Good morning - Good Friday

on 4/3/15 6:32 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Yes! And I also got some Biotine spray - for dry mouth.  I read that may help me through the first day.  But chapstick is in the bag! 


137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Judy G.
on 4/3/15 6:12 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!!!!!!!!!!!

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pissed!!!!!!!!!!!! Why??? Because the office do NOT tell us we could go home early today!!!!!!!!!! WTH!!!!!!???!!!!!!!! I tried calling them about 3pm and no answer!!! So I called the guys told them clean up go home!!!!! And YES I am paying them FULL DAY!!!!!!!!!! KMA!!!!!!! How do you like me now????

This weather sucks!!!!!!!!!! Sick of this rain!!!!!!! last night we had rain so hard we about flooded again!!!!!!!! Yes its that time of year!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing new to report for me...need to go to FB and play my games and chill out!!!!

Thankyou all again for the thoughts and Prayers!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 4/3/15 11:55 am

Hi Judy....that was not nice that they didn't even tell you about shorter hours...were they even open at all?? Lots of places close on Good Friday. They should send memo's letting you know what days are part holidays and closed holidays. They should have a calendar with those days marked and send it to everyone by the first of each year. They don't have much organization that is for sure.

I am sorry you are still getting so much rain. That whole state is a mess!!

Is your Easter party tomorrow?? I don't know how you managed to do that!!! You have been so swamped lately. 

Have fun playing your games!!!

I am with Pam is always a long event. FIVE hours today...I could barely crawl in the door!! I didn't even need much!! I am going to bed soon!!

Lots of love and hugs....prayers for you and your sister..connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 4/3/15 7:36 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Christine and my OFF family:

Congrats, Christine, on your upcoming surgery. I don't know what else to tell you to take. I brought things to read but was too drowsy to read anything and just stared at TV and slept in the hospital. Plus, I was by myself (I'm single and my family lives elsewhere). I had all the product I needed provided by my surgeon's office, so I needed no food. Sugar-free popsicles, jello, etc. With my bad knees, I couldn't do a lot of walking (still can't, even with the replacements). 

My coworkers brought me cupcakes for my birthday, which isn't til next week but I will be on vacation. Hitting the big 6-0. 

Vickie, I hope all is going well for you and Butch. 

It's been pouring rain here, too. Thunder and lightning. Tonight will be quiet at work but tomorrow busy with the Final Four, especially with Kentucky being from our coverage area. 

Well, should do something for work, I guess. Have a good night.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 4/3/15 12:04 pm

Hi Eileen....that was nice of your coworkers to bring you cupcakes. I am sure they were delicious!! 

So you are having a lot of rain too...don't float away! Seriously I hope you don't have flooding there.

I hope work goes well and it stays quiet. Tomorrow  could be another story!

Love and lots of hugs to you....connie d

on 4/3/15 8:38 am

Good Afternoon Sisters,

I have had a very busy week and was so happy when it was time to come home.   Christine, the things that I needed the most were provided for me in the hospital. I took my own soap, lotion, and chapstick because of my allergies.   I also had really long hair, so I took a lot of things to keep my hair up and out of my face.   I did take my own socks but the hospital gave me socks.   I had my surgery pretty far from my home, so I took pillows for my comfort for the ride home.   I also took my laptop and a book to read, but I didn't use either.   Things that I did on advice from the nurse was to save a few of those little cups that measure fluid...they are really medication cups.    After surgery, I was on clear liquids for weeks, it seemed like three or four weeks, and I measured the liquids, using those little cups.    The doctor said to drink two ounces every...and I was afraid of hurting my pouch so I really stuck by what he said.   I did a lot of cooking previous to my surgery:  I cooked beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth, and pork broth and froze them in ice trays so that when I got home, DH would only have to drop a cube of frozen broth in a cup and heat it in the microwave.   The homemade was so much better than the store bought.   I also made a ton of sugar free jello and bought bags and bags of sugar free popsicles.   Until you get through the procedure and get home, you will not really know what it is you are going to tolerate.   Some of us couldn't tolerate sugar or grease but I advice you to avoid both...there is nothing worse than dumping right after surgery.   I can add to what the others have said about sipping and walking with get soon as you can stand to go out, get out and get the will make you feel better as well as provide you with some Vit D.   

Vic, I hope Butch gets discharged and you guys get home soon.   Judy, hope your sister is doing better.  Connie girl, you be careful...there is nothing like being all bruised and sore from falling.   Eileen, I hope your bruises are healing and happy bit six O.   I, too, turned 60 this year.   

Well, I hope I haven't forgotten anyone and if I have, I'm sorry.   I put some money in my daughter's bank account so that she could go buy my babies some Easter treats...we are having the annual egg hunt at my older sister's house.    I have crochet all the grown ups some little kitchen things and made all the little girls raggedy ann and andy dolls, the older girls (there are only two) got new bags that I made for them...and my grandsons are the only boys and I got them some lures and put them in a little blue jean fishing bag.  

Well, you guys have a good night. 

Connie D.
on 4/3/15 12:25 pm

Hi Jeannie....the gifts for your family old and young. You have some great ideas!! I am sure they will all love and appreciate the gifts. Because they are made by you they will be even better!! 

I went shopping with Pam....we left at 3:15 and got home at 8:15. FIVE hours!!!!! I can hardly walk! She always has to check all the clearance isles where ever she goes. SHE doesn't need more...she is a hoarder!! I wish I could call the TV show "The Hoarders". There is no way in hell she will ever get that place emptied out. She gives a little away and buys is a vicious cycle!! I guess I will have to keep the storage unit another month. She said today, there is no way she can get her stuff out by the end of this month. I am going to  give notice that I am leaving there at the end of May. If she wants to rent a unit then she can. I am tired of paying that damn bill!! She is supposed to pay 1/2 but she hasn't paid since November. I reminded her about it tonight. She said, she was too tired and wanted me to give her the amount due tomorrow. I will, I have 3 grandchildren with birthdays this month!!!! 

Thanks for letting me whine my dear friend...I feel better now!! 

Love you ....HUGS  ....connie d 

on 4/3/15 8:21 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15


I love to cook and usually host the extended family for holiday dinners - all the Italian Easter favorites! Since surgery is the following day and I'm on clear liquids, I am not hosting this year.  DH and I will have a quiet dinner and I will have some stock or broth.  But anyway, I am now missing the cooking and such I usually do on a holiday! So it's a fantastic idea to make some broth I can use post surgery.  It will feel more festive somehow, and it will be really helpful too! 

Thanks for for the idea!

on 4/3/15 6:48 pm, edited 4/3/15 6:50 pm - Canada


For when you are home again: you may want a toilet riser which is a raised plastic toilet seat to screw on top of the china bowl. Your tummy muscles will be sore and your legs weak, you may find your regular toilet too low.  I spent first few days after RnY surgery in a hotel near my surgeon, was done in another city, and a girlfriend staying with me had to pull me off the low toilet seat as I couldn't get up alone.  She also got me a folding walker, to support me as I got out of flat hotel bed and first few days at home, gave me perfect balance as I got out of bed on my own...after a few days of that, didn't need anymore as was ok.  You may also want to get a "grabber" which are tongs on a long pole, to grab things that fall onto the floor without bending, like the box of kleenex or a magazine or whatever, in those days giot my newspaper delivered to my door, so used grabber to pick up  as bending not good first  few weeks.  

all the best, you will do just fine!


on 4/3/15 8:22 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Oh good ideas Jennifer - I will look for the grabber for sure. Thank you!

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