
Eileen Briesch
on 4/29/15 2:39 pm, edited 4/29/15 9:56 pm - Evansville, IN

Well, what y'all feared happened tonight. Richard attacked me. I couldn't believe it. I was lying in bed, reading, and he called to me from his room. So I went over there and he said, " You're God." He was sitting on the floor. I asked if I could get him something; he said a Coke. So I brought that, and he kept mumbling a bunch a bunch of stuff ... Then he followed me into my room. I asked if wanted to go to the hospital; he said yes. I was about to get dressed when rushed me, grabbed hold of my arms to hug me, then threw down to the floor and started biting my face. I bit  my lip and had to hit him several times to get him to stop. When he stopped I called 911. Cops came, asked if I wanted to file a complaint ..I just wanted him gone. So finally he said he'd go to the hospital.

Edit: He called about 3:30 a.m., said he was better, his electrolytes were out of balance, could I come get him? I said no, he couldn't come back, I was afraid to have him in the house. He said he had nowhere else to go. I'm sorry, but he has to find somewhere else. I finally got about an hour of sleep in my recliner. Finding new bruises all the time. My right knee hurts too. Bruising under both arms. I don't think I've ever been afraid of one person before.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Mary Gee
on 4/29/15 4:05 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

God Eileen, that's awful - I'm glad you're okay.  You probably should have been looked at by a doctor, and if you're not going to file a complaint, you should get a restraining order in place immediately.  You don't know what's going to happen with him - he may somehow manage to get out of the hospital and show up at your door.  You must be prepared.

What a terrible thing to have happen.  Here you opened your home to him and helped him so much.  This is a hard lesson learned.  You must look out for yourself, and let others take care of themselves.  I remember once when I was young (a very, very long time ago) I left the club I was at with my parents to try to help some woman get home - my father came rushing after me and made me come back to the club with him, admonishing me for putting myself at risk to help someone else.  He told me I always had to look out for my own safety first and foremost.

I'm sure you're very upset, mad and disappointed.  Is there anyone you can call to help you through this?

Saying some special prayers for you.  


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 4/29/15 8:09 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Eileen, Eileen, Eileen! 

Thank God you're ok, and that you were not more hurt. I do hope you will please consider filing a police report of some sort and consider a restraining order too.  You don't have to do anything more but these will help protect you in the event you need Richard to stay gone. 

Do you have anyone, family or friends, nearby for support?  I believe it might e helpful for you to consider some specialized help, targeted to victims of attacks such as these. Do you have a local group or therapist that can help you?  

I wish we all lived closer by. But we are here for you virtually at least.  

I am praying for your recovery and your strength, and will ask my church to do the same. 

Sending virtual hugs, and strength to you along with my prayers.  I hope you feel them! 



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 4/29/15 9:52 pm

Oh my dear, i agree with all those above. Please file a police report, get a restraining order, change theclocks on your doors, let someone near by know what is going on so they can watch after and support you, let security at your work know, and contact a support a gency. You must be very careful to take care of yourself. You are very precious to this OFF family. 

Prayers that you will heal and Richatd will get the help he so desperately needs .

on 4/29/15 10:47 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15


youre an amazing person.  I'm praying for you with all my might.  Stay strong. You deserve to be safe.  Don't let him back in your house. Change the locks and if you need to go somewhere to be safe, there are resources for you.  I took the liberty of googling resources near you, and your local YWCA might be able to help you if you need a temporary safe place to go.  This is from their website:

The YWCA is the largest provider of domestic violence services in the country. Locally, the Evansville YWCA building is a home where we provide shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. We staff a 24-hour domestic violence hotline. Our confidential services are available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. You have a right to be safe. If you need us, we’re here.

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline • 866-367-9922

Emergency Police/Fire • 911

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hotline TTY • 800-332-7385

National Domestic Violence Hotline • 800-799-SAFE (7233)


Please take Mary's words to heart: put yourself and your safety first, today and always.  

Love you



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 4/29/15 11:46 pm - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Lord, honey!  Thank God you were not badly hurt or killed.  Now I understand your FB post this morning.  When I read it I knew it had to be about Richard.  

Honey you've done everything you can for that man.  He's sick and needs help.  There are agencies in place for that.  I think the others have given you good advice.  I never had to file a restraining order or any of that, so I don't know how all that works, but you should at the very least have some photographic evidence of your injuries.  Sounds to me like Richard needs to be admitted to a psych hospital for evaluation.

I love you and I'm so sorry this happened to you!  You must have been terrified.  Poor darling.  I do so wish I could offer you more than just words of comfort.  Praying for a good resolution to the Richard crisis soon!


Eileen Briesch
on 4/29/15 11:58 pm - Evansville, IN

Thanks y'all ... I hardly slept at all last night ... not at all in my bed. Got a couple hours in my recliner. I never thought he would do this to me. When he called after he was done at the hospital, I was resolute ... no, he couldn't come back, I was scared of him. He has had breakdowns before ... he's told me some of this, but now I don't know how much to believe because I've caught him in a couple lies. 

The only way he's getting back in here is to get his stuff and that's with someone else with him. I'm having a cup of coffee and an Atkins bar, then I'm going to urgent care to have them look at my jaw. Hurts like hell. Not really as bruised as I thought, but still very tender and puffy. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 4/30/15 12:14 am

OMG Eileen.....I am so sorry this happened to you. I am glad you were strong enough to fight him off. It could have ended so much worse. 

You had to have been terrified and I am sure you will be emotionally and physically hurting for quite some time to come.

I too believe you should get a restraining order. If you have a safe house for women there you can go get one for free. Also take pictures of your bruises....all of them. HUGS!!

Please under no cir****tances ever let him in your home again. He can get help to have his things removed from your house. He doesn't need to be there. There are many agencies that can help with that as well. Especially under the cir****tances of what happened.

Does he have a key to your apartment? If so call and have your locks changed. The landlord should be able to do that right away.

Please...if ever you need to talk to someone call me. Anytime day or night. I couldn't be there to help but I sure could listen.

I hope you are able to get a good sleep in yet today. 

I will be praying for you. Don't answer anymore of his calls that will give him the wrong signal. You need space right now!

Tons of love and oodles of hugs....connie d



Cindy P.
on 4/30/15 12:32 am

Oh, Eileen.  I am so sorry this happened to you. 

I agree with the others who have advised you to file a restraining order and change your locks and also to file a police report.  Better to be extra cautious than not.  Richard is unstable and you can't predict his actions.  I'm glad you are going to urgent care.  Take care of yourself.



Cindy P.

on 4/30/15 12:56 am - Canada


Dear Eileen, I know he was your boss at one time at the newspaper and helped you out way back when, but he is no longer the same person , and although you felt morally it was now your turn to help him, your debt to him ended when he attacked you. He needs a psych evaluation and you need to make sure he cant come back. Take the advice others have given you, file the reports and have selfies on hand of your bruises and injuries. He is going to blame you next time he has a flareup of his psychosis, so stay safe, change your locks if he has a key, and move whenever you can as that was your longer term plan, possibly  sharing a new place with your brother. is he available to come stay with you now? Richard is no longer part of your life, your safety comes first.  Hope he doesn't try to break in while you are at work...a restraining order might help a bit, but it would be good if your brother were living with you now as a deterrent to Richard coming knocking to be let in....

Hugs, Jennifer

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