It's Friday!
Connie -- Gosh, you are such a strong woman - God bless you!
I don't know how many times my daughter and I talk about getting together to do something, and then something else pops up on her end. Oh well, I have to believe that when I need her, she'll be here for me. I'm hoping to start getting some small projects done around here. I told Jim he has until June 1st to fix the kitchen sink. If it's not done, I'm going to hire someone. And after that I need to get a handyman in to do some floor work. Once the floor is patched, I'd like to get some linoleum laid down - but at this point I don't care if I even have plywood floors that I can stain/wax. I also need to rent a dumpster so I can get rid of a lot of "stuff"!! This place is old, so I am not going to spend too much money. As long as it's clean and everything works, I'm fine. I'd love to replace my tub with a shower because it's hard for me to step into the tub, but I'll have to see about that!
Hope you get that desk cleaned out!!
Mary is nice of you to stop in if only for a few minutes. I don't expect that you have anymore time then that. No need to answer posts when you are moving!
You should be wearing a back brace when moving. It sure would help your back. But then, who has time to even put one on right? I am sorry Christie is not there yet. She is probably sleeping in. I hope she wakes up soon.
Always praying for you and Butch. I love you my dear friend/sister.
Have a good and productive day. I guess your mom and Butch must be doing okay, you haven't said otherwise. Please remember to stop and rest now and then, and catch up on your water!!!
Lots of love and oodles of hugs....connie d
Good morning Mary and everyone..... sorry you missed your group. Traffic sounded terrible!! I am like you, I am always early for any kind of appointment. It sure is more relaxing that way!
I am sorry about the puppy. I guess God had other plans. Keep day you will have one!!
As for sister is still in surgery....nothing new to report.
I had it out with Pam last night. I have just had enough!! She is so controlling and bossy. I had it with her crap attitude. This has been in the making for some time now. I got so I hated when she called and I hated when she offered to take me places. I went to see her as that was when she was available. She called me!! Too many hours shopping and I was always so exhausted!! I am tired of her taking over my family and friends. She sneaks behind my back and does things I asked her not to do. I don't like people that lie!!!! My grandchildren always ask why does Pam always have to be here, when they visit me. Carrie calls and asks that we just have mother and daughter time. Kyleigh has even asked her to stay away so they could be with me. My grandkids think she has changed and she has. I wish her luck!!! I think she needs to look at why she can't find or keep friends. Thanks...I needed to get this out!! I know that what is said on this board stays on this board. We are lucky to have a place to come and unload!!
I need to get the paper read and then off on my walk!
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families. Special prayers for some who ask. Judy and Butch and Vickie are some.
Much love and many hugs to all.....connie d
Connie Girl,
I know what you mean about having to back away from the controlling family members. I have six sisters and three of my sisters are just mean and obnoxious and always breeding drama. Since I have lost weight and am now the skinny one, although I am far from skinny, they are so mean to me...when I was fat, they were so hateful about my weight and now this. After my brother's funeral a few years back, I finally told them that I was finished. I told them to leave me out of their plans and to consider me dead to them. It has been the best thing I could ever do. Plus, when I severed the relationships with those three, the oldest sister also did and she said it was the best thing she has ever done too. Life is way too short. Girl, you have to just walk away and yes, we are here for are always here for us so never feel like you cannot use this place to vent.
Hi Jeannie...thank you so much for the kind words. I know what you is too short to hang on to people that tear you down and zap all your energy. I have no sad feelings about Pam. She is gone and I am relieved. I slept better last night then I have in a long time!!
As far as my so called family goes....I am done with them too. I will talk to my twin if I see him somewhere. Just a short "how are you doing"...blah blah thing. My sister in the hospital....I speak to her maybe twice a month because her children were always close to me. I don't want to shut them out. The rest good bye!!!
Yes....venting does feel good sometimes.
Thanks for being here for me...all of you!!
Love you...HUGS....connie d
Good Morning Mary and all my OFF Sisters,
I am barely moving again today. Plus, my AppleTV is acting up again. Argh! I wonder if it's my Wifi connection. I'm going to work on that in a minute.
I've read all the posts so far, but am remembering snippets.
Christine, I'm from the Philadelphia suburbs, and am used to good pizza, and the availability of lots of Italian food and ingredients being available everywhere. My son lived in Queens and now lives in Manhattan, and I've eaten in Little Italy. I have no clue what the deal here is in Lansing, Michigan. But, if you want to eat brats, they're available everywhere. I think this area was first settled by German missionaries. But, you'd think with a major university right here, there'd be a little variety at the major grocery stores near the campus. I'm sure there are people who either work, or attend, that like to cook lasagne or stuffed shells. At least I do.
Enough of my rant. I just managed to fix the AppleTV. Yippee!!!
I think I need to take a walk. The weather looks gorgeous. I also need to see if I can find a place to fix the lawn mower Trent lent me, or else replace it. I also need to go outside to see about putting up a fence so I can completely enclose my backyard for Utley. He needs to run more. He's been putting on weight.
Vickie, I'm with Connie about a back brace. I'm sure Carrie is not being slow on purpose. It's hard to get moving out the door when there are little boys who want attention. I have a hard time getting out of Colleen's some days.
Well, I can't remember everything I wanted to say. Must scoot.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....more Apple problems...UGH!! At least you know how to fix that issue. I would be lost!!I hope it all gets worked out!!
YAY....glad you fixed the TV!!!!
What happened to the lawn mower? I hope you can figure out what it needs. Geez and you are putting up are talented!!
I am going to rest, I just came back from grocery shopping. I need to rest a little while first!!
Utley will love being free to run!!
Love you...hugs...connie d
Hi Connie,
My lawn mower, or I should say Trent's, stopped working at the end of the season last year. It just doesn't start. I found a place that does mower repair, but I thought I'd first see if Trent can take a look at it. I need to wait till after the weekend, coz Colleen told me they're all going to Toby's, Trent's brother who lost his wife last year. They're going to help clean up paths on his property. It seems he has a large property, and I know the kids will have fun, the weather is great, and is gonna stay that way, I think.
I took Utley for a good walk today. I brought a water bottle and a small bowl, so he could get a drink. He was panting soon after we started. I was hoping to stop at Colleen's, so the kids could play with him, but they weren't home. The kids love to walk him, or run with him. I don't run, but when he is with the kids, they'll have the leash, and run ahead of us.
I didn't accomplish much today. Been sore as all get out all day.
Must scoot. Love, Hugs, and Prayers.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Afternoon OFF family...feeling somewhat better but still BLAH!!!!!! Read the posts and need to get back to work or I will lose what strength I have for that...need to go to dr for my biopsy results today also...will be back to let you know...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!