Tuesday Morning, Right?
Hi Christie....thank you again for the kind words. It feel so much better to be back...I was so lonesome without my OFF family!!
Sorry you did too much and relapsed. I think you need to rest!!
April 6 is close...I am praying that everything works out for you and date will be it!!! Keep positive!!
Thanks for letting me know about this site. I will check it out!!
Have a restful afternoon and evening!!
Love and many hugs to you....connie d
Hello sistas!
My goodness, what a day we have had! Y'all remember I told you that even though we closed on the house last Friday, the sellers were going to rent it from us for another month until they could get moved? Well, guess what? They moved last weekend! I swear, I don't know how they did that! They must have had a ton of help. Anyway, the house is now empty and it's ours, so my timeline has moved up drastically.
We went and met our Realtor there and got the keys and garage door opener from her. I carried the card table and 4 chairs, plus two outdoor chairs with us so Butch would have something to sit in. I also took toilet paper, paper towels, garbage sacks, etc. AND I brought bathtub stuff!
Butch was so excited and so eager to try out that walk-in tub. After Jennie left, he couldn't wait to try it. So he had a nice long soak with the jets in the tub while I went through the house measuring stuff, etc. I have to admit, it looked pretty inviting! I would like to try it too, but just not today. I had too much other stuff to do.
I managed to get the electricity and water switched into my name today, so that was good. The seller had they all scheduled to be turned off today. I just barely made it in time so that there wasn't a reconnect fee in addition to all the deposits I had to put down. I still have to figure out the phone and tv and internet, but those can wait.
AND I started making phone calls about scheduling a moving company. Oy vey! What a major headache that's going to be, but I'll power through it somehow. Aiming for the week of April 13th. That seems to be the best time in between Butch's chemo treatments. Of course, he'll have to stay here. I've got to call and ask one of his sisters if they can come and stay with him here at the lakehouse while I go back to Nacogdoches and supervise the move. It's going to be intense. But I can do it. I just need to stay focused and organized.
I'm hoping I can get the granite people in this week to give me an estimate on replacing my kitchen counters and sink. And now that the house is vacant, I hope I can get a handy man hired to do the rest of the changes I want/need to make before we actually move in. That will be easier for sure.
So, I'll be going back and forth between this house and the new house a LOT over the next couple of weeks, but each time I go, I can take a small load with me. That will help cut down on some of the moving I'll have to do from here. One thing I've got to do is see if Mike can help me move a recliner to the new house for Butch to use right now. He just can't sit up in a straight back chair for very long without being in pain. If I can get a recliner in there for him, he can nap and rest while I work on things in the new house.
Trish, I hope there's nothing serious with Frankie. Please let us know. Praying! I hope you get some warmer weather soon, too. It was in the mid-80s here today. Got the AC going already.
Eileen, you just can't give Richard money right now, and he really ought to understand that! Doesn't he have family? Yes, he does. He should go to them for the money, not you. You are doing quite enough for him as it is.
Connie, glad you got some rest. I hope you can find some new glasses you like.
Uh oh, Christine! Sorry you had a relapse. You take good care of you! April 6th is right around the corner! We will be here for you pre- and post-surgery. It's a very exciting time for you right now. When will you start your pre-surgery liquid diet?
I hope everyone else is doing fine. I feel like I miss commenting on so many of you every day. I will get better when my life gets saner again! LOL! Here's a picture I took this afternoon of Butch and I sitting on our new back porch. I'm not very good at selfies, but I try. Don't judge me--no hair or makeup!!! Love you all!
Oh look at you! I think you look fabulous. And I can finally put a face to the prayers for Butch! Many blessings in your new home. It's lovely!
forgot to say: my surgeon has only a 2 day liquid diet so I am a lucky lucky girl. :-). I start on the Saturday before Easter.
Awwwwww Vickie....the smiles tells it all...I am so happy for both of you!!! I really like the picture!!
Everything when moving feels like it won't work but it always ends up working out anyway. You are very determined and so organized. I am proud of you!! This won't be too bad. At least you don't have to worry about getting odds and ends out of the lake house or getting it cleaned for showing. I will be sending prayers that it all goes well. I wish I lived closer and could help....you know I would!
Vickie I agree with you as far as Eileen and Richard and the money goes. He has to have someone else kick in for him. Eileen always seems to have a tight budget anyway. He should know that. Eileen keep strong my friend!!
All those damn phone calls to make...that is the worst part. People are never in and they have to call back and on it goes. Kick butt sweetie!!!
I hope the granite people can get the counters and sink done before you completely move in!!
I am so happy that Butch had a relaxing time in his new tub! That would be wonderful!!!
Are you getting your locks changed and your code on the garage opener changed over? When we owned our home that was previously lived in, our Realtor took care of that for us. She said you never know who they gave keys to. Our other two homes were built for us so there wasn't an issue. I miss my beautiful homes!!
Much love and bunches of hugs
.....connie d
Vickie, Richard doesn't really have family he can go to anymore. He wore out the goodwill there. I promised to help him with necessities: drugs, housing, ,et****il he got disability. Now he has put his big TV up for sale. If he sells that, he'll feel better.
But he knows I can only do so much. We had that talk.
Sounds like your home will be wonderful. I want to soak in that tub, too.
How exciting and stressful that you are able to take possession sooner! I understand how stressful moving can be, believe me. Between December 2009 and December 2012, I moved 3 times. Argh!
Love the picture. You two make an adorable couple.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer