It's Friday!
Good Morning Ladies! I've been up for an hour reading posts, and figured I may as well start Friday's thread.
Well, I did not get to the Support Group meeting last night. I left the house a few minutes later than planned -- which would have been ok, I still would have arrived with a little time to spare. BUT they are doing road work on the main road, and I got held up in traffic for over 20 minutes, no exaggeration. And there are no side roads that I could use to avoid the tie-up. I figured they stopped work at 5:00, but apparently they wor****il 6:00. So I would have been real late for the meeting so I picked-up a $1 McDonald's coffee and turned around to go home. By the time I got turned around, most of the equipment was gone and I zipped right through. I am one of those people that even when I'm "late" for an appointment, I still arrive early. But last night I would have been late for real. Wish the meetings were more often, and closer to home. I missed them during the Winter because I generally don't drive in the evening if I can avoid it, plus we had sssoooo much snow.
With regard to the puppy, I've gotten no response to my e-mail or voice-mail message. I assume the puppy has been grabbed. Someone else had posted a reply to their earlier listing for a small puppy.....said they were inundated with responses -- so many that they could not reply individually. The listing I responded to was for a small female puppy, and the "rehoming fee" was only $200, so I know the poster would have gotten numerous responses. I really want a puppy, but even at shelters the adoption fees are outrageous -- like $600! Yes, the puppies have been spayed/neutered, but $600 is a lot of money. I even wrote to two shelters asking if they would accept a two or three month payment plan, but got no responses. I understand they have expenses to cover, but it's a lot of money. I always wonder when I see "poor people" walking with their little Chihuahuas -- how do they afford it. I've got plumbing issues, etc. to resolve, so a puppy will have to wait. Darn! What are you gonna do?
Hope everyone is up and about and having a good day. Prayers and good wishes to all.
Good morning Miss Mary (my mother's name BTW) and all my OFF sisters. Mary, You are up early. I am finally getting over the dental work i had done and able to eat more normally for now. Getting a partial denture next month.... Arrr.
I check in and read posts daily. You are all in my nightly prayers.
I am off to the gym. I am learning to walk with a cane after fove plus years using a walker. It is really different and it is slowly progressing. I wi**** were faster but it is what it is.
Gotta get or i will be late for my walking partner who jelps me with balance, form and watches for othet walker /runners on the track.
Have a joyously blessed day!!!
Mary...LOL....I am glad that I am not the only one that gets confused around here with names. I think on this post of yours you meant Francine and not Jeannie. Also...I think you meant Vickie (is a strong woman) when you addressed me on your other post. It is hard to remember names sometimes!!
Love you...hugs....connie d is so time consuming sometimes. I am glad you are almost done with that!
Thank you for the nightly prayers...I appreciate that.
I am glad you are still managing to do so well with the cane. I hope for that one day myself!! I am tired of this walker!! I am proud of you!!
Love and more hugs.....connie d
Hi all, happy Friday!
Not too much on my docket today. I have a few errands to do, now that I'm feeling up to them, and I am going to try a "field trip" to a mall for some window shopping, just for an hour or so. Mostly for the people watching! It feels like the (mental) fog lifted this morning, at least for a while! So I am going to make hay while the sun shines, if you will. Thank the Lord I have a job starting at the start of next month - I would be panicked and frightened if I did not, and I wouldn't interview well just yet. I'm super blessed to even have this surgery and to have found a job too - well I am one very blessed girl, and I know it. I filed for unemployment when I lost my job, but the payments haven't been processed yet - but I had managed to save money for my surgery weeks off, even before I was laid off, so we are ok for the time being.
I am trying so hard to not complain but these "battle rations" (my concentrated 3oz shakes) are just getting grosser and grosser by the day! I am forcing myself to et them and I'm seeing the benefits: I am healing up, I'm feeling stronger, my weight is dropping! Even so, I ordered some Unjury Chicken Soup packets and they arrive today. I'm so psyched for anything not sweet! And I've taken to making 3oz of broth and sipping it between lunch and dinner, just for something savory. the Chicken Soup flavored protein is savory and protein, so I am quite excited. Any port in a storm!
Mary, we adopted our dog from North Shore Animal Rescue on Long Island 6 years ago this July. Our fees were closer to $200 total. Not sure you'd be up for a road trip but if their fees are about the same it might be worth while! And my dog is just the very best dog ever. :-) Assuming that's too far to go, you may have to wait just a bit for your pup. But otherwise - you sound good. Sorry you missed support group last night. Mine meets twice monthly - How often do yours meet?
Trish, I am fortunate to live in the NYC area where italian food and ingredients are plentiful. My little town has two Italian specialty stores! Anyway, ricotta is one of my favorite foods and may be the first thing I eat on Monday when I am allowed to go beyond the shakes. How are you enjoying your Apple TV? We gave up cable a few years ago and use internet TV. I recently got a digital antenna for over the air signals. It isnt perfect but it's good for new and non-cable sports. Best of all - it's FREE!
Connie, I am praying for your sister's surgery today. I have 3 sisters but only 1 is in my life... I have some sister drama too. Sigh. I do so pray Marn does well today, no one deserves that. I can't have any protein bars just yet. Only protein powder in super concentrated shakes. I look forward to trying these ideas when they are allowed on my plan - about 8 weeks out for me.
Vickie, the kitchen is always the best thing to get settled first, in my opinion. It's hard to do but once that's in place, everything else is a bit easier. I'm so glad your girls are coming in this weekend. It will help you in more ways than one.
Eileen, health care and insurance are just the bane of everyones existence now. I remember when things were easier and wish things could revert. I hope you can get through the deductible part quickly so you can get on with everything else you need.
Judy, if you're reading - feel better hon!
ETA: Hi Jeannie, we were posting at around the same time! Good luck mastering the cane. That's a big step - no pun intended :-)
Have a great rest of the day ladies. Prayers to you and your families, and all your special intentions are in my prayers.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Christine - where in NY are you? I grew up in Queens (Bayside), moved up to MA when I got married. I'm actually going down on May 2nd for a family get together - I have four brothers - one lives in Bayside, two live on Long Island, and one moved to California last year - he retired and his daughter lives in CA -- so he'll be visiting NY and I'm going to drive down - hopefully with my daughter. May take the Ferry to Orient Point and drive in to the restaurant in Massapequa. Otherwise, I'll drive, go over the Throgs Neck and drive out to the Island. Don't know if one way is easier than the other.
I actually happened to look at the North Shore Animal Rescue web site the other day - I'll have to go back and look at it more closely.
Enjoy your window shopping!! BTW, have you checked out Eggface's site? She has some good shake recipes and pureed food recipes.
Hi Christine.....enjoy your little "field trip" today! That sounds like a fun and relaxing thing to do.
I remember the days of only being on liquids. I did get sick of those shakes. It gets that way when that is all you can have. Freeze it and eat it like ice cream....that helped. I still use them today when I need quick protein. The broth was like a treat. I always had that too. Remember you can have SF Popsicles and SF Jello. That was a treat!!
I am so glad the WLS is behind you and you now have a new job ahead! That is so wonderful!!
Have a good rest of the and hugs...connie d
Good morning Mary, Twink, and Christine and all my sweet sistas!
I am up but moving a little slow today. My back is still sore from moving all those boxes yesterday. But today will be more boxes, so I might as well suck it up.
Carrie (oldest daughter) came down last night, but went to eat supper with Christie (youngest daughter) and never did come home. Benny wanted Aunt Sissy to sleep over, so she did. But that meant I had all four dogs (two of mine and two of hers) in the bed with me last night! Oy vey! It was not the most restful of evenings.
Anyway, Carrie hasn't shown up here yet to help with the packing. Why am I not surprised?
(My girls talk a good line, but sometimes they don't actually deliver.)
This morning I am taking a ginormous trash bag and cleaning off/out this desk! I've got to get it ready to move on Monday. I have to be at the new house by 1 for AT&T to come and install my internet. The moving company lady is coming to THIS house sometime late this afternoon to do a walk through and give me an estimate for Monday's move. There really needs to be an app for cloning yourself, you know?
I could use about 3 of me right now!
I've been reading all the posts, but just don't have the energy for individual responses right now. Love you all!