Wednesday - Hump Day

Mary Gee
on 4/28/15 7:25 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good Morning Ladies!!  I'm up early, as usual, and figured I'd start the day here.

Yesterday was a good day food wise -- stuck to my pre-planned menu and turned down everything Jim offered.  Going cold turkey on the carbs.  It must be done.  I was supposed to meet with my surgeon and NUT tomorrow, but canceled those appts. - I will reschedule for some time in June. I did, however, make an appt. to see the psych tomorrow instead.  I met with her twice pre-op and post-op and was very comfortable with her.  I don't think she has her own practice - just sees people at the Weight Center.  Figured I'd touch base with her, and see if she could refer me to another doctor who handles eating disorders/weight issues.  I know I have relationship issues, but those are not the cause of my weight issues - I had those issues for years.

Took Jim to see his PCP yesterday.  He is scheduled for a liver biopsy next week, and another PCP appt. too.  He's experiencing lots of problems, and they are not resolving.  When he saw the liver specialist last month and she upped his Feurisomide (sp?) and other meds.  he lost about 45 pounds in a week, but 42 of those pounds are back again.  He's full of sh*t too - major constipation issues that he's on medication for. Difficulty breathing, his oxygen levels are low. I guess a lot of questions will be answered with the biopsy.  PCP says he may have heart issues on top of that, but will wait for biopsy results first.  Lots of stress - one thing that drives me crazy is his absent-mindedness.  I am repeating myself 95% of the time.  I'll say something like "Let's stop at the store to pick up some eggs" and the response I get is "What?  You want to stop at the store to pick up some eggs" and then I respond "Yes, let's stop at the store to pick up some eggs".  So he hears everything I say, but always says What? and repeats what I say.  E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g I say has to be repeated.  

Eileen - I am so, so glad Richard got approved for Medicaid.  That is good news. Hopefully a lot of things will resolve for him, and his and your stress levels will drop.  You mentioned looking at an apartment - I remember you mentioning that before.  Will that apartment be for you, or you and Richard, and what about your brother?  Have you made a decision on that?

Vickie - I laughed at you getting "caught" in your PJs.    Your neighbors sound nice - but sure hope they aren't busybodies.  I'm friendly with two of my neighbors, to a degree - and the others are "Hello" and "Isn't it a beautiful day" neighbors.

Kathy -- Ha! - Beat you to the punch today!  You must be sleeping in.    J.K.  Imagine, you'll be able to move forward on your WLS journey instead of being sent away to the Funny Farm!

Trish - I'm glad you're feeling better.

Judy - Men!  What else is there to say - they can be such babies.

Connie - dear friend, how are you feeling today? Did you get to schedule your dentist appt. yet? Today is Wednesday, so I expect your cleaning fairy is coming today.  Lucky you!  I'm going to ask Maura if she can borrow her boyfriend's truck some Saturday and come over and help me out getting stuff taken to the dump.  I have several bags of leaves to take to the Compost Station, along with bags of cardboard boxes, etc.  I'm proud I've been able to get some clean-up started, but I've got a long way to go.

Christine - glad you survived your in-laws visit. I always like to have company, but I always feel good when it's time to say goodbye and I can close the door behind them.  

Well, enough of this novel.  Hope I didn't miss anyone.  Prayers and good wishes to all.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 4/28/15 11:14 pm
On April 29, 2015 at 2:25 AM Pacific Time, Mary Gee wrote:

Good Morning Ladies!!  I'm up early, as usual, and figured I'd start the day here.

Yesterday was a good day food wise -- stuck to my pre-planned menu and turned down everything Jim offered.  Going cold turkey on the carbs.  It must be done.  I was supposed to meet with my surgeon and NUT tomorrow, but canceled those appts. - I will reschedule for some time in June. I did, however, make an appt. to see the psych tomorrow instead.  I met with her twice pre-op and post-op and was very comfortable with her.  I don't think she has her own practice - just sees people at the Weight Center.  Figured I'd touch base with her, and see if she could refer me to another doctor who handles eating disorders/weight issues.  I know I have relationship issues, but those are not the cause of my weight issues - I had those issues for years.

Took Jim to see his PCP yesterday.  He is scheduled for a liver biopsy next week, and another PCP appt. too.  He's experiencing lots of problems, and they are not resolving.  When he saw the liver specialist last month and she upped his Feurisomide (sp?) and other meds.  he lost about 45 pounds in a week, but 42 of those pounds are back again.  He's full of sh*t too - major constipation issues that he's on medication for. Difficulty breathing, his oxygen levels are low. I guess a lot of questions will be answered with the biopsy.  PCP says he may have heart issues on top of that, but will wait for biopsy results first.  Lots of stress - one thing that drives me crazy is his absent-mindedness.  I am repeating myself 95% of the time.  I'll say something like "Let's stop at the store to pick up some eggs" and the response I get is "What?  You want to stop at the store to pick up some eggs" and then I respond "Yes, let's stop at the store to pick up some eggs".  So he hears everything I say, but always says What? and repeats what I say.  E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g I say has to be repeated.  

Eileen - I am so, so glad Richard got approved for Medicaid.  That is good news. Hopefully a lot of things will resolve for him, and his and your stress levels will drop.  You mentioned looking at an apartment - I remember you mentioning that before.  Will that apartment be for you, or you and Richard, and what about your brother?  Have you made a decision on that?

Vickie - I laughed at you getting "caught" in your PJs.    Your neighbors sound nice - but sure hope they aren't busybodies.  I'm friendly with two of my neighbors, to a degree - and the others are "Hello" and "Isn't it a beautiful day" neighbors.

Kathy -- Ha! - Beat you to the punch today!  You must be sleeping in.    J.K.  Imagine, you'll be able to move forward on your WLS journey instead of being sent away to the Funny Farm!

Trish - I'm glad you're feeling better.

Judy - Men!  What else is there to say - they can be such babies.

Connie - dear friend, how are you feeling today? Did you get to schedule your dentist appt. yet? Today is Wednesday, so I expect your cleaning fairy is coming today.  Lucky you!  I'm going to ask Maura if she can borrow her boyfriend's truck some Saturday and come over and help me out getting stuff taken to the dump.  I have several bags of leaves to take to the Compost Station, along with bags of cardboard boxes, etc.  I'm proud I've been able to get some clean-up started, but I've got a long way to go.

Christine - glad you survived your in-laws visit. I always like to have company, but I always feel good when it's time to say goodbye and I can close the door behind them.  

Well, enough of this novel.  Hope I didn't miss anyone.  Prayers and good wishes to all.


Good morning Mary and everyone...

Mary....nice to see you posting the thread today!! 

I am a bit confused...why you decide to cancel your surgeon and nutritionist? I know you were seeing a counselor. I am glad you will see her again. Are you asking her for names of a new psychiatrist or psychologist or a WLS surgeon? I am glad you had a good day with your eating yesterday. Keep strong you can do this!!!  Tell Jim to quit offering you are not a dog....LOL!!!!

Jim could be having those issues of repeating himself because of a medication. Or was it like this before? If his thinking is that bad he should not be driving. I hope he isn't anyway!! Driving like that is a danger to other people and you too. It sounds like he is retaining fluids too. No one can lose 45 pounds in a week unless it is fluid. Maybe that is what the doctor is concerned about. Fluid around the heart is bad!!

I hope you make it to the psychiatrist or psychologist, which ever she is. I am praying that goes really well. 

As for me...yes  got into my dentist right away. She is wonderful. I had chipped a tiny bit off one tooth and it was making my tongue sore rubbing on it. She said she just cleaned it up so it wasn't sharp and then filled the little spot in. There was no cavity or anything wrong. I feel better now!!! 

Yes, my cleaning fairy comes today. I am leaving in a few minutes to go get groceries with the ladies here. I don't like it but right now I don't have a choice. We are looking into finding someone else to help with shopping.

I will have to check in later. I need to get dressed and get downstairs now. I don't want to miss my ride.

Have a wonderful day everyone!! It is sunny and warmer here today!!

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all.....conne d


Patricia R.
on 4/29/15 12:28 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Mary and OFF,

My day did not go as planned yesterday.  I thought I'd work on laundry, but Colleen called and invited me to go shopping with her and Frankie.  We went to seven stores, primarily looking for rain boots for Izzy and Lincoln.  They were going fishing with Trent, his brother, and nephews around their ages.  She didn't want their sneakers to get ruined.  She also needed groceries, which she got at Sam's.  We were supposed to have dinner together, but I got nauseous again, and had to go home.  I made an appointment for tomorrow with my doctor, coz I don't have a clue what caused that episode.

Today, I have an appointment, then laundry.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 4/29/15 3:10 am

Hi Trish....I can't imaging going to seven stores....I know I couldn't make it through that many. Then you went to Sam's....oh my!! It makes me so frustrated!! I feel so bad that I can do so little. 

I hope Colleen found boots for Izzy and Lincoln.

I am very happy that you are going to see your doctor tomorrow. Have you switched any meds around or gotten any new ones? I hope the doctor has answers for you.

As for me...I am feeling better today. I am just fatigued. The pain is bearable. That is good!!!

I just got back from grocery shopping about an hour ago. I have everything put away. I feel drugged. The Flexeril I take does that to me. I always take some before I shop so I can keep ahead of the spasms. Now i have to wait for my cleaning fairy to get her. She is scheduled at 1:00 PM. I have an hour so I think I should get my walking in. Maybe I will wake up then!!

I pray Vickie is having a less stressful day. She is doing so much and handle two people besides. What will happen to them if she collapses!! Vickie, please take a few minutes for you to have a cold drink and rest up a bit!!! I love you!

Lots of love and hugs too....connie d

Patricia R.
on 4/29/15 5:03 am - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

I just realized I didn't share enough information about our shopping trip yesterday.  One of the main reasons Colleen invites me to go on these adventures is that Frankie and I can wait in the mini-van, while he watches a movie on the DVD player, and I stay with him.  Their DVD player screen is in the roof of the van, so all the kids can see it.  Town is 30 minutes plus, and we were out from around 11:00 till 2:30, when it was time to pick up the kids from school.  She did find boots for the kids, a little big for them, but they worked.  Colleen said they came home with the boots covered in mud.  But, they didn't catch anything.  

I just got home from an appointment and a trip to Joann Fabrics.  I decided to use the fabric I bought for myself to make a dress for Izzy for her birthday.  I couldn't use the pattern I bought with that fabric.  I picked out two patterns, and more fabric to make her two dresses.  I plan to cut it out and work on it in the next week.  Her birthday is June 14th, so I have six weeks to complete it.  

So, tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, then I see my PCP for the nausea.  Friday, I take Frankie out for his birthday.  He turns 3 on Sunday.  I want to take him to a restaurant in town, which is near Kohl's and Target.  There are a few things I want to let him pick out.  We were at Kohl's yesterday, and saw Mickey Mouse shirts on sale, plus some books reduced.  Then, at Target, we saw Spiderman accessories, like caps and flip flops.  I will also give him some money, like last year.  Colleen and Trent have saved money from the kids' birthdays last year, and are going to build a neat playset out in their backyard.  Since Trent is a skilled carpenter, he's going to build it.  Those things are not cheap.  It works out great coz Frankie's birthday's in May.  Izzy's is in June, and Lincoln's is in August.  Colleen's is in July.  Busy summer.  

Love you.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 4/29/15 12:20 pm

Trish....That makes a lot more sense...I was wondering how you could walk all that with the pain you have. My daughters both had DVD players in their vehicles too. The trips to both grandparents was 5 hours for me and 7 for the other grandma. The grandpa live only about 15 miles away or so. My ex husbands live near me. They just thought that was the best invention of all times!! They read and played other car games and such too.

I hope Colleen snapped a pick of the kids in their dirty boots!!! Sorry they didn't get fish...maybe next time.

I was always going to ask you what they did about the grandpa's house next door to them. Maybe they are keeping it...I was just curious.

I always wondered if you finished your dress. I am sure the dresses for Izzy will be really sweet!!

Tomorrow is your dentist day! I hope you get in and out as quickly as I did. I am still praying your doctor finds out what is causing your nausea. 

It sounds like you got some good deals on birthday gifts too.

Lots of love and many hugs....connie d

on 4/29/15 12:33 am

Good Morning Mary & Connie!

Yes, Mary, you beat me this morning!!! I decided to wash my hair so that put me behind in getting to the computer this morning. Kudos to you for taking over!

I hear you about the 'food issues.' I have been in counseling off & on over the years for 1st marriage, kid & other problems, but never really focused on food addiction. However, I kinda think food addicts tend to have a couple issues in common: we are usually MAJOR caretakers & the relationships we CHOOSE to be in (romantic or otherwise) seem to have elements that 'feed' our compulsion to eat. I know when I am super stressed with Jim, Jasmyn or my daughters...the important ppl in my life... I turn to food. Jim2 is very high maintenance...he is SO good to me, but has so many medical & a few other issues it is frustrating!

I hope a psychiatrist or counselor can help you. I started seeing a counselor right before I started this pre-op process...and why I will follow the psychiatrist (and Trish's advice) to increase my zoloft.

Jim1 seems like he is very ill. The weight gain & loss do not sound good at all... almost sounds like acities. When my dad had open heart surgery there were complications that led to him having liver failure for a few weeks & he was often confused, majorally tired & depressed. I hope the biopsy will provide enough info for a treatment plan to get him better.

Connie, glad you got your tooth fixed with the minimum of trouble! Hope your pain is manageable today & you can enjoy your walk & cleaning fairy!

Vickie, I could so relate to being caught by your neighbors! We just moved into the suburbs 3 years ago & our wonderful neighbors are VERY close by! When we had our acre of land in the country I could take the dog out in my summer nightgown, grab some vegtables from our garden & sun on the deck without anyone seeing me. Now I make sure I am fully dressed before stepping out the door!

I am looking forward to 'normal' stuff like taking baths, not worrying if a chair has arms, and being able to walk again once I lose this weight. Just losing 30 pounds doing my pre-op stuff has reinforced how 'not normal' I had become!

Eileen, I bet a lot of your energy levels are affected by your stressful living situation in addition to work and finances. I hope now that Richard has gotten his Medicaid the disability will fall into place & you can move towards a decision about what to do with him. I know when I get fed up with Jim I tell him to 'stay out of my face' and avoid him. But even avoiding someone...especially in the same stressful. Good thing you are so committed to the Y!

Christine, good to hear you are still out there! Don't you start your new job next week?

Sorry if I have overlooked anyone. I will check back.


Connie D.
on 4/29/15 4:50 am

Hello are right.... I am a caregiver too...always have that from my mama!! I was a food addict and I could be very easily again!! Something goes wrong and food is where I would go!!  I am fighting it hard. I so want to lose this weight!! You are going to love how you feel after losing more weight!!!! 

I personally don't mind being outside in my pjs bottoms and a t-shirt. It covers a lot more then some of the people out there wear these days. Lingerie now that would be something else!! Poor Vickie is no longer a country girl....lots of changes to make.

Have a great and more hugs to you....connie d 



on 4/29/15 3:01 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Hello, hello dear ladies!

Good to be back. I was keeping up while busy but its not the same as posting and chatting.  I missed you all.  

Mary, I do love my MIL and FIL. They treat me like one of their own and I'm quite lucky. They have their own room and sitting room (an in law space) here, but it's still really nice to have my privacy back!  They will be back, along with many other family, in mid May for my stepdaughters college graduation. So sorry Jim is being so challenging... you deserve more and I hope he turns it around.  But I am so happy for you for going cold turkey on the carbs. Your story is a cautionary tale for me - I am planning to avoid the starchy carbs and such until honeymoon and weight loss is over.  Once I open that Pandora's box I know it will be a bear to get under control.  

Connie, dear friend, you've had a bad run of luck. Glad the dentist could fit you in. the warmer temperatures will lift spirits and hopefully lift some of your pain.  Well a girl can hope and dream for you, right???  

Trish, so sorry to hear you had a small setback.  Or at least, I hope thats all it was and that you're feeling better soon.

Vickie, I haven't lived in the country but when I visit folks who do, I just love the privacy and the ability to walk the dog or just go outside for morning coffee in my PJ's.  But I admit, I have been seen around my neighborhood walking my dog in my PJ's (with a coat over them) early in the morning or late at night!  LOL

Judy, I have to agree with Mary here.  I just love my husband Ron, and he does so much for me, but good heavens he has no pain nor sickness tolerance.  If he has a headache we all have to go into silence.  I had major surgery and there was no silence for me when I came home! LOL  Anyway hang in there friend.  

Eileen, good news about Richard's Medicaid approval.  I hope this brings your stress levels down and you can get some more happiness going in your life too!  

Kathy, thanks for the welcome back!  Oh gosh I have a long long list of things I can't wait to do as I lose weight, and taking a bath is definitely near the top.  Even if I fit in a bathtub I won't be able to get back up just yet.  But the day is already coming for me to take the plunge - pun intended! :-) Yes, you have a good memory, I do start my job next week. 

In fact, I started putting away my winter clothes from closet and drawers and realized... there is no reason to put them into storage.  I will never wear them again!  It is a very good, but also strange, feeling.  I then started trying on work clothes - the suits and separates I was wearing just 4 - 5 weeks ago for interviews and appointments.  They look ridiculous.  I can't even alter them myself;  I will need major help to rebuild the jackets.  I am bringing them to a tailor to see how much it will cost;  I may just donate them and buy one good blazer and make it work for the next month or so. I did find a suit from about 8 years ago (classic cut, still can be worn) and it fits beautifully.  So I went from a 22W to a 16W already!  I have 2 blouses that I can wear next week, and so far, that's all.  A happy problem.  So I joined a clothing rental service called Gwynnie Bee, where I can wear things once or twice and send them back for a new size of something else. I will do this to help me through spring and summer work wear.  And then it's thrift store shopping time for everything else.  I've always collected far too many things - clothes and shoes and such - in a variety of sizes so I could accommodate my 15 to 20 pound weight swings, but this is my opportunity to clear out.  I will keep one pair of jeans but everything else will be donated to charity or sold (to fund new clothes). 

I guess I knew this would happen when I lost weight but somehow, in the back of my mind, I always thought that I would be the ONE case where RNY didn't work.  The person that couldn't lose weight even with a stomach pouch the size of an egg.  Well, now I can see that this tool does work even for me.  I'm determined to be a success - I'm going to make it this time!  So, out goes the 22W/24W wardrobe.  Good bye forever.  

Speaking of which, it's time to start packing up the donations. Empty Closet here I come :-) 

Have a great day everyone!




137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 4/29/15 6:06 am

Lol, I am swimming in my old 6-8x summer shirts. Just bought two pair of exercise pants... 2X... OMG 2X.....  and a size 18 swim suit.... And it fits!!!!! Slowly going through summer clothes to throw out (two ratty to give away ) keep as knock around the house only, or give to charity.... great fun, but need to get more clothes soonn.... lol. 

Blessings to all. 


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