Good Morning it is Sunday...what's new with you?

Judy G.
on 4/26/15 5:07 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!!

I slept like a log for a change last night!!!  Guess I needed it huh? WOW!!!

Went to bingo last night did not win anything...BLAH!!! Got home and Rick said the idiot tenant behind us her dog has barked non stop ever since she left for bingo and it was still barking yet!!! I put a note on her door letting her know her dog that she claims doesn't bark has been barking since 430pm and still was!!! Can hardly wait to hear her response...she USED to be my friend...not anymore. Sighs...

We went shopping today for Rick's suit for the wedding. Found one on sale at JCPenneys. Great deal!! Also found him a shirt and tie. Suit is Black, shirt is light purple, tie is striped with purples and black in it. Then we went shoe shopping. Found his black shoes. He will be a sharp dressed man!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! He will match my dress with his shirt and tie. I am wearing black shoes now. Need to find jewelry yet. Think I already have some not sure yet.

Rick is mad as hell because I will NOT let him drink beer til he has his stress test. OMG!!!! He sees family dr Tuesday morning. Not sure yet when stress test is....pray it is soon!!!!!!!!! Its been two days no beer....

Beef roast in the oven and it smells good!!!!!!!!!

Chase was supposed to come in yesterday to cut grass...another no show. I AM PISSED!!!!!!! YES I am looking for his replacement!!!!!!!!

Time for Bandit to go potty walk again....grrrrrrrr

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 4/26/15 5:23 am

Hello Judy....I am glad you got a good nights sleep too!! I am sure you needed it!! 

How could Rick stand that dog barking that long!! I would go crazy!! Who knows what she will have to will be interesting I am sure!!! 

Sorry you didn't win at Bingo...I was hoping you would!! 

I can't wait to see pics of you and Rick all dressed up...wooohooo!!! That sounds like some pretty sharp dressing!

If Chase shows up tomorrow tell him to go away!! What a LOSER!!   Good Luck!!!!!

I need to get off this computer. I still need lunch and it is 2:20 PM. 

Have a great rest of the you...HUGS...connie d


Patricia R.
on 4/26/15 7:49 am - Perry, MI

Good Evening Connie and OFF,

Sorry I'm late again.  Church time was quiet in the Nurseries.  One infant and one of Colleen's nephews in Infants, he's walking.  Then we had two littles in Toddlers.  After church two of the four didn't stay for Sunday School, so I brought the one Toddler into Infants for the hour.  After church, we had the soup dinner for the missionaries.  Colleen was worried, because one of the women who was going to make soup didn't show, but we had eight crock-pots full of soup, and half of them were the larger, oval size.  Plus, a whole table of desserts, and all 24 of my cupcakes were gone.  Izzy was so cute.  I offered to get her a cupcake, before they were all taken.  When I put it at her place, she told me she may not want it.  I jokingly said I'd eat it.  After she had eaten all the frosting off it, she gave it to me.  LOL  I put it on the table, and later she came and grabbed it up.  

After I got home, I had to call Trent, coz my automatic garage door opener was not letting me put my garage door down.  He came by a little while ago, and got it down.  He said he'll find a new motor.  He also got my lawn mower working.  

I came home and watched the Phillies win.  Rarity of rarities.

I need to go out back and try to put my fencing up.

Vickie, I'm glad Butch is doing better.  God is so good.

Eileen, I am glad you are going to accompany Richard to his appointment.  

Connie, I am so sorry you had a bad day pain wise yesterday.  On a good day, my pain is about a four.  Bad days, it could be a 15 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Not sure who else posted.

Love and Prayers, and tons of Hugs,



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 4/26/15 12:17 pm

Hi Trish....Having those little ones toddling along must be so cute! I love babies!!!

I think Colleen is a natural worrier. It sounds like you had more then enough food to go around. I am sure everyone was very grateful for the good food.

Yup...our pain levels are about the same. It is always there. Some days are worse then others that is for sure!! It isn't stopping me from walking. I haven't missed one day since the February 16th. I am very proud of that!!! Between 3 and 4 miles seven days a week!! 

I am glad Trent could get your garage door working again. Nice that he fixed the mower too.

Lots of love and hugs....connie d


Mary Gee
on 4/26/15 9:56 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Hi Ladies.........Late day for me.  I've been lazy today.  Went out to breakfast today, and wasn't good.  I am struggling still.  I'm joining the Back On Track Together group here - need to be accountable.  Signed up to join, and once they "OK" me, I'll be able to post.  I've also made a note to myself to call the Weight Clinic to make an appointment with they psychologist -I had two pre-op and post-op appointments with her.  I don't think I can see her weekly - but I need to find someone.  

I'm not happy with the counselor I saw twice -- felt like she was very opinionated.  I know I have issues with James - but they are different from the issues with my weight.  I don't want to sit and listen to her telling me she can't believe I'm putting up with him, how could I have gotten myself into this, she would never put up with it, etc., etc., etc.  I explained I know the relationship is not a "good one" - but I've made the decision to see him through his medical situation, at least until he gets the results of his liver biopsy scheduled for the week after next. His health is going downhill - he's calling his PCP tomorrow because of various things that are getting bad -- retaining so much fluid despite taking medications for it, pains in his abdomen and chest, difficulty breathing, etc. So - I told the counselor I made the decision to let him stay -- but she won't get off the subject.  I feel she should let it go and help me with other issues.  Very depressing sometimes.  

No Taylor this weekend - and I missed her!  

I've been good about riding my bike -- got to go get on it now.  

Prayers and good wishes to all.  Keep the faith!   


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 4/26/15 12:01 pm

Hi is nice to have a lazy day. Sorry you went out for breakfast and it wasn't good. Wasn't it tasting good or that you ate things you maybe shouldn't have and that made it not good?

Sorry about your counselor and how she talks to you. I would tell the office you want someone else. Tell them it is for personal reasons. You don't have to tell them more then that. You won't get any help if you don't like your counselor.

You do need to remember you are not responsible for Jim. He may do better in a assisted living place. I would wait and see how the doctor appointments turn out and go from there. I care about you!!!! You can't do everything yourself.

I am glad you are still keeping up with your bike ...that is great....good for you!!!

I am going to bed in a little while and hope I have a good sleep.

More love and many hugs....connie d


on 4/26/15 10:17 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello my lovelies!  I just wanted to let y'all know we got home okay and are doing well.  Butch is in bed.  I'm dying to take a bath, but now I'm afraid of my bath tub!!!  LOL!  (Remember the door popped open and flooded the bath the other night?)  Not sure I'm ready to "climb back on that horse" just yet!  

Anyway, I read all the posts and just wanted to say good night.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 4/26/15 11:44 am

Hi Vickie....Good luck with the bath. As tired as you are I would just use another bathroom...maybe your mom's!

I am glad you made it safely home. Butch will probably sleep until morning! I hope you manage to sleep well too. NO UNPACKING tonight!!!! 

Lots of love and hugs to you...connie d


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