morbidly obese with a light switch...he said we did not have an 'off' button when it came to eating so all the dieting in the world would not change our destiny. We NEED that extra help...I know I do!
Vickie, so glad Butch is rebounding! I have seen the effects of chemo, and I truly believe it is not meant for sissies! It brings ppl in their 30's to their knees who were in otherwise good health so surely it is going to knock Butch down a few times. How many rounds does he have to do? And will he have to do radiation afterwards? As long as he is able to rebound it is a very good sign. I keep praying...poor guy!

OMG yes! Yes! That was me. No "off" switch. Lord know I tried, and always thought I was doing the right things, but in the end I've come to learn that I could not turn off the intake. Even now, food tastes really good to me, and I will want to eat my 2oz but I cannot always manage it. I want to eat more because I so enjoy the taste, but I am learning to listen to my body's signals that it's had enough and just stop. I absolutely would NOT be able to stop if it were not for this surgery.
I love the on/off switch metaphor. I will definitely be using that one to explain this to others in the future. Thanks!
Good afternoon Kathy....I too am so happy that you are continuing to walk. You are doing a well as you can and that is enough!! You will be flying around that neighborhood before long!!
You are very serious about this process and I am very proud of you!! You just keep doing all you can!! You will be a winner!!
You are right she did suck me after day!! I let go of Tony about a month earlier. Pretty much for the same reasons. I won't be deceive, lied too, or taken advantage of ever again. DONE is DONE for this gal!! So I left my two closest friends and I feel free at last!!!
Love and many hugs....connie d
Good mmorning sweet sistas! I swear I posted an update here last night but it's nowhere to be found this morning. Grrr. Cyber space gobbled up another one.
So the diagnosis was low hemoglobin or anemia. His hemoglobin count was 7.2. It needs to be at least a 9. They gave him one unit of blood last night and it came up a point. They might give him a second unit today. They want to keep him another day to watch his numbers but he is already looking and feeling better. His color is much better and he ate some cream of wheat for breakfast.
So the plan is to stay here another day. That way they can monitor his numbers and he might get another unit of blood. This is just one of the many side effects of that damn chemo. You're absolutely right, sista. That stuff is poison.
I am hanging in there as always. They put him in ICU last night, so I want able to spend the night. Good knew I was too tired to sleep anywhere but my own bed last night! So I am doing okay. My back still hurts from yesterday's 8 hours sitting on a little straight hard chair in the ER, but it will eventually unkink itself. I am rested enough so don't worry about me. I'm a tough old broad. LOL!
Love you all. Prayers daily for all of you.
Good morning Vickie....I am glad you slept in your own bed last night...that had to of been just heavenly!!!
I am glad the IV's are helping Butch. Just my opinion, but I think he needs to have a nurse at least every other day if not everyday. You do a good job with him but he will listen to a nurse much better. They can be checking his vitals and getting him IV's as he needs them. He won't have such drastic ups and downs. They will also be sure he drinks enough and eats too. You just have too much else to do right now. I know you only want whats best for him. You are getting worn down. Like I said I am just stating my opinion. If they can do that much you can do the rest like helping him with baths when needed and other things. Please think about it. I love you much!!!
I hope you recover from those hard chairs. I always ask for an extra pillow to sit on and I put a towel on the pillow. They always have the worst chairs where people are there for hours!!
I am glad you are hanging in there. Take a little time for yourself each day. I worry about you too!!
God Bless you both!!
Lots of love and many hugs...connie d