
on 4/27/15 11:17 pm

Good Morning Ladies!

I don't know where everyone is at AGAIN, but if you're all crazy enough to let me take the lead here I am!

Went for my psych evaluation & obviously they cut me loose. He said he will approve the surgery..yoohoo! He does want me to increase my Zoloft, tho, as he says I seemed depressed. No s*it, Sherlock! It has been a rough couple years between getting a cancer, sleep apnea & heart diagnosis, deciding to leave my job & the income it generated b/c of my medical & a few other issues, being 'poor' until I get my medical issues resolved so hopefully I can return to work OR file for SSDI, & the stress of raising our now 13 yr old granddaughter & dealing w/her mom's stuff, and then the day to day stuff like the 'joyful' days w/our spouses!!!

I think if I was a drinker I'd take everyone up on that wine!

Connie, thank you for the compliments..you are such a sweetie!

Trish, I certainly hope you feel better soon & get to enjoy some non-sick days!

Eileen, am anxious to hear how things go with Richard at Social Services. Best case scenario would be you get a break soon!

Vickie, I hope you get unpacked so you can begin to relax. I miss taking baths...hopefully once I lose the weight I won't be afraid to sit in a tub & possibly have to call the fire department to get me out!

Mary, my energy comes in spurts, but I am glad to be feeling more productive. This past Fall/Winter was truly the worst of my life. I could barely MOVE.

Gonna sign off & get my big butt off the couch.

will check in later.



Patricia R.
on 4/28/15 12:09 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Kathy and OFF Family,

Kathy, I'm glad your psych eval was good, and that he increased your Zoloft.  It's a good SSRI, and I was on it for a while for my depression.  I'm now on Cymbalta, which is very similar.  Trust me, you will start to feel better in a couple of weeks.  I remember my summer of preparing for surgery.  I was so grateful when I woke up in recovery, with the pain pump button in my hand.  

I feel much better today.  I was able to eat a normal supper last night, and I also had a rare, but good night's sleep.  Thanks for wishing me well.

I'm praying for everyone.  Will check back in later.

Love and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 4/28/15 12:29 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish!  We were posting at the same time.  Glad you are feeling better today!  Love you, Vic


Connie D.
on 4/28/15 1:22 am

Hello Trish....I am so happy to know you had a good nights sleep last night!!  That is great!! 

I wish most days I had a pain pump button in my hands! Darn...it was supposed to be sunny and almost 70 today!! It is very dark and gloomy and feels like rain!!

It is good that you are feeling better today!!!  Maybe it is the water there. You best bring your own bottle of water! I am glad you ate a normal supper last night with no problems. I was thinking about you all evening and praying you were okay.

Lots of love and many hugs....connie d

on 4/28/15 12:26 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Kathy and my beautiful sistas!

Oh, Kathy, I so identify with being afraid to get in the bathtub.  Just before my WLS, I became so heavy that I, too, was afraid to take a bath for fear I couldn't get out of the tub.  That's a bad feeling.  You will feel (and look and BE) so much better after your WLS.  You'll be amazed at the mobility you regain.  

So we woke up with our same scenario this morning.  Butch woke up nauseous and I woke up with a raging headache.  Ugh.  I will say that once the nausea passes, he seems to feel okay again.  Okay being a relative term.  He feels like crap, but I keep reminding him that the effects of the chemo begin to drastically lessen after the first 7 days or so.  It's already Tuesday, and Thursday will mark the end of the first week.  

As for the headaches, I don't know what causes them.  Insomnia struck me, too.  I woke up around 4 a.m. and never really could go back to sleep.  Ugh.  

So I'm moving rather slowly today.  But eventually I have to get some things done.  Today I need to go out to the lake house and empty the refrigerator there and pick up a few other essentials that I forgot to move last week.  Little things like the dirty clothes hampers.  I'm having to just drop the dirty clothes on the floor of our closet.  Driving me bats.

Also I need to get my little step ladder for my mom.  While I'm tall, she's short.  I store lots of stuff on the top shelves because I can reach them, but she can't.  I need to get the little stepladder for her.

And of course, there are the ever present boxes to unpack!

I guess I need to mow the grass here.  I've now had TWO different neighbors offer to come over and mow my grass for me.  LOL!  I guess we're looking a little shaggy.  I'll be glad to get the unpacking behind me and get back into a routine.  I've met about 3 of my neighbors now and they are all so friendly and nice.  I'm going to like living here once I get settled.  But it does "bug" me to have people looking over my back fence all the time.  I lived way out in the country for years and years.  I'm just not used to neighbors!

Last night I took the dogs out for a brief romp in the back yard.  I was very decently dressed--I had on pj pants, a tee, and my house shoes.  But two of my neighbors came up to the back fence for a chat and I was embarrassed to be "caught" in my jammies.  I never even gave it a thought when I stepped out on the back porch, you know?  I'm used to living in the country.

My mom finally decided to take a shower in her own bathroom today.  I really didn't know why she was using my shower (I think I told y'all she doesn't like it--it's too tall for her--WTH?), but come to find out this morning, it's because she couldn't figure out how to turn the shower on.  Really Mama?  This is not the woman I grew up with.  She's afraid of so many new things.  I'm being patient with her, but it's hard for me not to express my incredulity at her ineptness.  I know, I know--there but for the grace of God (and another 20 years) go I.  I have to show her how every little thing works.  I guess change is really scary for her now.

As for me, I plan to stay in this house until it's time for me to go into assisted living.  I like it here.  I like this house.  I like this area.  And God knows I don't ever want to move again. I think I'm finally permanently planted.

Well, my head aches and I'm going to go lie down again for a little while.  Usually once I'm up and have a ProJoe (with lots of caffeine) I'm fine, but not today.  Maybe my "toddlers" will let me alone for a little while.  

Love you all!



Connie D.
on 4/28/15 1:38 am

Hello Vickie.....sorry you are dealing with a nasty headache again this morning. Sorry Butch is nauseous again too. I hope you both feel better soon!!

I know you hate the running back to the lake house again when you have plenty to do there. Think of it as a little escape!! You don't want to leave food in the refrigerator for too long. I hate seeing dirty clothes laying around. I would be going to get that hamper too!!

You are lucky to have your height. I feel for your mom as I am 5' 3" myself. My little ladder is my friend!!!! I need to go purchase a smaller one. This one has steps and I am always afraid of falling off it...I have come close more then once. My bad balance and high places don't go well together.

I agree with you not liking people looking over your back fence. Fences are for privacy. I hope that gets better soon! Sorry you have to mow on top of everything else. Maybe eventually you can find a kid to do it for you...at least for this summer. 

Honey...you couldn't of looked too bad in your PJs...you should have told your neighbors you just came back from Walmart!!

I image change is hard for your mom. She was settled in at her place and knew where everything was. Living with other people can be quite a change too. She will be fine. Sorry you have so much to do. 

Have a good day...I love you...hugs...connie d

Connie D.
on 4/28/15 1:13 am

Good morning Kathy and everyone.....I am glad you started the thread. Thank you for the nice compliment! 

I am so happy you are approved for surgery!!! I didn't think there would be a problem. It is probably good that your doctor upped your Zoloft a bit. You sure have had a couple rough years!! You have been through a lot!! once the surgery is behind you you will feel so much better...life will feel good again!! 

If I was a drinker I would take everyone up on that wine too!!! 

As for me...I slept pretty well last night. I woke up a few times but managed to get back to sleep pretty quickly. That was really nice or a change!!

I have a dentist appointment soon. I really like my dentist and don't mind seeing her at all. Hope this can be a quick fix!

I will check in later....I need to get in the shower and get a few things done around here. 

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families.

Much love and bushels of hugs to all.....connie d 


on 4/28/15 9:52 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Hey my sisters,

forgive my absence around here over the past several days.  My in-laws are visiting and my schedule has just not been my own! But I miss you all be promise to be back tomorrow with a full chat and update with you all.  

Please know that despite my lack of posts you have all been in my daily prayers.  

See you tomorrow! Have a great night



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Connie D.
on 4/28/15 1:24 pm

Hello ....I forgot your in-laws were coming. I am glad you are okay.

Lots of love and hugs to you....connie d 


Judy G.
on 4/28/15 10:09 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family...

Well Rick went to the dr today and his Stress test is scheduled for Friday morning at 8am along with an echocardiogram. Dr told him if ANY thing goes/shows bad he goes right into the hospital!!! Rick said OK. The fight is on again tonight about him having a beer. I bought him ONE. I told him he gets ANY pains...HE can call 911 himself!!!!!!!! I am done!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far the beer is not open.

Took the truck in for an oil change...found out other things wrong...like $1200.00 worth!!! PLUS. Sooooooo we will be looking for another truck SOON!!!!!!

Got one tenant moved out...had application given out for it...tomorrow another move out and at 4pm another application will be given out for that one. YES!!!!!!!!!! Then we will be FULL both sides!!!!!!!!!!

Told Chase this morning if he didn't start working faster his hours will be cut to 20 hours per week. His response was...OH OK and he walked out....WTH??????? Doesn't he care about his job and taking care of his family??????  His job IS on the line though!!!!!! So we ARE looking for his replacement.

So that is it for me....Vickie Praying for Butch to make it through this ordeal...you also!!!

Kathy CONGRATS on getting approved for your WLS!!!! Hang on its a WILD RIDE!!!!!

CRS ha**** sorry....but I am keeping you in my thoughts and Prayers!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!



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