Thank God it's FRIDAY!
Good morning sweet and lovely sistas of mine!
I can't believe I'm the first one on today, but here goes . . .
Let's see, my Handyman Sam is here this morning. He didn't make it yesterday afternoon, but he's here now, so I'm thankful for that. He's finishing up my new cabinets for my butler's pantry this morning. Then he's going to hang the towel bars in Mom's bathroom and in mine. And THEN, FINALLY, I think he's done! Whoo hoo! Butch says he's only here to finish up because he needs to be paid. Whatever. I'm just ready to have all these projects over with. Then I can unpack the boxes in the dining room that have all my extra kitchen stuff.
After I get those boxes moved out, I can transfer all the boxes in the living room into the dining room! LOL! So much fun!
Butch feels pretty darn good today! Thank you, Jesus! It's right on time. Had the chemo a week ago yesterday. He got up with no nausea this morning and ate TWO biscuits for breakfast! Hooray!
I took my furbabies to the groomer this morning. I found this one on Angie's List and she got fabulous reviews, so I hope we all like her. Little Maybelle is so matted up! I just told them to cut it all off and we'll get on a regular schedule with her now.
I got my big computer unpacked and all hooked up yesterday evening, but for some reason, my printer is offline and won't print. I'll have to get Mike or Christie over here to figure it out for me.
I'm still waiting to hear back from the landscape guys. I'm ready to get that project underway. I need to play in the dirt! LOL! I'm so ready to plant flowers.
Today I plan to go to Home Depot and Lowes. I need to return a few things to Lowes and pick up a few more. Natch. And I think I'm going to buy a little bit of patio furniture at Home Depot. I saw some there that I liked very much. I've decided I want the deep cushioned loveseat and ottomans. I'll keep my cedar rockers and make a furniture grouping of those under the closed end of the porch. Then I kept my little black wrought iron set also, and I made a furniture grouping of those with the grill and smoker on the open end of the porch. I would also like to pick up a couple of outdoor rugs. Slowly but surely I'm starting to pull it together. At least on the outside. LOL!
Got into the ants yesterday, so I need to pick up some ant poison. Ouchie!
Waiting to hear from everyone today. Love you all!
Hi Vickie and my OFF family to come:
Slept well last night with my Louisville Slugger by my bed. I don't expect Richard to be back (he has no transportation and no money), but just in case, I was ready. I can't believe how naive I was. The past two weeks started to wake me up ... and then talking to his mom showed me what a liar he was. He reminds me of my Uncle Bum ... well, his name was Frank, nickname Jay. Uncle Bum was an alcoholic who mooched off my grandmother and stole from my dad. My dad cosigned a loan for him and then he defaulted on the loan and my dad was stuck. When my grandma's house burnt down, Uncle Bum was living with grandma and both came to live with us (I was in college at the time and came home in the summer and had to sleep in the basement with all the spiders). Supposedly, Uncle Bum had a job in the city, so my dad would drive him to the CTA bus end of the line every day. Well, we found out he never got on the bus ... he would walk the two miles back and sit in the bar in Franklin Park all day and drink. Richard is beginning to remind me of Uncle Bum.
Anyway, enough of that chapter of my life. He's gone. I know I'll never see the money he borrowed from me.
Vickie, I'm glad Butch is feeling well and you are getting settled in your new home.
I'm waiting for my weekly nurse coach to call on my weight management program ... didn't gain at least this week, considering how crazy it was. She's supposed to call at 11 a.m. ... it's now 11:06. I'll give her to 11:15 and then I'm going to get dressed and go to Walmart.
Have a good day.
Hello Eileen....I am glad you and SLUGGER had a good night sleep last night. Remember...desperate people do desperate things. I wouldn't completely write Richard off yet. His mom and dad sure had a rough time with him. I feel bad for them. Some people just plain can't be trusted for anything! Sorry you had an uncle the same way. Good luck!!
That is great that your weight didn't go up....good for you!! Have fun at can just go in your PJs...LOL
Love and many hugs to you....connie d
Hi Eileen....I am sorry that Richard lost his dad...especially because there was alcohol had to have been a long time ago. I am glad his mom gave you answers to some of your questions. I really do hope Richard can get the help he needs. No one can make him better. He needs guidance. He must do it himself because he wants to do it and not to please someone else. His brain injury just compounds everything else. I don't wish him anything bad.
I can imagine Walmart on a Saturday!!!! I never go to those places on the weekend. Sorry you didn't get all your errands done.
How are you feeling? I am sure your are in pain and will be for a while. I hope you have found someone to talk thinks over with.
Love and lots of hugs....connie d
Atta girl Eileen, keep that slugger by your side. Hope you're also getting all the other protections lined up too. Keep getting your rest - you need it and deserve it. Xoxo

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Good Morning Vickie and OFF Sisters........
Vickie - You have such energy and strength; it never ceases to amaze me. I'm GREEN with envy. The grass sure doesn't grow under your feet. Your outside area sounds divine. When my husband was alive he always had projects going outside -- he built stone walls, laid patios, put up fencing, did landscaping, etc. We always had a nice area outside where we could sit and BBQ.
Well, I did go to the psych at the Weight Clinic - what a difference from the woman I saw who just criticized me the whole time. And I got weighed-in. I lost 10 pounds since January. Not great, but at least I didn't gain anything during my off-track period, so I was happy about that.
I'm planning on going down to NY tomorrow. May have to go on my own, but I want to go anyway. It's to have lunch with my four brothers and their wives. Haven't seen them all since two summers ago. Three of my brothers live in NY, and one is coming in from California where he retired to so he and his wife could be near their grandson. Going to a BBQ place, so I will surely be able to get something there. Trying to get Maura to come too - I'm hoping to get her on board. She's an only child and I want her to have stronger ties with my brothers and her cousins.
Judy - how did Rick's test go? Did he have a beer when he got home?
Eileen - hope things are ok with you today. If your landlord hasn't changed the locks, I'd just leave him a message saying if it's not taken care of immediately you will have someone come Monday. It's a safety issue. He'll probably charge you for the locks anyway, so no sense in waiting for him. Stay strong.
I've got to run ..... need to bring several bags of trash/recyclables to the dump. Can't afford to pay a trash company $45/month to pick up 1-2 bags a week. If I do it myself, it costs $2-$3/week.
Prayers and good wishes to all.
Hi Mary...that is great that you managed to lose weigh during your off track time. 10 pounds is that much less to carry around. Good for you!
I hope your visit with your family goes well tomorrow. That will be a great time! It would be great if Maura can go with.
Keep safe driving to NY...there are some crazy drivers out there!!
More love and hugs to you....connie d
Good morning Vickie and everyone....
Vickie...I can hear the happiness in your post. I am so happy Butch is feeling better today. I think the extra days at MDA was just what he needed. He even ate a good breakfast....that alone is such an improvement!
You will be having a busy day shopping and picking out things you need to make your house your home!! It all sounds so exciting! I love the ideas you have for your patio!!!
I am glad Sam finally made it this morning. Hopefully this will be his last day finishing up the list of projects you had for him to do.
ANTS...OUCH!! I hope you get rid of them soon!
Soon the landscape guys will be there and you can be out playing in the dirt soon!! I love you!!
As for me....I slept in....I didn't mean too. It was just dark in here so I thought it was still early. I got up and it was almost 10 AM. I was up in the middle of the night for a couple hours so I am not feeling too bad about getting up later. It is just really dark and cloudy...feels like rain is on the way. High temp was supposed to be in the low 70s today with sunshine. As usual they predicted wrong. High today now will be in the mid 60s and so far no sun!
I am not doing much today. I have one small load of linens to wash. My cleaning fairy could only get in two loads as there was a line waiting for washers. If I do them fine if not there is no rush.
I went shopping for a little while yesterday. I found some puzzles I like and purchased them. I only want to do 500 piece puzzles because that is all I can have on my card table. I don't want pieces laying all over on other tables and such. My apartment is not that big and I don't like the cluttered look.
I have been praying for Eileen as I know so many of us are doing. I hope she had a good night last night. I was happy she called work and took the night off.
I hope things calm down for Judy soon.What a whirlwind she has been in! I would be crazier then I already am dealing with those people!
Today is my baby "Carrie's Birthday". I spoke with her earlier. She is spending the day with her best friend, Heather. They always have such a great time together. They will be going out to lunch and shopping and just hanging out together. They are meeting up with their hubby's later. They will be going to the Twins game. You have to understand....Carrie is one of the biggest twins fans around!! This is the best gift she could receive. I am one of the biggest Vikings fans....I am not happy about that whole Peterson thing!! Carrie and I both agreed....we love our teams whether they win or not!!!
I will check in again later. Have a great day everyone!!
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.
Much love and oodles of hugs....connie d
Afternoon OFF family...
Went for Rick's stress test and his echocardiogram this morning...he said he ran all the way to Cananda!!! LOL His face was red as a beet but they said he did good...see the dr Tuesday morning at 8am. He doesn't know I saw the dr walking by me this morning and I asked him to speak to him about all his heavy drinking!!! Dr said he would!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!
Vickie do they have TERRO for ants in your area? That works great. Not sure what kind you have though....GREAT NEWS on Butch!!! Prayers answered!!!! Thankyou GOD!!!!!!!
Eileen keep that bat with you at ALL times!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Oh CRAP!!!!!! CR****s me again!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRR Wish this board showed everyones post so I can remember who said what!!!! LOL
Anyhow I got a phone call this morning from the VFW ladies Aux. and was asked if I would take the position of Guard. Wonderful. I said I would but I can't always make the meetings...she said I had to make the one on May 26 to be inducted and then if I missed 3 in a row would be out. Well I can do that then...I hope. Never been an elected one before this in this might be fun...???
Dam dog is barking again in apartment behind us. Guess she will get a letter from corporate. I gave her one a week ago.....Disturbing the peace. Sighs........
Going to Civil War reenactment tomorrow. Will be a lot of fun. We went last year and had a good time. Rick wants to take his grandpa's rifle to get appraised. Be interesting to see what that is worth. Really old and in fantastic shape!!!
OK time for Bandit's potty walk and me back to work....yippeeeee
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!