Super Early Good Morning Thursday!
Good morning sistas!
I'm up way too early, but I can't turn my brain off, so I might as well get on the computer awhile. Woke up at 4 a.m. to help Butch go to the bathroom and that was that.
Today is travel day for me. I'm leaving for Waco around noon. It takes about 3 hours to get there. Carrie says she can get off work around 3, so that will be good. Then she and I will drive over to Nacogdoches, which takes another 3 hours. We'll spend the night at Mom's. In the morning, she'll drive Mom's car back to Waco and Mom and I will commence to pack.
I'm worried about leaving Butch. He's just not doing very well. I know his sister, Lisa, will be here and she'll take good care of him, but it's kinda like leaving half of my soul behind. I need to be here with him, and I also need to get away for a few days. We haven't had a day apart in months and months. Not that packing and moving are any type of vacation, but I do need a chance to breathe, you know? I sound just awful for saying that.
Well, somehow I will get it all done over the next 7 or so days. I'm not sure how, but I know I will do it. I do have to tell y'all: yes, it's crazy to be moving at a time like this, but we need to do it. The whole reason for us living out here at the lake was so we could play on the water, go boating, etc. Well, I've sold the boat and my husband will never be able to play on the water again. It makes no sense for us to stay here. If I can just hold it together for the next couple of weeks, we will be in a much better place.
And I do so love my new little house. I was down there yesterday evening and all I could think was "I'm going to be just fine here." And I will be. The house is just right for me. It will be a good place for Butch and my mom, too. It's just big enough to be comfortable and yet not too big for me to live there by myself one day. I'm going to have neighbors again (something I haven't had in years and years), and while that will take a bit of adjustment on my part, it will also be a very good thing. And I'll have my kids close by. This is the right move for us to make.
So, Christie quit her second job at IHOP--thank goodness! It was going to tear her apart. But I think she did make her point. Mike finally seems to understand the gravity of their financial situation. I've never seen anyone so determined to stay in denial. Mike has many good points, but like all men, he gets comfortable in a certain situation and he doesn't want to change. Anyway, they spent last night looking at job possibilities for him. I am praying that they can find a way to set their bitterness and anger aside and work together to preserve their precious little family! I'm still trying hard to stay out of it. I talk to Chris, of course, but I'm trying not to "lecture" Mike on his responsibilities. I don't figure it would do much good, and I don't want to wreck my relationship with him. He and I have to work together too much coordinating care for the boys. We need to stay on good terms if at all possible.
Leo went over to see Carrie yesterday and pick up his things and "have closure." I tried and tried to get her to avoid having that conversation with him--I just don't see how it could do anything but hurt her--but she was determined. Then she texted me and said she just couldn't talk about yet. I imagine I'll hear the whole story in the car today while we're driving to Nac.
So, I won't be able to post much, if at all, while I'm in Nacogdoches. Mom has no wifi, and all I will have will be my little phone. I will be reading all the posts daily though.
Love you all! See you on the flip side!
Good Morning Vickie and OFF,
Vickie, I hope you have a good trip to Nac. I'm glad that Carrie is going with you to help pack your Mom. I know how hard it will be to leave Butch, but you definitely need this breather. It is not bad that you feel that way. You are human, and you have had a year of Hell.
I was sick in the bathroom with diarrhea most of yesterday. I did get my yarn stash added to, and did start the bedspread for Lincoln.
Today is a day for bill paying, and other organizing.
Must scoot.
Hugs, Prayers and Love,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I sure hope you are feeling better today. What a week you have had!! Hope you don't need to spend the day in the bathroom.
Enjoy paying your bills.... UGH!!!!! I did that right away on the 1st. I only pay for rent, cable, rental and life insurance, storage
and electricity. My electricity bill has had a credit for months and still has a lot of credit left on it. My daughter, Carrie pays for my phone...that helps a lot!! My storage unit ends at the end of May, I gave them notice.
You have a good day!!! Don't have been sick!!
Lots of love and many hugs
too.....connie d
Good morning Vickie and everyone.... have a safe trip to Waco. I am so glad Carrie will be there to help you pack!! It will get done...I know you!
Try not to worry so much about Butch. Lisa will look after him. I understand what you mean about leaving half your soul behind. That is very true!! It will be good for Butch and Lisa to have time together. YOU quit feeling guilty about being away!! You do need a breath if fresh air so to speak. Plus this has to be done. Butch understands that. You have a phone and can call Lisa anytime you want for a quick check in! I am praying for all of you!
I do know how much you love your new house. It will be perfect for you in so many ways. You will do well there on your own one day too. God Bless you Vickie. I am always here for you. I have you tucked safely in my heart!
Know how much you will be loved and missed the next few days!!
I am glad Michael is finally seeing the light and that Chris quit her second job! You are right not to say much to Michael right now. I pray things work out well for them and those sweet little boys!!
I am glad Carrie finally had closer with Leo. I too wish she wouldn't have spoken to him. That just brings all that bad stuff up again. I am sure she will be fine too!!
God Bless you, my friend!!
As for me...I am walking better and without so much pain today. That is good. I will take another day to ice and rest.
I am a bit let down. Amanda and Tyler were coming to spend Saturday and Sunday with me. Now they will just be here on Sunday. They are having a tough time as they are living with Amanda's dad. He is nice but I know how much he is in their business. He is a bit controlling. They decided to go up to Duluth and spend the night there. They so need to be alone! They were worried I would feel bad. I do but I don't. They are young and need some quiet time. Amanda goes to school all week and works on weekends. Tyler has his accounting job all week and picks up weekend hours at the job he was working full-time at. He is such a hard worker and so is Amanda. How could I be mad about them needed that time. I love them so much!!
Have a great day everyone!!!
Prayers for our lovely OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and tons of hugs on the way....connie d
Hello ladies,
yes I'm still in the hospital! They discovered I had a terrible infection, called c-diff for short. It is a nasty bacterial infection that, left untreated, can be serious. Those of us with extra weight, compromised intestines and other issues can be susceptible at surgery time - all it took was the high dose antibiotic I was given last week, pre surgery (for a unitary tract infection) to put me over the edge. This was the cause of the terrible diarrhea I had. So they put me in isolation (I couldn't leave my room) and everyone who came to see me had to wear a special surgical gown, mask, etc. my poor Ron is squeamish about everything hospital related but a God love him, he put on the special covering and came and sat with me anyway. Well once they treated me for the c-diff, the diarrhea and discomfort was under control and I slept really well over night. As a result I am feeling a lot better today. I still can't leave my room but I am marching in place! And best of all I am well enough that they are sending me home shortly. This bacteria is super contagious though, so we will all have to be very cautious at home. We have a second full bathroom (in an in-law suite my husbands parents use) and that I'll be my bathroom for the next week or so. We will just clean it and disinfect it really well before my in-laws come back to use it again.
So i am glad that my mystery is solved! Onward to the losers bench! I can't wait to walk and get some fresh air! Let the weight loss begin!
Vickie, oh Vickie, a your plate is overflowing. You will go through it, one step and one day at a time. Butch will be fine. Have faith. It will all work out.
Trish, i am so sorry you've been sick too. Please do take care of yourself!
Connie, same for you. Sorry the kids won't make it up for the whole weekend - you needed that. But it is great that you're so understanding of their situation.
Judy, I replied on the other thread, but please know my prayers are with you at this incredibly difficult time.
Ok, let me sign off now so I am ready to sign my discharge papers. Catch you later!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Christine...when I was in the hospital when I was bleeding internally years ago, the woman that was in the room they put me in had that. They didn't "know" at the time. GRRRRRRRRRR So they moved her out to a different room...sterilized everything and all my guests had to gown and mask up when they came to see me. I was so PISSED!!!!!!!!!!! So were my guests and family. Then the hospital said oh they were wrong she DIDN'T have that after all. HUH?????? Oh we were all PISSED then!!!!!!!!!! Glad that you can get through this sucks!!! Praying for you to get better soon!!!!
Thankyou again for the prayers also.
Thanks Judy. I was super lucky that I had been upgraded to a private room. No room mates so no one else had to go through what you went through!
Hugs to you
Hello Christine!!!
I have heard of that infection before. I am sorry it has caused some problems. Good to know now that the meds have been helping. I am glad you had a better nights sleep last night. I am happy to know you will be going home today, in fact you are probably there by now.
You make me laugh...marching in place...can't leave the room!! You are a funny lady!!!!
Let us know how you do at home....walk sip walk sip know the routine!! Now I am nagging...I better stop!!
I just came over to the computer to check in. I have been laying low most of the day. For some reason the pain meds are making me a little nauseous. I never had that issue with these before. I think this is God's way of keeping me down!!
Have a restful and peaceful evening!!
Lots of love and oodles of hugs to you....connie d