Good is Friday....what is new??
Tri**** is so true about different generations having different perspectives. We grew up in a whole different world. I often stop myself from saying "When I was growing up....." --
Memories -- Remember when color TVs and remote controls came out? Remember having only one TV in the home and the family sat together? Remember when 8-Tracks were a big deal? Remember when there were only two phones in the home - one in the living room and another in your parents' room upstairs? Remember going to Sunday mass and then the family having Sunday Dinner? Remember getting "dressed up"? Remember behaving well in school because you were fearful if you didn't your parents would "get a call"? Remember writing letters? Remember reading books? Oh my, the times - they are a-changing!! I guess I'm just an old fuddy-dud!!
Hey Mary!!! If you are an old fuddy aren't alone!!!
I was sitting hear thinking about the past verses now...WOW!!! Crazy huh....yup..remotes...that was a big one!! 8 tracks were awesome...LOL!! Remember reel to reels? We always dressed up for church and going visiting. On Easter I always got a new hat and white gloves to match my new dress!! We could go on and on!!! Books...I love my Nook but sometimes I just need to read and hold a book.....there is just something about that.
More love and hugs...connie d
Hi Trish.....I am sorry about your foot. I hope the Ortho doctor can figure out what is wrong.
It sounds like you were sick all day yesterday. Hope that is over with now! I am glad you rested and didn't go out and to too much.
Yes, we are from different generations. The new generation hasn't gone through the changes we have. Some time they will be telling another generation what changes their generation experienced.
My cleaning lady is leaving soon. I need to talk to her. See you later.
Have a nice day....hugs and love to you......connie d
Hi Connie,
Spent a while at the orthopedist. While it's not definite, he said I could have a stress fracture. He told me that sometimes they're not visible in the first X-rays. He gave me a cortisone shot, and we had a good laugh while he was doing it. He warned me it would hurt as he stuck the needle in. When he was done, I told him that it didn't hurt, coz after having given birth to two ten and a half pound babies naturally, NOTHING hurts. He laughed and asked me if I went out to work in the fields afterward. I told him that my husband jokingly used to remind me about that during my pregnancies. Memories.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning everyone, happy Friday!
Wow, it is so so SO good to be home. I slept so much better in my own bed. And today I was able to have a protein shake (3 oz at least) 0. I know they will get boring really fast, but today it was the best tasting thing ever. And within 30 minutes I felt so much better. Stronger. I'm up to 16 oz water which isn't bad for 10am. Just sip, sip, sipping! We had some storms already this morning. But, the bigger ones are coming this afternoon. I plan a short walk around the block while it's dry and not storming! If it's still raining I will pop in an old Leslie Sanson walk away the pounds DVD (remember those?) and do the short 20 minute routine. My stomach is a little sore so it's not comfortable to sit on my stationary bike today. Will try that as I feel better. I am very glad I bought one of those big pill planners at CVS last week. Between the postop meds and my vitamins I would never keep them all straight! But I am on the way those too.
Ive read elsewhere on OH that WLS is a full time job at first! I think I will find my routine soon, but right now, it's my daily focus. Was it the same for you all when you first had surgery?
Trish, how are you feeling? Isn't it interesting that a woman NFL official is super newsworthy to us but not a big deal to the next generations? My stepdaughter understands why it's a big deal but my step son doesn't think it's a big deal at all. Doesn't know why women weren't on the field earlier!
Eileen, When my Mom went into a home, her doctor prescribed a light antidepressant. At first my sister andw I were concerned but it made a huge difference for her. She wasn't out of it at all, and was still her mostly fiesty and fully alert self. But she was happier and better adjusted. I hope you guys find the right balance for your Mom. And have a good visit with your brother! I miss my sister. I hope to see her for a visit before I go back to work in May.
Mary, Yhanks for the good wishes! Yes things weren't textbook smooth for my surgery but it's working out now. I keep forgetting that they repaired a hiatal hernia as well as a small bowel issue at the same time as my WLS - so i had three procedures plus the infection. No wonder I've been a little slower than expected on the rebound! Anyway, I hope you get some rest today. I know you were working on your own plan - how's that coming?
Connie, you are so sweet and caring. Of course I worry about you! I am sorry you're in so much pain. Maybe take the Vicodin proactively today? Then you can take another before bed, so you can sleep through the night? Whatever is best for you. And your visitors come on Sunday, right? Is that your son? Forgive me, I am still learning everyone's family members and trying to keep them all straight! In any event, it will be so nice!
I will also check back later to catch up with the rest of the postings. Have a great day everyone!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Good Morning Everyone...although it is creeping past noon now on the East Coast!
Christine, I am so glad to hear you are home and doing so well. That is an inspiration to me for when my date comes up. I also had to chuckle about you saying WLS is like a full-time job. I am finding all these pre-op doctor visits, dietary changes & new exercise regiments are time consuming for me!
I have now seen the dietician for my 1st of 6 visits, had a 2 day stress test for my cardiology clearance, did the initial visit with the pulmonary doctor and had my required counseling session before the psych exam. Whew! It also is time consuming to re-learn my eating habits and construct and document my meal plans. And then walking...yup, a lot of time being invested in this!
I don't know how you ladies cope without sleep. I have always been a good sleeper and need my own bed and my 8 hours nightly to feel functional the next day.
Connie, I feel for you with the daily pain & feel bad about your falls. I have been more inclined towards tripping since I got this heavy, and have fallen a couple times. It's no fun to deal with the aches & pains afterwards especially when you deal with chronic pain daily.
Eileen, have always meant to mention your name is not common these days, but is a fine Irish name! My sister's name is Eileen so I am partial to it! I admire your support for your friend, Richard. Poor guys sounds like he has been through a lot. My husband is an amputee below the knee, and needs knee replacements on both knees. He is not willing to risk anymore surgery though due to getting a severe case of MRSA during the amputation. He was very ill and required a picc line for antibiotics daily for 30 days. He was really out of it. Due to his amputation, knee and some other medical problems he has been on 13 meds daily. The doctor called him last week to tell him his blood work indicated his kidneys were beginning to fail. He is in a wheelchair, also has memory problems and often takes a minute to verbalize a thought. But he is the best husband in the world! So I can relate to your situation with Richard. You definitely become a caretaker!
Sorry I cannot remember all the posts right now, but do enjoy reading everyone's posts. I do agree it is interesting how the younger generation perceives things like the 1st female NFL announcer. Reading Mary's posts was like taking a walk down memory lane. I can still remember our family gathering around the TV to watch the men walk on the moon, getting my 1st princess phone in my bedroom at 16...a big deal when extension phones were not the norm, and when cable TV first came out!
Everyone have a good day!

Hi Kathy were missed!!
You are really coming along well at getting all your procedures out of the way. You will be joining us on that loser's bench before you know it!! I am glad you are walking...that is the best exercise there is. Keep it up!!!
I never had trouble sleeping until I broke my hip. My body just hasn't been the same since!! It really has effected my sleep! I am glad you can sleep, I miss having restful nights!!
Yes, this last fall has really set me back a ways. I think it is worse because it was the second fall in a week, and on the same side. I have already taken a Vicodin today!!
Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. It is nice that he has you to help him when he needs it. I am sure he helps you too!! You are blessed!
Yup....princess phones....we were so cool!!!! That seems so long ago...heck it was long ago!! I remember when cable TV started...we were in awe!!! Thanks for the memories!
Have a beautiful and hugs to you...connie d
Hi Christine....I am so glad you are home too. Those hospitals are not for getting any rest!!!
I remember those first few weeks after surgery and how wonderful everything tasted!! My surgeon had us on Glucose Free Boost for two weeks before surgery. I still have them now and then. I love the Chocolate. It tastes so good. Sometime I pour it in a dish and freeze it. What a treat that ice cream...and it was legal!!
The amount of calcium, vitamins and all our other meds is a lot to take in a day. I had trouble getting them down at first. You are doing great with your water and exercise. I am so happy for you!! I hope you are feeling better too.
Thanks Christine....I am taking my Vicodin today. Last night wasn't good. Today is better. I still want to keep ahead of the pain. I hate taking the Vicodin as I never want to be addicted. I am cautious of when I do take it. I got 30 pills on December 2. I still have 5 left!!
My granddaughter, Amanda and her fiance, Tyler are coming on Sunday. You will catch up on names, it just takes awhile. I a very anxious for them to get here!!!
Have a peaceful and many hugs to you....connie d
Afternoon OFF family!!!!!!!
Made it through all those nasty storms!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for those that had to deal with the tornados...OMG!!! So many of them!!!! Today here the temp was 68* and it dropped down to 49* BRRRRRRR Sun came out so not as bad but still not like it was couple days ago in the 70's!!!
Well I had the tenant Bingo today...I had 9 people show up!!! More than usual!!! One asked how come I stop during the summer. I said if I keep getting a good crowd I will keep it going. Everyone said YES KEEP IT GOING!!! So we shall see. Out of the 9 that came today one was the trouble maker. Made me snicker to myself...thought what was she up to now??? But she was really kissing my butt!!! Guess my being RUDE to her paid off??? Not sure...but I am still passing out that notice on how I feel on what I was told about Christmas!!!
Had to buy a new NORTON for my PC...WOW did they ever go up in price or what? Went into sticker shock!!! But I had to have one!! Only had a few days left!!! Sighs...
Well its time for me to hit FB and relax
Christine I hope you are crushing those pills up and not swallowing them whole!!! That is what I was told to do when I was fresh out.
Oh crap!!!!! CR**** and now I can't remember who posted what!!!!!!!! I hate that!!!!! GRRRRR
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Love you ALL!!!!!!!!!
Hi you had to purchase another Norton. I used to use Norton , but I switched to Kaspersky a few years ago. I really like that one too. I never have problems. You are right...those prices just keep climbing, just like everything else!!
I am glad the BINGO went well even with the trouble maker there. Maybe you finally got to her. She knows you mean business!! They play bingo here and have lots of card games. I rarely ever have played bingo......mostly just bar bingo during the football season. I only like to play poker and they play all kinds of other games. I just am not interested. That's okay, I always have plenty to keep me busy.Sometime I just sit with them and watch.
I decided tonight to do some girly things. I deep cleaned my face and plucked my eyebrows. I then put on some great moisturizer. Then I did a mani and a pedi. It turned out really well. I soaked my feet first and buffed them up. That felt so wonderful!! I prefer to use my own products and do it myself. I have had them done at a spa a couple times. It was nice but not worth the money! I have been doing this for years. Sorry to bore you...LOL!!!
I still keep you and your sister in my daily prayers.
Have a good and lots of hugs.....connie d