Sunday Greetings

Patricia R.
on 4/18/15 11:28 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning,

I failed to check in yesterday.  Wasn't on my laptop much.  Went to an assisted living facility in town with some ladies from church.  We sang hymns and gave our testimonies, and got to know some of the ladies there.  Watched the Phillies win for a change.  Plus, Lincoln had his first flag football game yesterday morning.  Glorious weather too.

Today, I'm slow moving, but must.  Have to leave for church in a few, and I'm not dressed.  Yikes.

Must scoot.

Love, Hugs, and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 4/18/15 11:55 pm - Bradenton, FL

I'm leaving for home in a bit. I've been at a Crosstitch meet all weekend. I'm in Ocala Fl.

Tomorrow I have a Ct Scan at 1230. I HAVE TO BE THERE AT 11AM.

Ihad a surprise thus morning. My physician from Colorado is staying at the hotel I'm at. He is here for a wedding  I had breakfast with him and his wife. What a nice surprise!!!

Hope all is well.


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Connie D.
on 4/19/15 3:01 am

Hi Carla....I hope you had a really fun weekend with your friends!!

I am praying that your Cat Scan goes well tomorrow.

That is great that you met up with your doctor and had breakfast with them. 

Love and hugs to you....connie d


on 4/19/15 12:18 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish and Carla and all my lovely Sistas!

Tomorrow is the Big Move II, and I'm not sure I'm ready.  We made some really good progress around here yesterday.  Mom and Carrie both worked so hard!  I don't know what I would have done without them.  But there's still quite a bit left to tend to today.  I woke up thinking about it all and nearly panicked.  But then I remember that I'll only be 30 minutes away and I can come back and forth and deal with the little things as I need to.

Don't think I've told y'all what else is going on today.  Last Christmas Carrie gave me a really special present--4 tickets to go see Neil Diamond in concert in Austin!  Well, guess what?  Today is the day!  OMG.  I didn't think I would be able to go.  But you know, it's worked out where I can.  Of course, originally it was going to be Butch and me, and Carrie and Leo.  Well, that all fell apart.  But Carrie, Christie and I are going tonight.  Mom is here to stay with Butch, and he said he wants me to go.  It's too bad about the extra ticket, but sometimes plans just have to change.

Anyway, I haven't been to a concert since two summers ago when Butch took me to see George Strait at the Alamodome for my birthday.  And you know what?  I think I'm wearing the exact same outfit again.  LOL!  I just don't have a lot of "date" clothes at my age.  And I sure haven't had time to go shopping for a new outfit.  Funny, huh?

My poor darling had such a bad day yesterday.  I'm really worried that he won't have the strength to make the trip to Houston next week.  The least little thing just exhausts him.  And riding in the car makes him nauseous--and that's WITH two kinds of anti-nausea meds.  But he says we have to go and have the scans and see what the chemo has done.  I know he is right.  But I'm so scared to go find out.  Because I know what he is thinking.  He's thinking that if the chemo isn't making significant progress against the cancer, then he's going to shut it down.  I'm not sure I'm ready for that.  I mean, I know that day is coming.  I'm just not quite ready to face it yet.  But I think he is.  I can see it in his face.  He's tired.  

Well, this is the exact reason why I insisted on making this move, now isn't it?  So that we would be in a better place to have access to doctors and hospitals and Hospice care?  I was just hoping for more time.  Always hoping for more time.  

Well, I have multiple tasks to complete before I can go play this evening, so I'd better get to them.  Wish me luck!  I keep telling myself I just have to hang in there until Tuesday.  Once we get to Tuesday, it will be all downhill from there.

Love you all! 


Connie D.
on 4/19/15 3:40 am

Hello our sweet Vickie...I can only imagine how tired you must be by now. I wish I could have been there if for nothing more then to help with Butch and give you moral support. 

I am very happy you are going to be able to go to the Neil Diamond Concert!! That is just what you need!! Time away and time to enjoy yourself with your daughters!! Have a great time!!! I have never seen Neil in a live concert. You will be rocking! Get a pic of you and your girls if you can.

I feel so bad for Butch...I hate that he is not doing well. I know how hard it will be for Butch to travel to Houston. I also know how this trip will be for you. My heart is breaking for you. I know how much you want more time together. I wish I could make that happen for you. All I can do is pray that God can provide the extra time. The rest is up to God and Butch. Prayers and more prayers. I love you my dear friend/sister. I know I say that and this...I am always here for you. This is true...24/7...I am very serious about that! As always ....I am keeping you close at heart. go and have a fun time rocking and rolling with your beautiful daughters!!!! Blow a kiss to Neil from me!!!

Buckets of love and bunches of hugs....connie d

Mary Gee
on 4/19/15 12:40 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good Morning my OFF Sisters.  

Vickie - I'm glad your Mom and Carrie were able to help you yesterday.  Thankfully, as you said, you can go back and forth and deal with the remaining things you have to do.

I hope you enjoy the concert tonight - I know it will be bittersweet.

There's so much I wish I could express about what you and Butch are going through.  I remember the pictures you posted when you were on vacation....what a wonderful thing you and Butch had that special time together and got to enjoy it so much.  When you post about selling the boat and RV, I imagine all the good times you must have shared together.  My heart goes out to you for what you are going through.  I'm very happy that you have your Mom and daughters to be with you.  I know that you have handled all the challenges mostly on your own because you are a strong, independent woman.  God bless you; he will give you the strength and courage to continue to carry on.

Prayers to all, and good wishes.  I've got a quiet day today. Maura just called a while ago asking if I could babysit Taylor tomorrow because it's Patriots Day (a MA holiday) and her daycare is closed.  So I'm happy for that!

Prayers to all, and good wishes.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 4/19/15 3:45 am

Hi Mary...enjoy your quiet day!! We all need those!!

I am glad Taylor will be with you tomorrow. You always brighten up when she is there! 

I am concerned about you as well. You seem more quiet then usual too. I am praying everything is okay. You know I care!

Lots of love and hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 4/19/15 1:27 am - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family....well no bingo for me last night...just could not do it. NOPE!

My son sent me a text (because to talk I cough too much!!) NEW Wedding Date is AUGUST 1ST! He gave me link to see the place for the reception and if anyone wants to see it here it is. hhtp://  They will be getting married at the gazebo then have pictures taken and then the reception following at the Grand. Beautiful place!! Not happy that its the first of the month as it is rent time for me but seeing as its the "weekend" I don't really see a problem getting away for a few days. (I hope). They are soooooooo excited now to finally have everything falling into place. He really wanted October 10th but other things didn't match up. I told him not to wait but he didn't listen to mommy....LOL.

I am starting to cough up goobers now. About time!!!! Not blowing out anything...head still hurts like crazy from coughing and voice is still bad. Slept off and on most of the day yesterday. Was so nice out and I couldn't be out either!!! Eyes watering bad in that bright sun!!! Heck even inside in the dark bedroom watching tv they were watering!! So I guess it was a good thing, made me sleep!!! Body hurts from laying around though. Feel so weak...and yes I am drinking water and eating protein.

OK time to get back to the bed again here go the eyes....grrrrrrrrr

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!! Special ones for Butch!!! Hang in there have so much on your plate!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSS


Connie D.
on 4/19/15 3:58 am

Hi Judy....well I wrote you a message and it disappeared!! I hate when that happens!!

I hope you rest and sleep all day again today!! I am worried about you. At least you are drinking water and getting your protein in. I don't want you dehydrating. I am sorry you are so weak. Please go see a doctor if you aren't better soon.The last thing you need is pneumonia!

So your son and his future bride have set the date...that is great!! I remember you talking about an October date. I guess they changed their minds. August 1st isn't too far away. It is always so hot then. I hope your dress will be cool enough. I will get on the site and look at the reception place. They must be so excited!!!

Prayers that you feel better real soon.

Lots of love and hugs to you.....connie d 

Connie D.
on 4/19/15 2:02 am

Good morning Trish and everyone....

Trish...I have been concerned about you. You have been pretty quiet on the thread. I hope you have just been busy and not in a blue funk as Vickie calls it. 

I think it is wonderful that you went to that assisted living place and sang and all for those living there. What a blessing.

I am glad your Phillies you say...for a change.

I bet you had a great time at Lincoln's flag football game. I love watching those kinds of games. The children have so much fun. 

Sorry you are slow moving today....but yes....please get dressed....the church members probably wouldn't want to see you in pajama's.

As for me...slow moving too. We had cooler temps last night and rain....still the same today. Makes me stiff and achy. I am not planning much. I will go walk later. I just took a pain pill. Just one of those kinds of days.

Marn may be going home from the hospital today. Her daughter, Patti will call me later. They have been trying to get her Oxygen level up. It was quite low yet yesterday. 

Wishing you all a happy day!!! I will check in again later.

Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.  

Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d

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