Good morning - Good Friday
A good Good Friday morning, ladies! And a happy Passover to those who celebrate!
I hope you all don't mind that I kicked off the thread today. I am up early and didn't want to wait for life to distract me, as it often does. And right now I'm in the pre-surgery COUNTDOWN! I'm scheduled Monday morning, 6am. Less than 72 hours! Holy smokes! I am working to get the house in order, catching up on laundry, cleaning, etc. I am also having a manicure and pedicure today. Very indulgent and a nice reward for my new job, and for completing all my preparation for WLS and taking this brave step, just as all you ladies already have. Here's to us!
So, I've read the "what to pack" posts on OH and I am preparing my hospital bag this weekend. I bought a new pair of no-skid slippers to wear in the hospital and when I get back, so I can walk, walk, walk. I got a new bathrobe (my current one is a disgrace) so I can cover my hind end while I walk, walk, walk in the hospital! Any other last minute items I should prepare, either for hospital or for my First few days at home? I would love the straight scoop from you experienced folks: any advice is welcome!
Vickie, I hope your travels home from MDA are smooth and that Butch is hanging in there.
Judy, you and your sister are in my prayers too.
Connie, I know you're anxious to get moving but make sure you're taking care of yourself too! Hang on to that walker and don't let the wind blow you away!!
Mary, way to go on setting up your bike! I love mine. It's a life saver, literally.
Trish, the bowling day sounds like a blast! I used to do Easter projects with my stepchildren when they were younger, but now that they are 22 and 17, it's history. I will be back in business when I'm a grandmother someday - but that can wait a bit! Let's get them through college first!
Ok ladies, time for my day to get started. Prayers to you, and to all who need them and aren't even mentioning them on the thread.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Good Morning Christine and OFF,
Christine, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, for your hospital stay. If something comes to mind, I'll be sure to post it. Are you on Facebook? I don't think I have you on my Friends list. My username is Patricia Anne Reilly. Would love to Friend you. For your at home diet, stock up on sugar free Jello, Popsicles, broth, etc. My post-op nutrition instructions were two weeks clear liquid, one week full liquids. Can't remember the last three weeks entirely. One way I got my protein in during clear liquids weeks was to buy Isopure protein drinks. They came in a glass bottle, and different flavors. I liked the Grape Frost. It tasted a lot like grape Kool-Aid. High in protein. Once I got on full liquids, I used AnyWhey protein powder to mix with either yogurt, fruit and milk, in the blender, or Carnation No Sugar Added Instant Breakfast. AnyWhey is basically flavorless, and one scoop has 15 grams of protein. For my broth, I made homemade broth, straining my own homemade soups, and putting the solid items in the blender for the soft food stage. For soft food, I loved No Sugar Added Fudgesicles, and refried beans with cheddar cheese on top. The beans made a high protein meal. Be prepared to walk in the hospital. They got me out of bed four hours after I got back from post-op.
Connie, I'm so glad you had a little bit better day yesterday. I know how sore our bodies can be after a fall. Praise God you didn't break anything.
Judy, I hope your sister is able to get the care she needs. It's hard to be far from our loved ones when they're sick. I remember when my sister was post-op after her hysterectomy, and that wasn't as serious as your sister's kidney dialysis.
Vickie, I continue to pray for you and Butch. I know you'll have a wonderful Easter with your family, especially the boys. I didn't spend a ton on my Munchkins for Easter. I picked up pencils at the Christian bookstore, and then got Easter Pez dispensers. I'm going to make little bags, I mean very little, with the two items, plus a few Hershey Kisses. Colleen will get upset if I go overboard with the sugar. I am thinking I got something else for them, but can't remember.
I'm not sure I'll get the dress done by Sunday. I'm having a problem getting the pattern laid out on the fabric. Long story.
Must scoot.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Trish...sorry you are having problems with your dress pattern. Maybe that is GOD's way of telling you "not now". We never know what his plans are...we just go with it.
Trish, I wrote about my bruising on my daily post. No wonder I am hurting so much!!
The gifts you got the kids sound like they will be perfect. They don't need so much at every holiday. Grace won't get hers until Monday or Tuesday now. Pam had a headache and didn't want to take me to send it after all. Thus we are going today. I did mail Gracie her Easter Card. I wrote a note in it for her to watch this week as I am sending a box to her!! She called me last night to do a survey for school. She is so silly!! We had fun doing it together!! I didn't tell her about the package.
I best get going...I am getting behind!!
Have a wonderful day....much love and many hugs...connie d
Hi Trish,
i just sent you a facebook friend request. If you're already FB friends with the rest of this family please suggest them for me to add! Thanks for all the great suggestions :-)

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
I accepted your friend request, and will suggest some of the gals here.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Christine!
Christine....anyone can start the tread...there is no order. It just seems like some of us start more then others because no one has gotten to it yet. I am glad you started!!!! No need to wait for anyone else to start.
I am so excited for your surgery. I am having my own countdown for you!!!! I am glad with all you are doing that you are taking the time for a mani and pedi. You deserve a nice reward!!! You have done an amazing job of keeping all those balls up in the air!!
Here is to us....and now it is your turn....celebrate ( that beer is wine!!) I will be saving a place for you on the losers bench!! See you MONDAY!!!!
At home....sip and walk and sip and walk and so on. The more you walk you will get all that gas out that they pump into your tummy!! Please remember to take chapstick to the hospital. Also put a pillow in your will want it to hold against your tummy on the way home. At first don't be discouraged if you can't get your water all in the first few days. Gradually that will improve. Work hard to get those protein drinks in.
I am excited for you!! I will be sending prayers your way. Not just for you but also your medical team. We never can have too many prayers!!
Much love and oodles of hugs to you....connie d
Oh, yes! The pillow for the car. Just added that to my list. Thanks! Prayer has gotten me here, and prayer will see me through, thanks so much!
Good Afternoon Ladies.
Christine -- WOW, the hours are ticking away. It will be Monday in the blink of an eye. Can't think of anything to add to your list. I had my surgery on a Wednesday at 5:00 and was discharged Thursday by 2:00. In and Out, Lickety Split! I did some walking, on my own, in the morning. I hope your surgery and recovery goes as great as mine did -- no issues whatsoever. I used minimal pain meds for 2-3 days, but had no complaints. Trish and Connie's suggestions were right on point.
Trish -- Your Easter bags are just right!! Kids don't need tons of candy. And talking about sewing, boy I've got to get my hands on a machine again!! I used to sew a lot - wasn't an expert, but got by. Maybe I'll find one a a moving/yard sale during the summer.
Connie - hope you're feeling betting and are up and about. The weather is getting warmer so it's nice to get outside. Stay safe!
Taylor's here visiting overnight, because her "school" (daycare) was closed for Good Friday. Took her out shopping because I had to pick up a few things. She chattered her way through the stores - wishing the workers a happy holiday! I've spent some time on my new toy, cycling away. So glad I got it. Sleep didn't come at all last night - and with Taylor here I won't be able to take a nap. Hopefully I can get her to bed early tonight.
Good wishes and prayers to all !!
Hello Mary....I am sure Taylor entertained everyone in the stores. People so love to hear a happy child and a loving one at that!! You make her feel so special!!
You sure are having a great time with that bike!!! I can hear the happiness in your post!!
I hope you can get Taylor to bed early tonight. You need your sleep!! Do you have her for the whole weekend again?
Have a fun and oodles of hugs too...connie d
Thanks Mary! I do hope everything goes smoothly and I'm as successful as you've been! I am having a bypass so they do plan to keep me 2 nights in the hospital, but they promise I will be up and walking within a few hours of hitting my room.