Hello Mary and my sweet sistas!
Only time for a quick note today. I have been a very busy bee so far. Got a moving company BOOKED! Whoo hoo! Official move dates are April 13 & 14. I liked the owner tremendously on the phone and they had really good reviews on Angie's List. They're sending 2 trucks and 4 guys to Nacogdoches to pick up my stuff and Mom's stuff. I do have to go early and pack up Mom's belongings, but that won't be too bad. I'm a fast packer. Now I really have a solid deadline to work towards. I do better with a firm timeline.
Have an appointment with the granite guy at the new house tomorrow morning. He's bringing samples with him. Hopefully I'll like him and if I get a good vibe, I'll just go with him. He had excellent reviews on-line and on Angie's list. Takes about 2 weeks turn around time, so we're right on schedule if I can pick out something I like tomorrow.
Got a call into Sam, the handyman, but he hasn't called me back yet. I'm not worried. He did some work for us on Christie's house last year. I have a growing list of "little" things I'm going to need him to take care of--things that Butch would normally have done for us but can't now. Plus, I want him to build me some extra storage in the laundry room. I sure hope I can get all of this for my budget!
Anyway, I'd better close. It's already after noon and we need to get our stuff loaded and get down to the new house. I"m going to try and move a recliner down there today. So I've got to go hook up my little trailer. Butch says he's going to take another bath in the new tub today. I may have to give it a try, too! LOL!
Love you all!
Hi Vickie....I love to hear the excitement in your post. You have pretty much got it all set up. At least all the big things. I hope that the granite guy works out and Sam can help you too.
I am so happy that Butch loves his tub so much that he wants to do it again today!! I imagine you will like it as much too!!
Don't need to spread out your time so you don't collapse!! There is a lot to do. Pace yourself. I love you!!!
Much love and many hugs....connie d
Hi Connie!
Whooeee! What a day! But I got some stuff accomplished and even though I'm dog tired, I feel good about today. Butch and I made another trip to the new house and I did good! I hooked up the little trailer--all by myself. I managed to get the blue leather recliner out of the house and onto the trailer--all by myself! Then I loaded 3 huge wardrobe boxes (that have been sitting packed in my laundry room for the past 3 years--LOL!) and several of my big outdoor planters--all by myself. I was feeling pretty damn good about all of that until we left. I forgot to mention that I attempted to tie everything down ALL BY MYSELF. LOL! We hadn't gone two miles when I had to pull over and stop because all the boxes were shifting around and trying their damnedest to fall out! But you know, a real nice man stopped and helped me and we shifted some stuff around and he tied it down for me. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Anyway, got down to the new house without further mishap, and then Mike came over to help me unload all the stuff, so that was great! We got Butch's chair in the living room where he can rest and relax now. He just gets so tired so quickly. But he was in good spirits today. He just can't do very much, but he enjoys being there with me.
I was able to finish taking some much needed measurements and I'm all ready to meet with the granite guy in the morning. I hope that goes well.
Talked to Mama and, boy, is she starting to fret and worry and panic. I keep telling her we'll get it all worked out. And we will. I just don't have all the answers yet. But I will have them before it's time to move her. She just needs to relax and trust me a bit. I know she's old and this is scary for her, but it will be okay. I'll make sure of it.
So Butch didn't actually have the energy for another bath today. And neither did I. I was pooped! Too pooped to even think about getting naked and getting in that tub. I just wanted to come home and collapse. Which I'm going to do here in just a minute! LOL!
So, wish me luck with the granite guy tomorrow. I'll let y'all know what comes of that meeting. I sure hope it doesn't cost too much. I'm a gal on a budget!
Love you!
Hi make me laugh. Good for did a lot of work. No way could I have done that.
God sent a man to help you adjust and tie the boxes down!! I do believe God is watching an listening to our prayers.
Get a good night sleep tonight. Good luck with the granite guy tomorrow!!
Sending prayers that Butch will feel a little better and can take a bath tomorrow....maybe even you too!
More love and hugs to you much......connie d
Hi Mary and my OFF family:
Mary, I'm 11 years postop and I'm seriously off track. But I'm determined to get back on track. Yesterday, I had a call from a registered dietitian from our wellness program at work (we get extra points for money off our insurance if we participate). So after talking for awhile, she asked if I wanted to participate in the weight management program. I said I would. It's a 12-week program; she calls once a week to talk. It makes me accountable to someone. I also started doing MyFitnessPal again (I really hate writing things down, but I started doing it again). And of course, I am going to the Y, but I probably should do it more often. But it takes so much out of me ... I'm just pooped afterward.
I too go to a psychologist ... I choose that one because I already am on antidepressants so I don't need to be on any more.
Richard and I listed his TV on Craigslist and on a local Facebook group that's like an online garage sale. Got a couple hits on the Facebook site but we got an actual offer from Craigslist and the guy is coming over this afternoon after work. Richard is excited because I loaned him money to get his birth certificate sent to him in 3 days (Carla, it's extra money through this website because he was born in a very small town in Georgia and the hospital no longer exists; it's very hard to get his birth certificate ... this is what he told me ).
So when the guy comes over to pick up the TV we'll both have money. Richard is happy and very tired because he has been hyped up the past two days worried about this; I'm tired because I got up at 5:40 a.m. so I could take him to the doctor for his labs.
Vickie, I'm so glad you are getting everything ready for your move.
Carla, hope your drive goes smoothly.
Can't remember who else posted. I'm too tired to think clearly.
Have a good day.
Hi Eileen....that weight management program sounds really great. I am glad you are participating!! I wish I had someone here to buddy up with.
I have always hated logging what I eat. I started it again about three weeks ago. So far so good. I like to see what I ate and where I can make changes.
Going to the Y does feel good. I love water aerobics. It is the changing in and out of clothes that wears me out. I will just continue my daily walking. I am doing great with that. At east I feel like I am doing something! Good luck at the Y!!!! I hope you can increase it to two or three times a week. Rock On!!!
I am glad Richard is getting his Birth Certificate. I hope it comes soon!! I would think he should be able to sell that large TV with no problem. I hope you both get a better night sleep tonight!!
Love and more hugs to you....connie d
Yes, Connie, we sold the big TV today and now we're back to my 27-incher. Boy, what a difference. While Richard didn't get exactly what he wanted from the sale, he got enough to get his medicine and pay me back. So he felt good about that.
He napped twice; I tried to nap but woke up gagging. Oh well, I'll try to sleep tonight again.
Good afternoon Mary.....I am so happy you have your notebook working again.
If you have an Apple product I would call them and ask what you should do as KMart is not sending you the address labels as promised...three times now. They will get you going to the right place. Most of the KMarts around here are closing down. I never went there anyway. I hated the customer service. I even knew the manager and he didn't do anything to help. Good Luck!!!
Jim sounds like he doesn't like listening to his doctors and keeping his appointments. He really needs to keep that liver biopsy....I hope he does.
I hope you like your new psychiatrist. I really like my psychologist/ therapist. I only see her every six months now. If I have a problem I can call her. If she thinks I need to come in then I go in. My psychiatrist is wonderful. I have had him for years. I hope you can get back on track!!
As for cleaning fairy is here today. She has to leave early for a doctor appointment. She has a sinus infection. We got the laundry done so now she is cleaning. I am just relaxing the rest of the day. I have a new puzzle to start so I will do that this evening.
I finally remembered to boil a dozen eggs. I have been out for a couple days now. I use them in salads, or egg salad lettuce wraps and such.
Nothing else new with me. I go for my second walk when my cleaning fairy leaves. Then I will hang around with the ladies and help with the puzzle in the lobby.
Such an exciting life I lead...DUH!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d
Good afternoon ladies!
It's so nice to catch up with you all. Happy to report I've been a good girl today: I stayed warm, rested up, took a nap in front of my vaporizer, etc. I am not coughing much at all, and this is key - they will have to postpone surgery if this turns to bronchitis. So I am just sitting and resting and drinking herbal tea. It feels incredibly weird to not work and not be working around the house either. But right now my primary job is to get healthy and have this surgery! So I am focused only on that today. Tomorrow I head to the hospital for my pre-.admission testing, bloodwork, and post op nutrition class. Wow, I have just 11 days to surgery! I can't believe it! As I mentioned yesterday, my surgeon only has 2 days liquids before surgery, so I am very lucky. I think it's pretty awesome that my rebirth will take place the day after Easter - seems wonderfully symbolic to me!
Mary, nice to see you! I am quite sure you can and will get right back to progress! It is so hard to find a therapist that clicks, but don't give up.
carla, I love the road trips you take. Since I'm stuck inside for a few days I will love vicariously through you! Kiss the road and maybe even a flamingo on your way!
Trish, sorry things are still unclear for your Frankie. He's added to my prayers.
Connie, it's just rain here in NY today but they are forecasting that four letter word beginning with S for us, come Saturday. Thanks for reminding me, I need to boil up some eggs too!
Kathy, my fellow newbie, I relate to learning all sorts of news things from the nutritionist. I love mine. I got a stationary bike and started exercising by pedaling that. I found it easier. Do you have access to a stationary or recumbent bike? Even if not, start with what you can do, like 5 minutes, and do it maybe twice a day. Then next week, try going to 10 minutes. When you're ready, increase it to 15. Eventually you will get there, but start small!
Eileen, I am loving my fitness pal. It is really helping me get and stay on track with my eating before surgery. Check out this group on OH called Back on Track Together. I saw some posts about it in other forums. Maybe this will help you? I mean, in addition to us! I wouldn't want you to go anywhere!
Ok girls I am going to ski-saddle. Have a great evening!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!