Freaky Friday
Good Morning Ladies!
I cannot believe I am the 1st one on again this morning unless someone in another time zone is also posting at the same time!
I have errands planned for today, but nothing else. sometimes a quiet end to the week is what my soul needs. Get tired of running around or having multiple doctor appointments all in the same week!
Connie, was glad to read your update on Vickie & Butch last night! Thank you! I know Vickie has gotta be either super tired or busy not to be on here for long!
Eileen, glad to hear you are taking precautions to protect yourself so your living situation is more tolerable. I had to smile at what you went thru at the gym. we really are getting older which is a hard pill to swallow. (No pun intended!) I often feel like I am 40 & think I can do & get away with doing things I did back then. An experience like yours or going to the doctor though and I am brought back to! Love your motivation & commitment to exercise...
Judy, I just keep shaking my head when I read your posts. It makes me so grateful I decided to leave my job even though it was too early for retirement benefits. I probably would have blown my reputation in my field by going off on a client who had tested my last nerve between dealing with the nonsense year after year and then having to comply to stupid rules and regulations by the feds and then feeling like crap the last year 90% of the time.
I am glad you got over being sick, too!
Trish, can't help you on the hair dye removal dilemma. I have gotten it on my wall and sink, but thankfully it always came out. sad now b/c it fades from my hair faster than from the old towel I use when I do my hair!
Mary, I planted some rosebushes yesterday along the white panel fence my husband (Jim 2) installed by ourselves. (The fat lady & man in wheelchair!) I can't wait for them to come up!
Christine, have you gotten lost in the Long Island Sound? Miss hearing from you!
Well, I think I have tormented everyone enough. Have a great day!

Good morning Kathy and everyone....
Kathy....good for you...planning a quiet end to your week...that is really what our soul needs. One thing about being our age there seems to be an never ending list of appointments to take care of. You are funny...the fat lady and the man in the wheelchair!!!
I haven't heard from Vickie yet today. They could be on their way back home. I just know she was tired out last night. Those kinds of days will wear you to the bone. I will keep the prayers going for them both.
Trish....sorry I forgot to answer your question about the hair dye. I meant to but it slipped my mind. All I was going to say is call a flooring place and ask them what would help. They know more about those things. I am at a loss, I have no idea what to do to get rid of the stains.
Eileen....sorry I missed your post last night. I am glad you are going to the Y and getting in your pool exercise. That is wonderful!! It sounds like the trainer told you exactly what you know already!!
Judy....keep me updated on the crazies you are having to put up with today. Never a dull moment around there!! You always give me the laughs I need for the day!!
As for me....I am going to get out for a bit. I am taking our little bus over to one of the discount stores. I need to get out of my apartment for a bit. I am not shopping for anything specific. Just looking around. Maybe I will find a good deal on something.
It is rainy and dark here today. That is okay. The bus drops and picks us up right at the doors. That is very nice. After the shopping I have nothing else planned. I am going to join Kathy and have a relaxing rest of the day!
I am wishing you all a great day!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.
Lots of love and many hugs to all.....connie d
Good Morning Ladies -- Quiet board so far, guess everyone is out and about!
Kathy, I had to laugh at the "fat lady and man in a wheelchair" comment -- Jim2 is far more active than my Jim1 - whose best friends are his bed and tv. The bed is over 25 years old and lumpy as all hell - better than he deserves! For landscaping, I have some young pine trees that the previous owners planted right up near the sides of the mobile home - I'd love to get them cut down before they get any taller and can cause damage.
Connie - It really sounds like you have a nice set-up where you live. At my two therapy visits, the therapist suggested I sign up for senior housing - it takes about two years to get to the top of the list. It has lots of pluses, which I see confirmed by your posts - but I told her I don't want to give up the "security" of my meager home. I can afford living here, and can afford to hire someone to do plowing, etc. But, maybe it is a good idea - who knows how I'll feel in two years. If I get to the top of the list I can either take it, or let others go ahead of me. I should do it to keep my options open.
I hope we hear from Vickie - I'm sure she's very tired, but she always tries to post something to keep us updated. Will continue my ongoing prayers for her and Butch.
Hey Judy - what are the wacko-wackos up to today? Glad you're feeling better too.
Got to go. Prayers and good wishes to all!
Hi Mary....It is very nice where I live. There are so many things they offer for us to do. The one thing I really enjoy is the quiet especially at night. Most people are sound asleep around here by 9:00 PM. I sometimes go down to the fireplace room and watch the fire and read. There are comfy chairs there. I have to be sure I don't fall asleep. I rarely stay out of my apartment after midnight. I am so happy that I made this choice. It is nice to have so many "friends" around. We look out for one another. The waiting list was about 9 months. Having nothing to be responsible for at this age is great!! You would be surprised at how happy you would be!!
Have a great rest of the day!!
Oh yeah...I found a great electric can opener on clearance today. They said the newer model came in so they were closing it out. I used to do bookkeeping there so I know who to ask and who to trust. It has other things attached that will be helpful like a jar opener. My can opener died months ago. I just can't do that hand held one anymore. The original price was $40 and I paid $14.
Love and many hugs to you....connie d
Hello...OMG what a night/day!!!!! Rick had chest pains just after midnight so I called the squad...just before they got here he went down on the floor in pain!!!! Not sure what caused it except stress?? All the tests they ran on him came out ok. Dr wanted him to stay/be admitted but oh no not Rick!!!! Dr wanted him to have a stress test...Rick wanted to come home and rest and wait til the alcohol got out of his system...well now he has to wait til he sees his family dr Tuesday morning and not sure when the stress test will be. Dummy could have had it tomorrow!!! Anything to make me do more running around!!!!!!!!! Anyhow we got home at 530AM and I had NO SLEEP since Wednesday!!!!!! He had dr's orders to rest today. Me...I had to work and make Chase work!!!!! I had to schedule dr appointment for Rick...I had to deal with tenants all day...I am ready for bed!!!!!!!!
That is my news for today.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Judy...OMG....why didn't you send me a PM. I felt something wasn't right but I didn't think it was about Rick. I am so sorry. Yes...he should have stayed in the hospital. He will wish he did when he has to go in again....for who knows what. Tuesday huh? I hope he keeps his appointment. My guess is it was too much stress....not like you two don't have any!! He may have to cut down on his beer.
I am sorry you are running on empty!!! I have been really worried about you for months now!!! can't keep up this pace forever. They need to hire two maintenance men and Rick can supervise the work. Maybe if that happened you could do your work and Rick could be the one passing out fliers and setting up for meals and such for the residence. He could supervise them and be your gopher too!
Sending prayers for both of you!
Hang in there...please go to bed early tonight!!!!
Lots of love and hugs...connie d
Hello my OFF family:
I'm kinda dragging today. Came home last night to steam coming out of the kitchen. Richard decided to cook chicken, but then he fell asleep in my chair. The chicken was a little chewy but OK; the water had boiled out of the corn and potatoes on the stove. If I hadn't come home, things might have been worse. I told him now if he cooks to set a timer so things don't burn. Talking to him today sounded a little like an Abbott & Costello routine.
Me: The envelope you put on my chair was the appeals form for disability. I need the dates for your hearings.
Him: What hearing?
Me: For Medicaid and disability.
Him: When do we have those?
Me: I don't know. You got the letters.
Him: What letters?
Me: The letters you got Thursday about the hearings.
Him: From who?
Well, you get the idea. I think now he lost the keys, took the pills and doesn't know what he did with them. He couldn't remember anything past going to the doctor Tuesday. I don't think he should be living alone, but I'm not the one who should be responsible for his care. I also think he needs more than me representing him for the disability hearing.
Anyway, back at work ... got a headache ... looks like it will rain today. Sometimes I think I shouldn't be working, but I do enjoy my job most of the time. Just don't enjoy working in pain.
Have a good day.
Hi Eileen....I hope you are monitoring all of his meds. Who knows how much he is taking. He will run out and have none.
I know Richard shouldn't be anytime....he will burn the place down!! He is way too medicated. Yes that conversation was like a Abbott and Costello routine.
I don't think you should be responsible for him. You need to make some calls and have him admitted to a hospital so he can get straightened out. Let them know he can't come back to your place. They will find him a place to live. He needs that help!! He is worse everyday! I am not trying to be bossy...I am genuinely worried about you. You don't want to come home to him dead. You don't want to have a fire and lose everything you have worked so hard for. He needs help now. You know I really care about you!!!
No wonder you have a headache and are in so much pain!! I hope work did end up being a good night.
Love and many hugs...prayers too....connie d
Is this a Social Security Disability appeal? If so, he should definitely hire an attorney. I am James' payee, but there are attorneys who specialize in these appeals...their fee is paid out of the "backpay" Social Security pays. No fee if they do not win. IE -- Say Richard originally applied for Disability in May 2014. If he wins the appeal on September 2015, Social Security will pay him from May 2014 up until September 2015, then monthly thereafter. The attorney would receive 25% of the backpay. Is Richard receiving "Welfare" benefits now? James provided Welfare with a medical letter, and he received Welfare until Disability kicked in. Welfare also gets paid back if he wins -- so he would probably end up with a small "backpay" check - but then would receive full checks in the future. (Don't want to pry into personal business -- just hope he goes the best route--a lawyer shouldn't cost anything out-of-pocket.)
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi Eileen!
I just wanted to piggyback on what you & Connie said about Richard being alone.
I think every state has a state program for the elderly and/or disabled where a case manager can come out & do an in-house evaluation of a person's situation. Based on the assessment they can make a long list of recommendations such as having a case manager visit them regularly in the home to assess their health risks up to recommending nursing care.
Our state has a 3 digit 'helpline' phone number that will give you the name & number of the state agency or other agencies that help in these situations. If things continue you may want to look into outside help...even if it is just to get him out of your home!
That is scary about coming home to the stove on & him unaware of what is going on in the kitchen. My dad used to roam at night & we worried about him cooking something & forgetting to turn the burners off. But that was a non-issue we never should have worried about as he never learned to cook...many men in his day considered that a woman's job!
But Richard seems to enjoy cooking...
Good luck with this situation. You really have the patience of a saint!
