Wednesday ~ April 1 ~~~~ fools day ~~~

Connie D.
on 4/1/15 4:37 am

Good morning Francine and everyone......

I bet you are having a fun day!! Yup....your halo is a little tipped girlfriend!!!   

I haven't had anything happen yet today. I know Nic will be up to something sometime today!! He never forgets!! He knocked on my bedroom door to wake me up one morning ....I grabbed my glasses and put them on....I couldn't see a thing....he found an old pair of his dad's glasses and switched them for mine. I heard him laughing in the hallway. I yanked open the door ....not knowing he had it tied so it wouldn't open only a few inches...almost tore my arm off! Then I was in the bathroom...I opened the door.... he had piled all the shoes he could balance on the door handle....they fell on the floor so I could trip over them....we laughed so hard! He can be quite mischievous at times!!! April Fools is one of his favorite days!! We just to things that are funny...nothing hurtful or dangerous. 

Love and oodles of hugs to you....connie d 

Connie D.
on 4/1/15 4:53 am

Good morning everyone once again.....

I forgot to add my day on that first post. CRS...BAD!!!!!

As for me....I do feel much better today. My bruises are healing and my aches are better. I am being much more careful with my walking outside!

Yesterday was fairly quiet. I did doze off and on. I also had a pretty good nights sleep last night. Things are looking up!!

My cleaning fairy won't be here today. The office secretary there called me and said something happened over the weekend. Hopefully she can be here next week. I just hope she is okay. They can't tell me anymore then that. 

It is a really beautiful day. The wind is kind of gusty but it is 69 degrees already with a high today in the mind 70's. I will be sitting outside later!! 

Vickie....I am praying your trip to MDA goes well for Butch. I continue to pray for both of you. Have a safe trip! Love you much!! 

I will stop in later if I can. Wishing everyone a great day!!

Prayers for our awesome OFF Family and their families. 

God Bless you all. 

Bushels of love and buckets of hugs to all.....connie d 


Mary Gee
on 4/1/15 12:28 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Connie - I'm glad your bruises and aches are getting better.  I bet you're extra careful on your walks now!  

Isn't the weather beautiful!!  Finally, a sunny day.  I was looking at my front lawn today -- I definitely planning on making the front yard presentable this year - will be doing mowing and raking on a regular basis now that I have some stamina.  I also want to plant some flowers, and maybe some vegetables.  Also want to borrow a ladder and clean out the gutters.  I just wasn't able to physically do it last year -- but what a difference a day makes!


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 4/1/15 12:58 pm

Hi Mary....I was so happy to be outside was 72 degrees and just lovely out there. The wind was strong but that didn't stop me! It was great! YES....I was very careful!!

Enjoy your mowing and raking and cleaning the GUTTERS! You need to be will be the next to fall!!

Love and many hugs to you....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 4/1/15 5:27 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Francine and my OFF family:

I don't think I've ever pulled a prank on anyone on April Fool's Day. I've had some pulled on me ... I'm rather naive on many things. 

Mother Nature is pulling an April Fool's trick on me ... I woke up with a headache and it's sticking with me. I was supposed to go with Richard to his doctor's appointment today but I let him go alone. Plus, he's expecting a UPS shipment of his contact lenses, so we need someone here ... plus the handyman is supposed to come by and fix the toilet. So someone needs to be home. When he gets back, I'm going to run by the grocery store for a couple of things. Not big old Walmart, just the local store. Got a few sales that I want to get. 

Richard has been up all night making his pork shank, this time as a barbecue, like a pulled pork. It smells wonderful. Can't wait to eat it. I striped the bed and will put on my regular sheets because it's getting too warm for flannel sheets. 

Got a birthday present in the mail today: "The Sound of Music: 50th anniversary" blu-ray from my brother Gary. He asked me what I wanted, so that's what I told him. He sent it early. We both love the movie. Gary has done the Sound of Music tour. 

Well, Richard is back from his doctor's appointment so I have to get going to the store. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 4/1/15 12:27 pm

Eileen....sorry you have such a bad headache today. I hope Richard's appointment went well.  I think the BBQ pork was delicious!!

Your brother sent you a really nice gift...early birthday!! What did Gary do on the Sound Of Music Tour?

Hope your headache is better!!!

Love and lots of hugs....connie d

Mary Gee
on 4/1/15 12:37 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Eileen, I hope your headache resolved quickly - they can really get you down.

Sounds like Richard is a good cook.  I remember when I was young my mother would make lamb shanks - wrapped in file with veggies and potato.  It's amazing how supermarkets have changed -- there are a lot of meats my mother used to cook that I never see anymore.  Lamb shanks, daisy ham (very fatty), breast of lamb (another fatty meat), beef tongue (sounds gross, but I used to love the salad she made with the leftovers).  And things that used to be inexpensive no longer are!  Amazing how expensive grocery shopping is.  Of course, Mom and Dad used to show very carefully -- the food ads came out on Wednesday, and that evening they would look at all the store ads (I lived in NY and there were several markets in town) to see what was on sale, plan the menu for the week, and make a shopping list.  On Saturday they would hit three or four supermarkets to do their shopping.  (If chuck steaks were on sale -- we were in heaven!)  In later years, when my father retired, he sent all his time in the kitchen making the gourmet meals he couldn't afford when he was raising five children!


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 4/1/15 9:18 am

When my kids were little, I use to tell them that it was snowing and the snow was so high we couldn't get out the door and they would run to the door and then I'd say, April Fools....a couple of years ago, I played that same one on my grandkids and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker and when I said, April Fools, I had to explain to the younger one about April Fool jokes so we decided to pull one on granddad....he was still asleep so I told them to run in and wake him up and tell him there was a huge bear in our walnut tree...we live in the Ozarks, so that's a possibility...he got up, grabbed his camera, and came running down the hallway and he looked out the back door and said, where is it and the kids yelled April Fools.   Today, my daughter, who is 36, called me and said she was so sick and had gone to the doctor and they did an ultra sound of her abdomen and said she is pregnant...I kept saying what....and all day long, she kept telling me of this test and that test and not once did she give me an indication it was a joke...even when I was on the phone with fake teary self....then she said, Oh hell no...mama, it's twins a boy and a girl and I'm definitely naming the girl April and the boy....Fool....I wanted to whip her butt.    

Ladies, I hope you all have a fun rest of the evening...I am making my DH a piece of baked chicken with cream cauliflower and steamed carrots.   He keeps asking when it will be done.     I am eating fish.   

Vic, I feel so badly for your daughter.   That ass needs his attitude adjusted...I hope she left his **** on the porch.  He wants to torture her...what an arrogant ass hole...I hope she doesn't give him the satisfaction of one tear.   

Mary Gee
on 4/1/15 12:44 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Lightswitch -- what a mean trick your daughter played on you!!  I did something similar to a friend once.  She lived next door to me, and was very friendly with my parents.  She was in Africa on an extended trip and we would right regularly.  Once I wrote and to her and told her I had some wonderful news -- my Mom (who was around 40 at the time) was surprised to find out she was pregnant.  She was making all sorts of plans and my Dad was proud as a pea**** etc., etc., etc.  I really laid it on thick.  Then after about a page and a half of this wonderful news, I told her I was just making it all up.  She later told me that she was reading the letter while with friends, and she got so excited and was jumping up and down she was so excited.  Shame on me.  


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 4/1/15 1:15 pm

Hi have me laughing with your April Fool stories!! Twins...April and Fool....LOL!!!!

Hope you have a really good night!!!

Lots of love and hugs.....connie d

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