Tuesday Morning, Right?
Good Morning Family,
Busy day. Cleaning, Reading for my Bible study. Then, I pick up the big kids from school. Colleen and Trent have to take Franklin to the hospital for a swallow test. He does something noisy when he's swallowing. Tonight is Bible study.
Glad Connie is back.
Albert Schweitzer

FYI: I swear I replied to Christine when I got home from watching Frankie yesterday. Did not realize till very late that it got lost in cyber space. By then, I was wiped out. I have to get up early to watch that skamp. But, he is so much fun. He wants to play before he eats his breakfast, or even gets dressed. He loves to play games, by his rules. He's only two. He'll learn. He has a vivid imagination. He played with a Lego piece, and some Lego men, calling it a space ship, and flew it around, landing on my head several times. I asked him if my head was the moon, and he'd say "Yes." Love that kid.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish....two year old's are quite imaginative ......it is fun too see what they come up with. I hope your head/moon is okay today!!
OH has been goofy for awhile now. Things just disappear or post twice....sometimes we can't post at all. I hope it is fixed soon as it is very frustrating!!
MORE love and hugs...connie d
Good morning Trish ....
Sending prayers for Frankie. I pray they find out it is nothing to worry about.
You seem so quiet lately is everything okay? I hope so. I am here if you need me!
Have a blessed day!!
Lots of love and many hugs to you.....connie d
P.S. Trish....I am glad nothing is wrong and that you have just been busy. I am glad you can think of Ruth and feel better....she was a good and caring friend!!
Hi Connie,
I guess I have been quiet lately. Sinus headaches and other aches have distracted me lately. So, I guess I have been quiet lately. Nothing is going on in my personal lie, other than the same old same old. Plus, the colder weather has an effect on my mood. I prefer when it's warmer. I'm so sick of the cold. But, I hate complaining, because my life really is good.
My Bible study is on gratitude, and it reminds me of all my conversations with Ruth. She listened to me complain so many times, and taught me to focus on my blessings and not the bad stuff. When I started to do that, my whole life changed. I still had crap in my life, but I wasn't negative as much.
Must scoot.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish and my OFF family:
Yey, it's my weekend. We are supposed to have storms the next two days. My body is hurting me, but I will go to the Y. Then I have an appointment with my shrink. I really need to talk things out.
Richard was having a meltdown after some problems with government bureaucrats. Last week, they told him they had everything he needed for Medicaid, he didn't need his birth certificate. This week, they told him he did and he had to start all over with his records. He messaged me at work asking for $80 to get the birth certificate sent 3-day mail (he already sent for it 3 weeks ago; it should be here in two weeks). I want to help him, but I only have $90 left and I still have to get gas for the car and allergy pills. These are things he can't get with his food stamps. And he uses the allergy pills too and the car. I can put a little gas in the car and still give him the $80 but then we don't have the allergy pills (and it's spring so we'll both be suffering).
I feel for him, I really do, but I only have so much money. I have to pay all the bills ... rent, utilities, etc., plus my own bills. I'm trying hard to stay afloat and help him too. He helps out with the food budget because of his food stamps.
Anyway, that's what's happening here. The last three days were rough. Last night was tough at work, too ... We had a late basketball game from the local college (a third-tier tournament game, which they won).
Anyway, must get ready for the Y or I'll sit here all day. Have a good day.
Good morning Eileen....
I am sorry your week is going so rough. I am not surprised they asked Richard for his birth certificate. Anything government and they will want it at some point. When he gets it he needs to send a copy to them and keep the original. He also needs to keep copies of anything he sends in. Most times you will need to do it over and send it in again. Applying for disability or Medicaid is a very stressful thing to do. I remember it well. Things are even worse now. I wish him luck!
I am glad you will see your therapist today. It is good to have someone to discuss things with and not judge. Going to the Y is good too....maybe you can relax some and get over some of your pain....at least for a little while. This changing to colder weather and storms is a pain...literally!! Remember to be good to you too!!
Love to you and hugs too.....connie d
When I needed my birth certificate from the state if Michigan. It only cost me 12.00. I mailed them a check and a self addressed Sr amped envelope. I got it back within a week. Have Richard call the records Department to the state he was birn. I bet it won't cost 80..00!!
I'm on my way home from Snowy Chicago. I was going to leave yesterday but six inches if snow kept me there!!!
I'll be home maybe tOmorrow. I'm in Clarksville tn niw.
Good morning Trish and everyone.....
I hope everyone is doing well this morning. It is a cloudy day here today....temp is 29 degrees. I hope those 50 and 60 degree days come back soon.
I actually had a good nights sleep last night. I am feeling more rested today.
I will be taking a bus today to go get my glasses picked out. I had my eyes checked months ago and keep forgetting to order new glasses. My eyes haven't changed in years but my lenses have scratches so I will get new ones anyway. I used to never wear my glasses only my contacts. Since I moved here I seem to never bother with my contacts. I need to start wearing them again too. I really don't like wearing glasses.
Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families.
Special prayers for Butch and Vickie and also for Judy. Judy sure has a lot to deal with these days. I pray her mother finds out some answers as to why she passes out.
Buckets of love and oodles of hugs to all.....connie d
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday!
Well you all told me, and other people told me but did I listen? No. I was determined to get my life back to some sort of normal that I jumped back into exercise, errands and projects yesterday. Too soon after being sick! Now I am back to coughing and feeling lousy. So, I am forcing myself to rest today so I can get well.
Though my insurance has not approved my surgery yet, my surgeons office is prepared to do I a peer to peer review next week to ensure I get approval in time. They feel confident they can get me approved so I am just going ahead and assuming my date will be 4/6. EXCITING! With my surgery coming up I just have to get well! So here I sit, resisting every urge to be active and get my projects done, and trying to stay warm so I can kick this cough. I have a WLS support group tonight at my hospital that I would like to attend, but it may not be the best idea. I will wait and see how I feel later.
Trish, there are some strange things happening on the OH site as of late. It's not just you who losing posts! I hope they find out what is wrong with Frankie. Whatever you do, don't step on one of those Legos!
Eileen, you have to do what you have to do, to keep the bills paid. It's hard to make those choices and I feel for you. Hang in there and a happy weekend to you.
Connie, it's such a pleasure to have you back posting. Hope you are taking care of yourself too! Hey if you don't find the glasses you want, check out the website 39dollarglasses.com. I used them for my last pair and they did a great job - stylish and inexpensive! (Mine weren't $39 as I need progressive lenses for my old eyes, but very inexpensive anyway!)
ok ladies I will go lie down now with a blankie and cup of herbal tea. Be well! Prayers to all!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!