I'm back!! Just got my notebook from UPS yesterday afternoon. Haven't read all the posts I've missed yet, but I will so I can get up to date. I hope everyone has been well during my absence.
No more solid block posts for me - it's great to be able to use the notebook, rather than the Pad - which is still broken -- I got it at K-Mart, with an extended warranty. I've made three requests for a mailing label, and I'm still waiting for it. I called yesterday, asked for their address so I could just get the cursed thing into the mail - their policy does not allow them to give out the address?? What?--are they afraid an angry customer will send something nasty in the mail? Hence, my third request. If I don't get the label within the week, I'll storm the local K-Mart for action. Customer Service is lousy these days.
Well, Jim went to the specialist last week. She wouldn't confirm the Cirrhosis diagnosis because he never had the liver biopsy she has scheduled for him, so he rescheduled it for next Tuesday. But she increased his med dosage and added another medication because he was so full of fluid -- and he has lost over 30 pounds in one week. Unbelievable.
I'm still struggling with staying on track - so I called and scheduled an appointment for therapy. So many people post about how therapy has helped them. When I called my health insurer to get a referral, they asked if I wanted a psychiatrist (who can prescribe meds) or a psychologist. I chose psychiatrist, because I think I've got a case of depression which may required medication. I just hope I "click" with the doctor. I tried therapy a few times in the past, and made good progress with one - but he has relocated to Arizona, and MA to AZ is to far to travel for appointments!
I'm going to get started on reading the posts I've missed. Then I can do some puzzles and do some reading on the computer. I actually broke down and went to the library the other day because I was stir crazy!
Hope everyone is well - sending out good wishes and prayers to all.
Hi there,
I am on my crazy drive home to Sunny Florida. I'll be home tonight.
If you have an IPad from Apple why not just make an appointment at the Apple store and see what the tech can do to service your Ipad. I do it all the time. Mine in a Generation 4. It is freezing up and I think the battery is going. It's only 2 and a half years old. Plus the stupid thing is out of memory.
I think apple produ:ts aren't what they are cracked up to be. My Iphone did the same thing. I went with a android phone this round. But I need a ipad to FaceTime with my family!!!
Well I can say I'm Grammer out!!! I need to recharge for the next round!!!
Later I need to go kiss the road!!!
Good Morning Mary, and OFF,
Mary, I have free, long distance tech support from my son for my laptop. I don't have a tablet, or iPad yet. I have not had problems with my iPhones, and Apple was great at fixing my Apple TV gizmo. A lot depends on the manufacturer.
Carla, I hope you are driving in clear weather. We are getting our first, real Spring rain here in Michigan. We hadn't had any real precipitation in a while, so I'm not complaining.
Well, my Grandma timing was bad yesterday. I picked the kids up from school, and got them Slurpees at 7-11, which made them hyper and silly, and set them behind schedule with their homework. Colleen had a bad afternoon with Frankie at the hospital, and the fact that I got them sugary stuff, and that they didn't stay on their afternoon schedule did not sit well with her. She's a real Type A Control Freak. She was in tears when she got home from the hospital. Frankie's swallow test had the woman at the hospital totally puzzled. She said that in 25 years she never saw what Frankie was doing. Too complicated to explain right now. Woman at the hospital told Colleen he should see an ENT for a scope. After what happened with Frankie at the hospital, with him crying the whole time, my timing with the kids sucked. She was so upset, and I didn't help. She called this morning to apologize. I didn't take her anger personally, because I knew it was just the wrong day for me to bend the rules, even if I am the Grandma.
Today, I have one thing to do for tonight's Crosswalk, the kids program at church. I also have an errand to take care of locally.
Must scoot.
Love, Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....a Spring rain....we are still having Spring snow....last night we got more is all melted now. The temps are so low and the wind if so strong I can't even be outside. I want the real SPRING to come back!!!!
Sorry you got in trouble with your daughter. I am glad everything is okay now. I hope they continue to test Frankie....something is not right. I will continue to pray for him. Oh...grandma's are notorious for bending rules...LOL!!
Enjoy the children's program tonight!
Love and hugs to you....connie d
Hi Connie,
Colleen called this afternoon. Frankie's pediatrician called her after I posted. Turns out, the person she spoke with yesterday went back and reviewed the film. Turns out, she has to follow up with an ENT.
I ended up not going to the church tonight. My sinuses are killing me, again. I think it's my allergies.
The rain stopped in the afternoon, and the sun came out. Temps stayed cold though.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I will continue to send prayers for Frankie. I think it is a good idea for them to do that ENT.
You take care of yourself. There is no need to go anywhere when you feel that bad. I am so sorry your sinuses hurt so bad. Prayers for you too! Do all you can to help free up those sinuses!!
Rest and get to bed need the extra sleep.
Love and more hugs...connie d
Good Morning Everyone!
Hope all are doing well! Good to hear from you again Mary and glad you got your notebook. Electronics, as fussy as they can be, have become a necessary evil in today's world.
Plus, how would we all have connected without!
I have been busy with my regular medical appointments and now I am doing my pre-op appts. in addition to them. Today I see my cardiologist for my regular 4 month visit, and then I see a pulmonary doctor for that pre-op clearance. I am also following my dietician's recommendations for how to eat and spending a lot of time on meal planning. I am both excited and confused at times at all I don't know about nutrition yet excited to be learning.
I am having some difficulty with getting sufficient exercise. I was told to take walks, but between the weather, my knee going out this past week and my heart racing after 5 minutes of walking I need to sit down. The dietician told me I need to work on my stamina and then work on increasing my time.
Anyone else have this problem? I know I'd be losing more weight if I could move more!
Anyhow, wanted to check in. Have a great day!

Hi Kathy....I hope all your appointments went well today. You will be confused while trying to get your meals in after Surgery. Nutrition is interesting and it can be kind of fun. Deciding on what foods to chose from and what to stay away from. It will all make sense soon. There are good sites on here to check out as well. I love "Egg Face" her OH site is good, so many great ideas and information too.
Exercise is hard to do when you are in so much pain. I understand that! It is hard when you don't have halls to walk and it is too cold to be outside. How I started was walking 5 minutes for a week, then increasing to 10 a week or less if needed. So on and so forth. Don't try to do more then your body can handle. You will need to pay attention to your heart.. don't pu**** too fast. Eventually you will be walking way more. Give yourself and your body time to adjust. Baby steps. Even 3 minutes is better then no minutes!! You can do it!!!! Keep a chart of how much you walk each day. You will be amazed at how fast your times change!!! Once the weight starts falling will have more really will!!
Love and hugs to you....connie d