Happy Saturday!

on 4/24/15 9:17 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi there!

I'm getting ready to work today!!! Oh did I say work? Yes I did! Im working for the crosstitch store today. They r moving the store today to a new locarion. I'm loading up my suv and helping them Today. I hope I have the stamina to do It. 

Thinking if Vicki and Butch today.

I'm leaving with my sister on Thursday for Michigan and Chicago. I'll fly back on tge 12th. She doesn't want to drive back by herself. It's Vinnie time!!!

Well talk on I need to go empty my car. It's full of camping gear!!!

Talk on I'll check later!


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Judy G.
on 4/25/15 12:44 am - Galion, OH

Morning Carla and OFF family yet to stop in...

Well I got a good nights sleep!! OMG!!!!!! Rick is doing better...waiting now for the DT's to start...he can't drink til he has his stress test!!! Can I trust him not to drink? I am not sure. He said if I let him come home he wouldn't drink til he had the test. So far no beer. Prayers please he can do this!!!

Chase was supposed to come in this morning to cut grass...hahahahaaa so far he is not here. I told him to be here first thing so he can cut grass because its supposed to RAIN later today!!! Oh I will be in!!! He is really pushing my buttons on his job!!! I told Rick to ask this one guy that delivers our take out if he knows anything about maintenance work and if he does to stop in and fill an application!!!!!!!

I am feeling a lot better with this cold. In fact its almost gone!! I was never this sick so bad in YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! I really thought I was going to die I felt    that miserable!!!

Going to Bingo tonight!!!! Last night for it til fall. Might be lucky tonight...was last night...scratched off a $1 lottery ticket and won $50!!! WOOOHOO!!!!

Just had a call from my son...my ex sister in law only has a few weeks left to live. She has stage 4 stomach cancer. Just found out. Dr said she must have had it for about 5 years. Never knew it. Nothing they can do for her now. Sad. I really liked Maureen.

Anyhow need to go shopping for a Black Suit for Rick for the wedding. And a Tie to match my dress.  That is what Renee told David to tell me. Soooooo soon as Rick is all better a shopping we will go!!!

A tenant called to say one of the new tenants was lost...OMG had to go out and help him find his way to his apartment...poor guy!! He went to Dollar General on his bike and went to the wrong street...got turned around and lost. I told him how to find HIS apartment much easier. He THINKS he has it now...I hope so!! Told him it was an honest mistake going one street to far.

Well I need to find some food...hungry.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!



Connie D.
on 4/25/15 1:27 am

Hi Judy...I am so glad that both of you are doing so much better. You were so sick it scared me!!

Rick can't drin****il after Tuesday....I hope he can do it.Sending prayers. If he can, it might be the right time for him to start cutting back a little! 

You know Chase doesn't give a crap about that job. I hope you find a replacement soon. He is all but worthless!! 

Have fun at Bingo tonight. I hope you have fun and win something!!

Oh my...a tenant got lost. That had to be scary for him. I am glad he was found and has returned safely home. 

As for me....It is still very damp and cold. I went to bed a bunch of times last night. I haven't slept yet. This is maddening!! I took a long hot shower and that didn't even help. I know I will crash some later.

Praying things are going well for Butch and Vickie!!! I love you!!

Wishing everyone a peaceful day,

Prayers for our awesome OFF Family and their families.


Have a good day....lots of love and more hugs...connie d

Connie D.
on 4/25/15 1:02 am

Good morning Carla and everyone.....

Carla...it is nice of you to help with that move. I am sure they appreciate all the help they can get.

It won't be long and you will be with Vinnie. Have the kids been looking for a home yet? I know you all wanted to get out of that area of Chicago.

Love and hugs....connie d 

on 4/25/15 2:05 am

Hey Carla, Judy, and Connie and all those who follow:

Carla, working in a craft store would be wonderful for me.  I teach a crocheting class and a sewing class at Joanns a couple of times a year just so I can get the discount on sewing things and they do pay a little money....it seems a shame to take money for teaching someone to crochet or to sew...actually, they know how, I just teach them how to do specific things.  

Judy, I hope his stress test turns out okay.  

Today, I am doing some much needed spring cleaning.   We are in this little apartment and I swear, it is harder to keep clean than that huge house.   So, today, my granddaughter and I are going to clean everything from top to bottom.   She has already started with dusting, something she loves to do and I hate.   I have already mopped the tiled floors and am about to do the vacuuming.    

My DH is working today so he is out of my hair.  I have a pot of beans on and am going going to make potatoes and cornbread.   Nothing says southern like beans and potatoes.   I think I am going to do a little marathon cooking tomorrow so next week, I only need to heat up already cooked food.   

I hope Vic and Butch are getting the nausea under control.   

Eileen, I sure do hope you are able to either get Richard's issues under control or find him a place to live that doesn't involve you taking care of him.   I do take care of my husband, when he is down and out from his various ailments, but he also takes care of me.  I know that I can count on him.  If your friendship with Richard were one where you could count on him to reciprocate the energy, money, and time that you give him to him, I would encourage you to see this through; however, I don't think he is that dependable or ever will be.   I just hate to see you get behind on your bills because you work so hard to stay ahead.  It seems to me that he expects you to give him money for those things that he needs and if you don't give it to him, he acts out.   Sweetie, I know you are grown but sometimes us grown folks need other grown folks to remind us to take care of ourselves first before we take care of others.  Please, don't let him drag you down...stop giving him money for those things he abuses or loses.   There will come a day when he will get his disability and I worry that he will forget about all the money you have given to him.   Take care of you... I will stop nagging you now...but remember that we care about you and don't want to see you financially, emotionally, or physically abused and so far, Richard has done all of those things to you...I know the physically is a stretch but waking you up early on the days yo have to go to work and taking your pain meds when he knows you need them is physical abuse.    You first...remember that. 

on 4/25/15 2:58 am - Cibolo, TX

Eileen, I can only say I agree whole - heartedly with what Jeannie said. I too think it is time for Richard to go. It's not a two way street with him.  You are doing all the giving and he is doing all the taking.  Please think about this long and hard before something really hurtful occurs. Love you! 


Connie D.
on 4/25/15 3:17 am

Hi Jeannie....sounds like you have a really good helper there. I am sure you will both be done with Spring cleaning in no time.

I think it is great that you go and teach a few classes now and then at your Craft Store. I am sure you have a wonderful time!!

Your beans, potatoes, and cornbread sounds heavenly!!! It must smell great at your place!!! 

We are all so worried about Eileen. I hope she does what is best for herself. It is now clear why his family has disowned him. You can only take advantage of people for so long. 

I still haven't slept since Thursday night.  I really need to crash soon. I will set an alarm. Kyleigh and Mitch are stopping by for a quick hello. They are in town to celebrate their however many months anniversary. They are going to go to all the places they went to on their first date. They are so excited!! Oh to be young again!! 

Have a great time with your granddaughter!! 

Much love and many hugs to you.....connie d 

Eileen Briesch
on 4/25/15 6:38 am - Evansville, IN

Thank you, Jeannie, I am trying to get him help and get him out of my apartment. Right now I don't have money to give him. I also told him he can't drive anymore because I can't trust his memory. I'm afraid he'll get in an accident or something. I'm trying to find him a disability lawyer and a social worker. He needs to be in assisted living. He also said that. He does help with some stuff, such as cleaning and such, but lately he has decided to rearrange my furniture. Every night I come home and things have been moved around. Also every morning. This morning I spent a half hour trying to rearrange what he rearranged. If I don't enthusiastically like what he's done, he gets moody. I mean, I'm used to my things being in a certain place, too. 

Anyway, I have to get him some help and it has to be out of my apartment because I can't take this anymore. I want to help him but he's driving me crazy. I know now what his mom was going through. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 4/25/15 8:52 am

I think all of us will be so much happier when we know he is in a facility where you can go visit him but where he won't be such a drain on you.   The good news is you recognize what needs to be done and you have the strength to do it.   His poor mother...can you imagine?  Well, you can but she has to be very old so having to deal with all of that at her age...wow.

Eileen Briesch
on 4/25/15 9:07 am - Evansville, IN

Yeah, she's in her late 80s. I think he's deteriorated since he fell in March ... I think that exacerbated something. He said there was nothing wrong but since then he's been acting stranger. I'm asking around in the newsroom to see if anyone knows of a disability lawyer.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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