Happy Hump Day
Good Morning Family,
Got up about an hour ago. Now, I'm trying to figure out what to do first. I have to get to Joann's for some yarn. I'm putting the vest I was working on for Lincoln away. I need to work on the bedspread I started years ago. It's for his bed. Then, I'll make Frankie one. If I start them now, I can finish them by Christmas. Lincoln's has been started. Frankie's will need to be started. They're in Michigan State green and white. I made Izzy a double bed spread years ago. Started Lincoln's, but put it away soon after I moved here. Decided Id better get back to them.
I also have to pick up a few groceries. Not much, just some stuff I can't get here in town.
Vickie, I'm also glad you decided to pay the balance for the boy's tuition. I have no clue how they can afford childcare for the boys on their incomes. When my kids were little, I tried to make my college class schedule fit my husband's to avoid paying for child care as much as possible. Wasn't able to do that all the time, but when I couldn't, I only had to pay part time tuition. Even when I went to school during the day, I took Sean to the campus to the daycare there, and he wasn't in there all day. I made sure to do as little on campus as possible, because we just couldn't afford to have him in there very long. I can't imagine what their tuition bill is for both boys.
Connie, you poor thing. I am so sorry you fell again. That is so scary. I'm glad the doctor looked you over, to make sure nothing is broken. You really have had a sucky week. Please take it easy.
Judy, maybe it would be a good idea to have a sign up or helping with the set-up and clean-up for the tenant dinners. Write in the newsletter that you've heard a lot of negative feedback, and have realized you can't put the dinners together by yourself anymore just to have them complain about how you do it. If nobody signs up to help, cancel the dinner. Then, put it in the newsletter that you have had to cancel future dinners for lack of help, and too many complaints.
Eileen, I remember not having a long turnaround time for my medical release form for Social Security. I'm glad you were able to help him get it there in time.
Christine, I hope you're having a great day. The main things you need to focus on are sipping and walking. That is the best thing you can do for yourself. Sip and walk.
Jeannie, mentioned hearing of problems people have had with iPad cords. I haven't heard of any problems for the people I know. I only know folks who have the actual Apple iPad. Some folks refer to another company's tablets as iPads, so I don't know for sure which they're speaking about.
Must scoot.
Love, Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good Morning Ladies -- You had a busy day here yesterday....Just realized I didn't post. I've been having problems sleeping lately, and yesterday was horrible - I snoozed on and off all day. That is very depressing....I don't want to sleep my life away. I'm determined to start doing projects to keep myself busy. Trish, you've inspired me -- I'm going to get some crochet hooks and yarn and start on a spread for my futon. I made some years ago, and they were very pretty. My favorite was my "Irish" one -- it was Kelly green, cream, and bright yellow - and I made it big enough to fit a queen size bed nicely. I also want to get a sewing machine because there are projects I want to do....I'm hoping to find one at a moving sale or yard sale--the season starts soon.
I also told Jim that I would be busy doing work in the living room and spare room the next few days - his response was to complain about the noise and say he was going to keep his door closed. Good.....he can keep it closed full time for all I care. He's picking up on the fact I'm not catering to him anymore. He doesn't like the fact that I've started counselling - but that's his problem. I know I have to make changes, but I can't handle doing it overnight - but I'm working on it. I'm sure my sleep problems are due to stress ..... but I also worry it might be related to my heart. I have CHF - right after it was diagnosed, I slept an awful lot during the day. I'll have to make a follow-up appointment with the cardiologist. I'm tired of doctors' appointments....but I don't have as many as some of you!
Connie - I'm sorry to hear about your fall. You've got to slow down!! Some (can't remember who) questioned yesterday whether it may be nerve damage. I have neuropathy, and I have problems lifting my legs - but that causes me to catch my toe and trip -- not fall. Although I do find myself walking into things lately. We've got to take care of our old bones!
Vickie - your plate is certainly overflowing -- you're getting it from all sides. Hope Butch feels better, and hope the girls work things out for themselves.
Judy - I think instead of having gatherings for everyone, you should just host your own private get-togethers and invite only those you want to. People have a nerve complain -- they do nothing but show up, and then b*tch about things. BRATS is right!
Christine - glad you're up and about!! I had a great recovery -- and wish the same for you.
Eileen - I hope Richard gets his Social Security approved really soon. You are so good to him -- he's very lucky to have you helping him out.
Hope you all have a good day. We're in for some foul weather (rain/sleet) - UGH! But sunny days are coming!!
Hello Mary....I am so sorry that you can't seem to get out of this vicious no sleep cycle.
Good for you....back to making other projects. The spread will turn out great I am sure. The last one you made sounds wonderful. I think you should be able to find a used sewing machine at garage sales and such...good luck!!
Please... do make that appointment with your cardiologist. That is important.
I am not happy I fell again either...I have to slow down!! I broke a hip once and never want to go through that again!! I would have rather given birth!!
Need to get busy...I will check in later!!
Much love and bushels of hugs.....connie d
Good morning Trish and sistas!
Whew! I've got to tell y'all. Living without AC in Texas, even in April, is a misery. I can't wait for the AC guy to get here today. We had to sleep with the windows open last night, of course, and it wasn't too bad. The house finally cooled down and we slept just fine. But, boy, the heat and humidity are building up in here already this morning.
I need to talk a bit this morning. My poor sweet husband is just so sick. Chemo is horrible. It really is. He started throwing up again last night. And he's just so miserable and weak and feels so poorly. I really don't know if he can survive 6 rounds of this!
Apparently he is thinking the same thing. He told me this morning that when we go back next time and have the scans, if the doctor says the chemo isn't really doing it's job, he's going to quit it. Well, hell. What can I say to that? I told him I would support him in whatever decision he makes. I did say that we need to wait and see what the doctors say before making that kind of a decision, and he agreed, but I can tell he's getting ready to let go. He is not feeling like the benefits of the chemo treatments outweigh the detriments. This is so damn hard. I feel helpless to help him, you know?
So I just had a big interruption of several hours. My day is going all chaotic on me, as usual. I had more I planned to say, but I'd better just get this posted and get on with my lovely day. Ha! I need for there to be about 3 of me right now. And I need some cool air! LOL! What's a girl to do? Drink another Pro Joe and get on with it!
Love you all!
Oh Vickie, you poor thing. I feel so bad for you. I can't imagine what you're going through with Butch. It has to be rough. But it is his decision. He just retires and you two had so many plans and then you get this. Sweetie, you need more than a Pro Joe. You need a glass of wine and a big hug or a massage.
Vickie...oh honey...that breaks my heart. I agree with Butch. I hope you both have a serious talk with his doctor. If I were in his shoes I would do the same thing. I know how helpless you must feel. I know how much you want to help him. You really are doing all you can do. Keep just being there for him. That is enough right now. Prayers still going out several times a day.
I wish so much I could help you...all I can do is keep you close to my heart and keep praying. It just doesn't seem like enough!! I love you my sweet, sweet friend/sister....there is no doubt about that! I admire your strength and determination. I also know you can't continue at this pace for much long. I know people think, why are you moving now? Because this is what you need to do. Something else to keep your mind occupied. I believe this is God's plan.
I am sorry the A/C is not working. Of all the things to happen now...like you need a hole in your head!!! I hope the repair man gets there soon!!!! At least it is still cooling down some at night.
PLEASE...if you need to cry, scream or just talk...I will listen! You would never be bothering me!!
God Bless you and Butch and your family. I care!!!
I will post a PM later on this site.
Sending so much love and tons of hugs for you....connie d
I agree with everything Eileen said. I wish I could give you that massage and glass of wine!
I cannot imagine what you are going through. I do understand the quality of life left is so much better than extending by a short time but being miserable. That is what my brother said when he quit all of his treatment. Whatever the decision he makes, I hope he finds peace in his decision and I hope they provide him with pain management.
Oh my, if you didn't have enough on your plate but air-conditioning problems too. I was glad to read the update that you are getting it fixed tomorrow. Are you going to hire a moving company to move your things into your new house? If so, I'd make sure they get your things packed, moved, and unpacked.
Here's to a cool night and even cooler tomorrow.
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
You are always so busy crocheting. It's nice to have a hobby like that.
I am up earlier than usual. I had an appointment with my pain doc. He took a look at my knee with the bump on it. He said it's a hematoma, a collection of blood under the skin. He said lidocaine ointment might help it. But after he prescribed it, I got a call from the mail order pharmacy that it was more than they could charge. So I called to find out how much it would cost ... it was $700. Wow! I was floored.
So I called my doctor's office and told my problem and the woman answering the phone said, "Good Lord! You could get your medicine or buy a couch." I said it was two car payments. So I'm waiting to hear from the nurse. I could wait two weeks and after my epidural shot, my deductible would be met and the drugs would be free (including Lyrica, which seems to be more effective in treating my pain).
Anyway, today I'm not doing a whole lot. Didn't get much sleep ... just hanging around the house. Did laundry. Started on the company's weight management program (coaching over the phone). Had my first session.
So have a good day. Vickie and Connie, you're in my thoughts.