It is Monday! Im finally in Chicago!!!
Eileen -- I had to get a protective order once. I went straight to the Courthouse - didn't deal with any other agency. There was a woman at the Courthouse who spoke with me and helped with the forms. There was no need to deal with any social agency. I hope you can get this resolved quickly.
Quiet day for me today. Recovering from my NY trip, so I was very tired. It was gorgeous out - supposed to reach 80 degrees. I sat outside for a while this afternoon - it was warm with a slight breeze. I hope this weather lasts for quite a while....I love Spring.
Prayers and hugs to all.
Hello Everyone!
Late for me to get on to post, but did want to stop in!
Been reading posts and am glad to hear Butch is having better days! That is such a blessing. Cancer sucks! I am sorry I cannot remember the lady's name who said she was also dealing with the big 'C' in terms of either getting bad news or being able to wait another 6 months for her next mammogram...sorry. I did want to say I can so relate to the 'new normal' we live after having kind of think anything going on with you might be the sign of a reoccurrence, and since I am still going thru the 6 month follow-up gyno appts. I still get nervous weeks before every appt. I hope everything turns out good!
Eileen, I agree with the other ladies who have said the lady at the domestic violence office didn't know what she was talking about. Laws regarding DV changed nationwide years ago, and you can file against your mother if you have to. Doubt you'd have an intimate sexual relationship with her! Geez, this country is SO upside down these days... the perpetrators rights do seem to come first. and it really freaks me out this guy had a freakin' machete in his possession. I agree with Mary...I would go to the courthouse and file....but easier said than done. I just wish you some peace and time to recover from this awful incident!
Connie, we have been in a mode where we are not doing all these grand things like traveling to Chicago, to NYC, across parts of TX, I really want to travel, but that is on hold for about a year. Meanwhile, I am grateful I no longer am in the workforce where my time is not my own. I can do what I want....when I want. So we can enjoy the luxury of living everyday pretty much the way we want.
I have been busy, but tired the past few days. I think I need to ask the doctor if my meds need to be reduced due to me losing weight. I am on 2heart rythmn drugs for my afib and I am noticing my rate has been going down from the 80's into the 60's depending on what I am doing. I know a slow heart rate can make you tired unless you are in good health or an athlete. I am going to monitor it to see if there might be a connection.
Well, one of my favorite shows will be on soon..The I will sign off. Everyone have a great night!

Hello Kathy...I am no longer working either. I love the freedom. No alarm last minute reports and on and on. I wish I had money to travel...I would be gone!!
I think it would be good for you to talk to your doctor about your meds. Maybe you can get your heart rate from fluctuating so much. I agree... I think you need adjustments.
I love the "Following" too!!! I hope you enjoyed the show.
I too have been thinking about Christine and her new job. I hope all went really well for her!! I miss her chats...I hope she will be back!
HUGS and LOVE .....connie d
Oh, forgot a couple things!
1) Christine, I hope your first day on the new job went well and you are feeling physically strong enough to be back.
2) I changed my weight loss ticker to a another goal of 175 pounds. Originally it was 225-240, but I was encouraged to strive for a healthier goal rather than 'settle' for what I thought would be acceptable. So if you noticed the change I did NOT gain!
