Thank God it's FRIDAY!

Connie D.
on 5/1/15 4:39 am

Hi Judy....I am glad Rick managed to walk to Canada!!!    That is his age he should be able to do that. His smoking and drinking will take a toll on his body unfortunately. It would be good if the doctor could hel***** with both before permanent damage is done. 

I use to love to go to those Civil War reenactments, that was always so fun!! We went to many Black Powder events. We shot black powder guns and rifles. We made all our own bullets and everything. We also shot regular rifles and pistols and made some of our own bullets too. I actually am a pretty good shot!! I hope Rick's grandpa's rife is worth a lot!! Have a great time this weekend!! 

It sounds like that dog is going to be on the way out soon. How many write ups before they are evicted?? It isn't the poor dogs fault. The owner doesn't walk it enough and things.  

Congrats on the new position at the VFW. I hope you really enjoy your time there. 

  Love you honey...hugs too....connie d 

Judy G.
on 5/1/15 7:16 am - Galion, OH

Connie...this "tenant" used to be my friend here...until she started to stab me in the back!!!! She is even now trying to get me and Rick fired...LMAOOOOOOOOO she has been "recording" every little thing that happens around here in a book. Like I don't do things like that about what happens here on a daily basis??? HAHAHA....anyhow I gave the first notice to her...should have come from corporate but nope I did it myself. Just to let her "know". Heard she has family business on Mother's Day and will be taking her dog with her. GOOD!!!!!!! Now we will not have to listen to it bark all day long!!!!!! As for her walking it...LMAOOOOOOOOOOO this poor dog doesn't even got outside for potty!!! She has it go on pee pads!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah!!!! Poor dog!!!!! I just SMH at this woman...another story......another time!!!!!


Connie D.
on 5/1/15 12:06 pm

Hi Judy....hang in there...kill her with kindness...then you can  work on getting her out of there. I can only imagine the things she has done or tried to do!!! 

She is lazy....she can't even let her dog outside...good grief!! That is cruelty! 

Good and hugs...connie d

on 5/1/15 5:04 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

TGIF everyone! 

I'm enjoying my last few days of "lady of leisure" status. I bought a new work bag, something to make me feel confident and ready for this new role.  I also had my hair trimmed and the roots colored this morning.  I'm always nervous about spending money I don't have - in this case I'm spending money when I don't have an income.  But, both will help me feel more confident and ready to take on this new job, so it's money well spent!  

Vickie, I am so very glad Butch is feeling a reprieve and eating again.  This is great news! I will still keep praying if course. I've lived in this house 10 years, since I married Ron.  The house has been in my husbands family almost 60 years - we bought it from his parents.  The plantings are lovely and mature, and I'm really happy about that.  BUT the exterior is really looking shabby and we need to do a ton of work.  I decreed that this is the year to do it!  The yard she'd is a shambles and we bought a new one last weekend.  Time to empty and demo the old one!  Our lawn furniture was my in laws and it too was falling apart, so it's mostly gone. Even the BBQ was falling apart.  I love my family but the attachment to 40 year old lawn furniture was strong! I finally put my foot down and said, enough is enough and now... I have some shopping to do! LOL anyway, you've inspired me to get it together.  I'm looking forward to enjoying, rather than avoiding, my backyard this summer!

Eileen, unfortunately Richard does sound like your Uncle Bum, only more violent and dangerous.  Such a shame.  Glad he's out of your life.  Stay protected and take care of yourself, please! 

Mary, great job on returning to the clinic.  So glad you have a better counselor.  You are really turning everything around, it's so inspiring!  I hope your Maura takes the trip with you tomorrow.  If you take the route going over the Throggs Neck Bridge, wave as you pass through Harrison NY! I will wave back :-)

Connie, I bet you're still catching up on sleep, and it's good that you slept in today! But I do hope the sun breaks through and brightens up your day. I've never been much of a puzzle person but they are great for the mind, and I bet it relaxes you too. 

Judy, how great that you're a guard in the Ladies Auxillary! I hope it brings you enjoyment.  You could certainly use more of that in your life! You'll have to tell us how that appraisal goes on Ricks grandfathers rifle.  I love watching those appraisals on Pawn Stars, so fascinating.

Kathy, where are you hiding today girl?  You're usually an early bird! 

Carla, when I grow up I wan to travel all over the place just like you! Ha ha ha! Seriously have a good trip and check in when you can.

oh boy I know I'm missing a ton of sisters updates, so my apologies.  It's that CRS. it's catchy I guess! 

Ok ladies I am off to get outside, get a walk, and get my car washed.  The line will be long tomorrow so I am going to try to beat the rush by doing it today.  All is going really well for me, in terms of recovery, vitamins, food, and exercise.  I didn't do well with my water yesterday so I'm making a concerted effort to get all my water today! 

enjoy the rest of your day everyone,



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Connie D.
on 5/1/15 6:48 am

Hi sounds like you are all prepared for Monday and your new job!!! I am sure you will do great!! 

I am so glad that you are doing so well with your diet and exercise since surgery. You are a STAR!!  

The sun keeps trying to peak out. It manages to stay out a bit and then the dark sky comes back. We need rain so I wi**** would just rain all day! 

Time to lay down with my ice-pack. I will check in again later.

Love and oodles of hugs...connie d


Patricia R.
on 5/1/15 7:06 am - Perry, MI

Good Evening OFF Family,

I did not sleep at all last night.  I went back on a good pain med that helps me tremendously, but it also keeps me awake.  I took Frankie out for his birthday.  We went to Target, where he chose a set of planes from the movie "Planes." Then we went for lunch.  He ate about 1/4 of a small kids' pizza.  Of course on the way to our birthday lunch, I had a vomiting episode.  I had taken my nausea medicine, but it didn't help because it didn't get a chance to be metabolize.  I 

I hope Eileen doesn't have anymore issues with Richard.  I know you have a big heart, and that you see the best in everyone.  It is easy to be taken in by addicts or the seriously mentally ill.  Don't beat yourself up.  I was in recovery in AA for over ten years, and I got taken by Sean years ago.  I knew he is an addict, and still he used me.  We honestly don't want to believe the person we trusted and helped immensely would do anything to jeopardize our relationship with the person.  Richard isn't evil, and he may not even remember what he did.  He's very sick and has no coping skills.  

Vickie, it's awesome that Butch is a week out of chemo, and eating and not throwing up.  That is just the best news.

I can't remember who all posted.

Love you.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen Briesch
on 5/1/15 8:57 am - Evansville, IN

I have now warned the two coworkers he might go to for help; warned HR to be aware of him; and a coworker is having her husband come over today to change the locks for me for free (I've called my landlord twice and he still hasn't done it). My coworker (she is the one who raises laying hens and brings in farm fresh eggs, too) was so worried about me she called her husband. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 5/1/15 12:14 pm

Eileen...I am so happy you got your lock's changed. You did the right thing warning your friends that Richard may try to get help/money from them. You co-worker is wonderful getting her husband to change out the locks. You work with some good people that really seem to care about you!! That is great!!!

HUGS and more Hugs....connie d

Connie D.
on 5/1/15 12:17 pm

Hi Trish....I am so sorry you are still getting sick every day. I hope the med helps better the next time!

Frankie picked out a good gift! All kids like airplanes! He was too excited to eat!!

Hope you feel better by now. 

Sweet dreams love and hugs...connie d

on 5/1/15 8:47 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Since a few of us have gardening plans over the weekend, I thought I would share the following piece of news: May 2 is World Naked Gardening Day.

you just can't make this stuff up! 


137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


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