Happy Hump Day
Hello Jeannie...men are just lazy...he could have whipped his potatoes and gotten his steak...they just like someone else to wait on them. LOL!!!
I rested all day today. I am still in my PJs!!! I just didn't feel like doing anything....now I feel guilty! I plan on doing the same thing tomorrow. No plans to over-do!! Icing and resting!!
Have a good evening!
More love and hugs....connie d
I'm back. I've been reading off and on, as well as spending time in the bathroom. I've had diarrhea for a few days, and today is the worst. Not sure what is going on, especially because the pain med I take is supposed to constipate me. Hmmm. I did scoot over to Joanns, and cleaned out their Spartan green Caron Simply Soft. It's my favorite blanket yarn. It's so soft, and easy to work with. I will have to order some, to make sure I have enough.
Vickie, my heart just broke when I read your post. I can't imagine the stress you're under right now. I'm praying the doc sees some hope, and that Butch starts feeling better.
Connie, I'm glad you're being careful with your walking.
Eileen, you're a good friend to Richard. I hope he gets on the Medicaid soon. As for Disability, that takes a while. I applied in May, was told not to expect to hear anything till October. Miraculously, I got approved in August, to start in October.
Christine, I'm glad your doc is being cautious with you. Hospitals suck, but being home post-op, and something being wrong sucks more.
Jeannie, I can't sit at nigh****ching a movie or TV show without yarn in my hand. I just can't relax. I love making presents for the kids. I hope they like the bedspreads. Izzy loves hers.
I can't remember who else posted.
Oh, Vickie, I'm so glad they're fixing your AC tomorrow.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer