Welcome to another Monday!

Mary Gee
on 3/30/15 7:29 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Connie - I'm so sorry you fell ... glad you didn't suffer any serious damage.  I was prescribed a walker--because of my size it was a "bariatric walker" and it weighed a ton.  Would not be able to put it in or take it out of my car.  But it was a beauty, with the seating bench and all.  I'm able to get around with the cane ok most days.

The Carb Monster is at bay.  Went to therapy........she basically had the same advice as you gave me.  She asked what I wanted to accomplish, and I told her I need the emotional strength to carry out the decisions I know are right.  She actually told me her next appointment cancelled and I could go out and bring Jim in to join us....... but I was not ready to do that.  So I'll keep going and we'll see what happens.  Thanks for your concerns.... I know you want what's best for me. 


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 3/30/15 7:48 am

Hi Mary....thanks for caring!!

I have a nice walker with the seat bench, storage area under the bench and brakes and all. Not like the cheaper things in the stores. Mine came through the Ortho Clinic. It isn't quite as large as yours. My sister has one of those. But mine is sturdy!! If I had one like you and my sister has I couldn't lift it at all!! 

YAY for keeping your Carb Monster at bay!!! 

Of course I want what is best for you....you are my dear friend!!

Lots more love and bushels of hugs....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 3/30/15 5:14 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

I've been up since 7 a.m. Richard had what he thought was a doctor's appointment for disability ... turns out it was just labs. Well, we started out with plenty of time but got lost because he gave me the wrong address ... he gave me 383 and the address was 3838. When I put it in the GPS, it only brought me half way. So then we stopped several times and looked again and finally, I looked at the letter and saw the actual letter with the actual address .... Grrrrr! I kinda lost it and had to apologize later. When we got to the place and found out it was just labs, it was so .... you mean we hurried for this? type of feeling.

And I didn't sleep well last night because I was up coughing half the night. I got maybe a half hour nap here and maybe I'll close my eyes and try to nap again.

The good news, though, is the state person called this morning and said they will expedite Richard's Medicaid application because it obvious he is penniless and needs his meds. So that's good.

Connie, sorry you fell. Take care of yourself. I know how you feel.

My knees hurt last night and still hurt today. I don't know why. Took a vicodin when we got home from the appointment and iced them both, but they still hurt. Hope it won't be a long night of pain.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/30/15 7:25 am, edited 3/30/15 7:48 am

Hi Eileen....I am sorry you had to get up so early to go to an appointment that was just labs!! Men....they think they know way more then they do. Tell Richard...WELCOME to the World of CRS!!!! I would have been pretty upset at that point too! Glad you got it straightened out. 

Sorry your sleep has been so bad lately. If Vicodin doesn't help the pain in your knees that is not good. There must me something else wrong too. I hate to know you are suffering so badly. I pray you don't have a another long night of pain!!   

I am feeling more pain as the day goes by....it will be VICODIN TIME here too before much longer!!  

Much love and lots of hugs....connie d 

P.S. Thanks so much for caring about me!!! 

Mary Gee
on 3/30/15 7:33 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Eileen, you are such a good friend to Richard.   He's lucky to have you.  I hope his application goes through quickly.  I was very fortunate as my claim was approved on my first shot at it - no need to go through the appeal process.

Hope your knees improve.  I have to take pain medication every night so I can sleep....but then oftentimes it's my racing mind that keeps me up. 


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Patricia R.
on 3/30/15 7:21 am - Perry, MI

Greetings Carla and OFF,

I am absolutely exhausted.  Spent the day running around with Colleen and Frankie in the morning and then solo this afternoon...  While out, I picked up Trent's birthday present, a Michigan State Final Four T-shirt and a State coffee mug.  Just got home from their house, and he loved his gifts.  

I hope Judy's sister can get the care she needs.  Praying.

Connie, take care of yourself.  Three years ago, I fell, breaking my nose, glasses, and landing in the hospital for two weeks, with leg surgery.  Then two months of visiting nurse care to do wound care.  I'll pray you start feeling better.

Love and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 3/30/15 7:37 am

Hi Trish.....I am glad Trent loved his birthday gifts! You are always so thoughtful!! 

Yes....I remember about your fall and all that happened to you. It sure was a long drawn out affair. I try to be so careful too. The one time I space off a bit there I am kissing the sidewalk!

I am so thankful to GOD that I didn't break anything. My doctor always teases me because I have such thin legs and a little butt. She says I don't have much of anything for padding on my hips. I could break again easily. Now if could land on my tummy I would bounce!!   

Thanks for caring....love and many hugs...connie d

on 3/30/15 8:26 am

Hey Carla and Sistas,

I have been struggling with my allergies and am about to throw my hands up and say, crap...just put me in that bubble.    

Connie Girl.....you need to be extra careful.   While I am glad you didn't break anything, you know as well as I that the soft tissue damage can hurt as bad as a break and take just as long to recover from so be careful and be prepared to fight the inflammation.

Eileen, you shouldn't feel so badly about going off on Richard...you are doing him a huge service, the least he could do is get the right address....Geeze.  Also, your time is precious and he needs to remember that so that he doesn't waste it.   

I am planning on doing some sewing for me...I am going to sew up my capris and I have this really cute smock top that I have ready to sew up.    I cannot wait to wear it.   Anyway, other than TV, sewing, and some laundry, I am just relaxing.    Tonight's dinner....trout tacos.    

Hope you all have a good evening. 

Connie D.
on 3/30/15 8:40 am

Hi Jeannie....I love fish taco's....trout...YUM!!! I am going to have a small chef salad! 

Yes, I am starting to hurt more as the day goes by....I am so mad at myself! Still icing, taking a muscle relaxer (Flexaril) and Extra Strength Tylenol. I will be able to take a Vicodin soon. I hate taking them because they knock me out. They do work great for the pain though!! 

I wish you would take some pictures of all the great things you make.  Everything sound so pretty!! 

I am going to lay on the couch for a while. I have to come and go with the computer. I can't sit real long. 

You have a wonderful evening. Take a little quiet time for yourself. 

More love and hugs....connie d


Judy G.
on 3/30/15 8:53 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF Family!!!!!!!

Sorry I am getting on here so late but better late than never....SIGHS

Well so far all I heard about my sister today is she got through dialysis ok...THANK GOD!!!!!!!!! Prayers being answered!!!!!!! KEEP THEM COMING!!!!!!!! Thankyou ALL again!!!!!!

Today I have been so dam busy I am not sure if I am coming or going!!!!!! My maintenance guy I am ready to strangle him!!!!! If Rick isn't working WITH him he is SLOW!!!!!!!!!! He has been in a one bedroom apartment for OVER a week getting it ready!!!!!!! It was supposed to be done Friday!!!!! It is now Monday and he told me this morning he would be out of it before noon. Well he is STILL in it at quitting time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So help me tomorrow morning he is getting an ass chewing!!!!!!!!!!!

Not much else happening except work and more work....boring stuff...same old stuff different day. BLAH!!!!!

Connie OMG hope you are going to be OK!!!!! Good grief!!!!!!! Falling like that!!! YIKES!!!!!

Eileen I would have bonked Richard over the head!!! LOL

Well CRAP!!!!! CR****!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Now I need to go back and post separate...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!


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