Connie D.
on 5/8/15 4:23 pm

Hello Jennifer....hope your day is going well. thanks for popping in...we really do miss you!!

Love and many hugs to you...connie d

Connie D.
on 5/9/15 8:32 am
Connie D.
on 5/8/15 4:20 pm

Sweet Mary...I am so sorry that Jim isn't following directions from his doctor. You are exactly right...he can't do this forever....he will die. You cannot blame yourself. If he doesn't take meds  and eat right they will be putting him into a rehab place or a nursing home. Then they will tell him when to take meds and what to eat, He better start changing now. Damn stubborn man!! A person isn't told they are High Risk unless he really is. He should be afraid now!! 

Please let Jim go do his thing. If something happens he chose it that way. You my dear friend are over stressed and exhausted. Take time and rest up and worry about yourself...please!! 

Love and oodles of hugs to you.....connie d

Connie D.
on 5/8/15 2:04 pm

Good afternoon Trish and everyone.....

Trish...we started out threads together....I deleted mine. Then I had to go and this is my first chance to get back on here. are such an unselfish person. How nice to treat your mom a little special this Mother's day!!

I think your mom gets lonely when she is at her own place. She would be so much happier at an assisted living residence. She would meet so many friends and have a great time. I know...shut up Connie!!

You must have had a lot of box tops!! Four hours is a long time. We always just turn them in bags and the assistants/volunteers do the rest. Maybe they prefer to do it your way because it is a smaller school. It sure was sweet of you to stay up doing that!! I hardly ever have any box tops anymore. I make most all my meals and things from scratch. Gracie has quite a few others in Iowa that help her. 

I hope you managed to get the rest of the lawn mowed before it got too hot out there. Yesterday it was so rainy and humid I hardly did much at all. COPD and Asthma doesn't like humidity.

I pray for you everyday...I am concerned about those allergies and sinus infections you get. I want you to feel better and enjoy the summer.

Lots of love and oodles of hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 5/8/15 2:26 pm - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

Thanks.  My allergies and sinus infections are just nuisances.  I still enjoy Spring and Summer.  I'm going to go back to the allergist in the Fall.  It's the best time for me to go off my allergy meds for the tests.

Must scoot.  Love and tons of hugs.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 5/8/15 2:18 pm - Perry, MI

I'm back.  Well, I haven't been able to cut the grass in the backyard.  I started making my homemade spaghetti sauce, and got the brilliant idea to add sauteed green pepper and mushroom.  Well, that meant a trip to the IGA to buy them, then home to chop and saute, then into the sauce.  I simmer my sauce all day.  By the time I had the sauce done, I checked the weather.  It was 80 degrees, and humid.  I decided to take a trip to Home Depot.  I was checking on utility shelving, for my garage, and picked up a garden shepherd's hook.  I got one with two hooks, one for the hanging plant I picked up yesterday, and the other for one of my bird feeders.  So far, I only have two, but once I get to work out back, I'm getting more.  My sis-in-law moved into her house a little over a year ago.  Her back room has a big bay window, and she set up about seven bird feeders right in front of it.  It was so neat to sit at the dining room table and watch the birds go to town, feasting with the snow on the ground back in February.  I'm really hoping Trent will finish my back patio soon.  I'll ask him about it this weekend.  

Colleen is taking me out for a Mothers Day lunch tomorrow.  She told me to pick out the restaurant, and said that price was no object, coz Chris is chipping in for it.  I chose a Mexican place where we went the night before she gave birth to Lincoln.  Poor girl was doing everything she could to naturally induce labor.  She thought her due date was a couple days after he was actually born, and he weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces.  Turns out the doc told her that her actual due date was a week later.  He would have weighed 10 pounds by then.  Baby weight increases by a half pound a week in the last month of pregnancy.  I learned that when my boys weighed in at 10 and a half pounds each.  Anyway, in addition to drinking raspberry leaf tea, driving the tractor to mow their immense lawn, and sex, spicy food also helps induce labor.  Well, it worked, coz she woke me at 5:00 am the next day, and only had a four hour labor with him.  I love fajitas, and the restaurant is not a chain, and it is decorated like a fiesta.  Bright colors, very energetic.

I keep praying for Butch and Vickie.  I hope he is being discharged today.  More important, I hope this is just another hurdle toward a full recovery.

Eileen, I hope that you are able to slow down having to repeat the story of Richard's attack.  I feel bad that the homeless shelter is so close to your work.  I'm glad your coworkers are willing to accompany you to your car at night.  It might still be a good idea to have someone follow you home, and make sure you get into your apartment, and that Richard hasn't just shown up somehow.  You get out of work very late at night, and you would be safer for now.  Just my humble opinion.  I want you to be safe.  We love you.

About the 400+ Boxtops, that is one full year's worth of them.  The PTO has about four contests for bringing them in, but Colleen opted to save them all for the last one, so one of the kids' classes have a better chance of winning.  Need to find out if one of them did

Better get back to work.  

Love and hugs,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 5/8/15 3:32 pm

Hello again Trish.....That Mexican restaurant sounds like a wonderful place to eat. I love Mexican and Italian about equally!! Just reading about your Spaghetti Sauce makes me hungry for spaghetti!!! I need to make a list of things I need for a batch. I probably have most of it anyway. I know I am out of sauce in the freezer. Oh yeah, then I have to remember to buy a spaghetti squash so I have something to put it on!! I seem to do better with that then the pasta. I keep cut up red, yellow, green and orange peppers just for sauces and such. I use fresh for stir fry and omelettes and such. 

I hope Trent can get that patio done sometime soon. I think you would just love it out there...I sure would.

Love and more hugs to you....connie d

Connie D.
on 5/8/15 2:27 pm

Hello ...just me again....hope everyone is doing okay. 

I had a busy morning making phone calls and such. Then I reserved the bus to take me to Walmart. I forgot how busy Walmart could be on a Friday. OMGoodness!!!!

I went to stock up on my Pure Protein Bars. They seem to always have the best price. Now I am good to go for quite a while.

I also bought a couple dresser t-shirts. They were cute and on sale too. They are in a size smaller and they fit!!!! I purposely did that as my others are getting to loose. 

I haven't taken my walk yet today or picked up my lunch so I best getting going soon. I just wanted to check in quickly.

I am so excited and so happy for my star!! 

I will go for now and check back after I get my walk done. It is already just about 4:30. I can feel me slowing down all ready!!

Special prayers for Butch and Vickie. I so want them to be able to go home today. Prayers that Judy did well at her appointment.

Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.

Have a great rest of the day!!

Loads of love and bushels of hugs to you all...connie d


on 5/8/15 2:54 pm - Cibolo, TX

Hello!  I'm zonked, so I'll just say that we are HOME!!!  Thank the good Lord above!

Hope to post a full letter tomorrow.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 5/8/15 3:58 pm

Vickie...praise GOD for answered prayers. So happy you are home again. Get some rest and don't worry about the boxes. Tomorrow is another day.

I love you...HUGS....connie d

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