Good Morning it is Sunday...what's new with you?

Connie D.
on 4/26/15 12:19 am

Good morning everyone....

I feel better today!! I slept 12 hours last night. That is not at all usual for me. However, being I didn't sleep at all on Friday night this was what I needed. 

So what is everyone doing today?

I have nothing exciting I am doing. I am going to watch some movies, read, walk and rest.

Kyleigh and Mitch stopped over for a little while yesterday. I was laying down. My pain level yesterday was at least a 9 on a scale of 1-10. They were just checking in with me. They only stayed a half an hour. 

I will check in a little later to see who posts. I love you all!!

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Special prayers for Butch and Vickie. I hope that medication works great and Butch will start feeling better soon. That chem is poison!! I love you both!!!!

Have a beautiful day everyone!!!

Much love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d

on 4/26/15 12:56 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Connie and my sistas!

We are  back here at MDA getting the last infusion.  Butch is doing so much better after this chemo. He still feels "yucky" because chemo just does that. It makes you feel sick all over.  But he hasn't had any nausea or vomiting yet.  Just a brief feeling of queasiness last night but it went away.  Praise the Lord! 

And Connie I'm glad you posted the updates here at OFF for me. If I put it on Facebook, it's public information. 

So we'll be here for at least three hours and then we have to go back to my BIL's house and pack up and get the dogs.  Hopefully we'll be home by 5 this evening.  Can't wait to sleep in my own bed again even amid all the boxes!  LOL!

Connie I'm glad you are having a better day.  Love you all! 


Connie D.
on 4/26/15 2:20 am

Hello my sweet sister, Vickie!!

I am glad you are back to MDA for your last infusion. It sure seems to be working. Thank God for more answered prayers!

Thanks Vickie...I didn't think you would mind my posting  as it was public. I just know some here don't use Facebook.

It will be so wonderful to be home....even if there are boxes around!! Remember like I said on sure you drive to the right are pretty much on auto pilot these days!! LOL ....just kidding!!

I am glad to be having a better day too...wooohooo after this last week! Thank you!!

I love you bunches...hugs too....connie d


on 4/26/15 1:53 am


I am so happy you got sleep.  I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep last night.  I am going in for more allergy tests so for the last few days, I've had to withhold all allergy medications so without the benadryl, I not only didn't sleep, my eyes are swollen shut and are itching like crazy.  I guess around 4 this morning, I finally think I drifted off only to wake up sneezing like crazy....yes, it is my kitties but that's why I take the antihistamines.    

Vic, will be home and unpacking before you know it....if you are like  me and I think you are, you cannot leave things out of order for too long and being in Houston while you have unpacking to do is probably making you nuts.  I really freak out if I think someone else is going to unpack things while I am not there to supervise.    

Today, my little rock singer, princess, scientist, spelling bee champion etc. is going home.   I surely will miss her.   She and I did spring cleaning and she talked the entire time...she told me stories about school, her BFF, her favorite teacher, her least favorite teacher, hell, heaven, name it, she told me all about it.   Finally, we finished the living room and I said, why don't you clean Granddad's office so we split up.   Geeze, that girl can talk...wonder where she gets that?  

For those to post later, greetings and I hope you are all winding down for the end of the weekend.   

Tomorrow is the day they do the controlled peanut exposure.   I go into the clinic, get hooked up to a heart machine, they give me peanut oil and time the reaction.  I did ask could they just let me eat peanut butter and they said, no....they want to make sure it is the peanut and not the additives. LOL.   This is my second such test and next Monday, the do lemons.   Once they determine the extent of my reactions, they will start new allergy shots...hopefully shots that I am not allergic to...the last ones liked to have killed me.    


Connie D.
on 4/26/15 2:31 am

Hello Jeannie....sorry your eyes are so bad....if I was off my allergy meds I would be in tough shape too!! I hope they get it all figured out and get you on something that works. Heaven forbid much less would kill you!! You do have my name on your life insurance policy don't you??????

Yes and I and Vickie for sure like our things in order. It doesn't take much to set me off organizing more!! I could NEVER let others unpack for me either...oh my!!!!

That sweet little granddaughter is a GEM!! She is a cleaner and a chatter box for sure...LOL!! How much fun you must have had together. I have no idea where she gets her chattering from!!!

Lots of love and bunches of hugs to you....connie d

on 4/26/15 3:31 am

Good Morning Ladies!

We are putting up the 2nd to the last fence panel around our back yard. I can't wait. No one will be able to see my fat butt as I go into the pool. Plus, it will be much cozier. I planted tiger lilies last Fall down the side of the fence, and will plant pink rosebushes along this back portion. Next summer we will install a small stone patio. My sister gave us one of those sunsetters which I plan to put up over the patio when done.

Connie, did not realize your pain was that bad yesterday! I go absolutely crazy when I cannot sleep. I don't know how you do it. Good you got caught up last night and glad to hear you had visitors. Mine seem to come & want to hang out for's nice yours left after a short while especially if you were having a bad day.

Vickie, I sure hope you & Butch are moving towards the end of all the 'drama!' You've both been under too much stress. It is truly good news to hear the chemo is working & the side effects are able to be addressed. I am sure that makes both you & Butch hopeful. Once you get settled in your new home you should be able to get back to a normal routine after months of chaos. I wish you both well.

Jeannie, sorry to hear your allergies are so bad! I have never had anything worse than hayfever so when I hear how bad yours are that is really something. I hope they can find a solution for you, b/c like I said to Connie losing sleep is a major pain!

Jim & I have had custody of our 13 year old granddaughter Jasmyn since she was 5. She is a talker, too! We love her to pieces & feel so lucky to have her with us. I had already raised 3 daughters & had 2 stepdaughters for periods of time so one more just seems par for the course.

Everyone have a great day! 


Connie D.
on 4/26/15 4:40 am

Hi Kathy....your yard is going to look just beautiful with all the flowers and bushes you are planting. You will love the privacy of the fence. That patio will be so nice...those Sunsetter Awnings are great!! 

Yes Kathy my pain is bad....even when I say I feel better it is still at least a 4...which is much better then 10+!!! My granddaughter and he boyfriend(Mitch) live in the Twin Cites (Minneapolis/St Paul). They are use to my pain. They know when it is time to go. They were here for another reason this trip and just wanted to do a quick check in with me. I have amazing grandchildren!! Most everyone else that comes here knows how I feel. They are pretty courteous about the length of time they stay. My sleep has been bad for awhile now. It isn't all that unusual for me to miss a night's sleep. You know what I have crazy nights too!!!

You definitely know plenty about raising girls!! Jasmyn is a true blessing to you and your husband. I imagine she feels the same way about you!!! God Bless you for caring for her well being. 

I just came in from my walk....I haven't had lunch yet so I am going to go make something up to eat. I think maybe a salad with turkey and lots of veggies and a few sunflower seeds.

Love and  many hugs to you....connie d




Eileen Briesch
on 4/26/15 4:01 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

Slept late today and boy, did I need it. Late night at work ... my pages were done but we were waiting for the agate guys (the scoreboard ... tiny type) to finish up. So I didn't get out until 12:45 p.m. So I got to bed around 3 a.m. and didn't get up until nearly noon. Just got off Skype with my brother Gary ... he agreed I need to get Richard out of the house. 

I talked with Richard yesterday and he refused to go to the ER, but did agree to see his doctor this week. So Monday, we will make an appointment with his doc and I will go along. At that point, I will also make a point to mention he can't be left alone in the apartment and needs to be in assisted living. Hopefully, a social worker will be assigned. If not, I will call social services myself. Maybe I'll do that Monday myself. 

Vickie, I'm glad this round of chemo has been kinder to Butch and he is in less pain. Hope it continues to work. 

Connie, hope you will feel better. I had a rough night pain wise at work, but I know it was because of the storms going through our region (supposedly a tornado in nearby Henderson, Ky., but since I don't have a newspaper today again ... don't know). 

Anyway, need to get in the shower, have lunch and get going for the day. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 4/26/15 5:05 am

Hello did work late...oh my gosh!! You must be like me....when I get in late I can't sleep for at least an hour or more. I am so glad you got to sleep in. You needed it!! 

I am happy you spoke with Gary and he agrees with you about Richard. Also, let them know you tried to get him to the ER and he won't go. Remember to tell them about the fire and missing meds. I am just glad to know you are making the right decision. I am going to be happy when I know he is gone and you and your home will be safe!! You did your best, you did help him so much, it just has gotten to be more then you can handle. So don't feel bad about doing this.

I think, like you,  I was hurting so much because of all the changes in the weather in a short period of time. The weather people are saying we will have warmer weather this week. Close to 70s all week!! I think I will take my lawn chair and sit in the Sun a few days!!

I hope you have a better night at work tonight. You need your sleep!! Lack of sleep doesn't help you feel good! 

You can message me or call anytime!!!! 

Sending prayers, love and hugs....connie d

on 4/26/15 12:33 pm


When you take him to the doctor, make sure you let the doctor know that he cannot be left alone.  Also, if he has one episode of passing out or getting anxious, call 911 and have them take him to the ER and hopefully they will admit him and then you can let the social worker at the hospital know that he cannot come back to your house because he has left food cooking while he wonders off or falls asleep, has stolen your pain medication, get the idea.   The thing with the doctor's office is that he or she will give you a list of things to do but none of which would be getting any help from the doctor.   Sadly, getting him admitted to an assisted living place without him having any kind of income or social service program will be difficult; that's why it is more likely to happen if he is in the hospital.   The hospital social worker will bend over backwards to get him placed and will help him get his social security or SSI approved.   I just hate to see you stuck with him for another month, especially if he thinks you are trying to get him out of your apartment.   I just don't want him to fiscally abuse you anymore than he already has.    Also, make sure you tell his doctor or the social worker that he cannot go back to any of his family because they cannot handle him and now you know why.   Make a list of things to tell them so you won't forget.  Connie and others have said to include the cooking episode, the drugs, and his moving furniture at all hours...also include how he wakes you up at all hours of the night and how he gets very agitated with you when you don't give him money or let him have your car.   I think it is important too that they understand that you are only friends and that you were trying to help him because he was essentially homeless.    I hope he ends up placed before the end of this coming week.

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