Happy Hump Day
Oh, ugh, ugh, ugh! The AC guy was just here and gave us two terrible alternatives! One would be to refill the freon in the unit (to the tune of $1200=20lbs. X $60/lb), but there's a leak in the coil and it might only last a week. The other is to replace the coil, which is over $3K. ARGGHH! I just want to sell this old house and get out of it with my equity back.
So we elected to get the new coil (since we'll have to have a working AC in order to sell this house), but--and this is one hell of a kicker--they can't come back to put it in until SATURDAY!!! It's not going to bother ME so much, since I'm leaving tomorrow, but Butch and his sister will be here with no AC for the next 2-3 days. That's just awful.
I do have a little tiny window unit, so Miguel very kindly installed it for me in the bedroom window, which is great, but what about the rest of the house??? Butch says that Lisa will not mind sleeping in our big king sized bed with him, but I dunno about that. What are they going to do? Spend the next 3 days holed up in the bedroom?
This is nuts. I think I'm going to go to Wal Mart and buy another $100 window unit and put it in the living room. Then they'll at least have two semi-comfortable rooms to stay in until the AC is fixed.
Maybe I can return the AC unit next week and get my money back? Who knows?
Hello again Vickie...can you call another A/C place? I would get a second opinion when it costs that much. Have you had that man fix things before? All people work differently and don't charge the same. JMO. Second choice would to get a A/C at Walmart for the living room. Return it and tell them it was too loud for the smaller room you were putting it in.
I am lost....where are you going for three days without Butch? My memory is really bad after these two falls. I rattled my brain....the little bit I do have in there!!!!
Take it easy in that heat...no heat strokes aloud!!
More love and hugs....connie d
Vickie, if you do buy a window unit and cannot return it, you can sell it on Craigslist or something. You would get most if not all hour money that way!
Hello ladies,
I'm sipping and walking, walking and sipping. I'm still in the hospital; I was supposed to be discharged today but the diarrhea I mentioned yesterday got out of control overnight and this morning, though it has slowed today (Thank God) they need to make sure it's under control before sending me home. It's after 5pm so I am losing hope they will discharge me now, but my surgeon left word that he is coming by shortly to see me and decide if I am heading home. In the meantime I am catching up on some reading and yes, walking and sipping :-).
vickie, my heart just hurts for you. What a terrible choice to have to make. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Connie, my dear, you're a dynamo but even dynamos need to slow down. These falls are not good so please promise us you will go easy and get well!
Judy, I agree with so many others here... Maybe you should stop holding these events. If your tenants are going to complain and make you feel so bad then, perhaps it's not worth it. You have a heart of gold, though that's for sure. They are so lucky to have you!
Trish, you're so talented. I think it's great that you make so many lovely things. Thanks for the good advice and all the support.
Mary, thanks also for the good wishes. Despite my small setback I am feeling really good. Tired, but good. It's only post op day 2 so I have a way to go with recovery!
Ok, sorry for all those I missed. I will catch you tomorrow. I'm going to finish this little cup pie of water and take another few laps around the nurses station!
Cheers my friends,

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Hello sweet little Christine...I am glad you are doing your sipping and walking. It does help us!! I am praying all goes well for you and your surgeon lets you go home. I know they have to be cautious.
Me a dynamo....LOL!! I do move quickly but a am slowing down and paying more attention to what is going on around me. I don't want to break anything else!!!
I am happy to hear you overall are feeling really good. That is wonderful!! Yes, you will be tired for a little while then you will get a blast of energy....trust me you will be able to do so much more!!
Have a good evening....more hugs and love...connie d
Another update! The very kind people at the AC place rearranged some things and now they are coming TOMORROW to replace the coil! Praise the Lord! Lisa and Butch will have AC and I don't have to go buy another little AC at Wal mart. I called Lisa and told her to wait and come tomorrow morning. Butch and I will sleep cool in our bedroom tonight. God is so good to me!
On my way down to the new house now with a load of clothes. I need to check and make sure that everything is ready for the granite guys in the morning anyway. Oh! And I changed the date for moving the furniture from THIS house to the new house from Friday 17th to Saturday 18th. That will give me a bit more breathing room.
Love you all!
YAY Vickie...I am so happy to hear the A/C people can make it tomorrow!!! Praise GOD for answered prayers.
I hated the idea that you would have to go buy a portable A/C. Your time is so full now!!
You be careful running in and out of your new home by yourself. Always keep alert!! You hear so many horror stories these days. Changing the moving date was a good idea too!!!
I can't believe how every thing is just falling into place. When will your mom be there?? You have accomplished so much in a short time, and with your plate completely full! You amaze me!!
I am going to bed soon. The pain meds are wearing off!!!!
Prayers and more love and more hugs....connie d
{{{HUGS}}} sweet Connie! I'm so sorry you're in pain.
You know, I already feel very safe at my new house. It's a small community and really, all the houses on the cul-de-sac face each other. I can't imagine there being a problem there. In fact, I have always felt safe in nearly every place I have ever lived except for Austin. Too many weirdos and creeps there! But other than that, I've almost always lived in small rural communities and oftentimes forget to lock my doors at night. I know--I can hear the collective gasp of horror. But it's true. My daddy always said that lock only keeps an honest man out. If someone wants in, they're going to get in. I have a shotgun and I know how to use it. If someone comes in to MY house, they're going out in a body bag.
However, my new house is already wired up with a security system and cameras and the whole nine yards. After we get moved, I may call and find out about it.
Love you, darlin'! Take some good meds and get some sleep. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Thanks for the hugs Vickie....I am going to bed....I just wanted to reply to your post.
I am glad you feel secure in your homes. I always did too. We always lived in nice neighborhoods.
Your daddy is right..keep honest men out!!
I still will be glad when you have Butch and your mom there with you!!
I love you too...very much!! I am heading to bed with my meds now. Good night!!
Take good care of you....hugs and love always...connie d
Hey Sisters-Sisters,
I tried to post right after posting to Vic, but my husband said he thought the food was done, so I ran to whip his potatoes and get his steak before it got too cooked for him. Man, he is helpless.
So much going on: 1) Eileen, you have your hands full and are doing so much for Richard; I sure hope he appreciates it, and how awful that your medicine was going to cost so much. 2) Connie Girl, you need to be still. Let your body heal from the falls. 3) Christine, it is refreshing seeing the new sisters adjusting to life and getting ready to drop the weight. 4) Trish, I crochet all the time; it relaxes me. I am making baby afghans for my great niece. Crocheting for me is really easy and I rarely have to work at it...I can read a pattern or just look at something and make it.
I cannot remember who else posted; I wish we could scroll through everyone's post while we are commenting and also it would be nice to have like buttons too.
I hope you guys all have a good night and Vic, I hope Butch gets some much needed rest.