Sunday Greetings
Good Morning OFF Family,
Up early, or earlier for me, for church. Busy day ahead. Church this morning. Michigan State in the Elite Eight this afternoon. In between, cleaning my kitchen. I made homemade pasta sauce yesterday. My first. I made the recipe up, and surprised myself. My daughter-in-love always said, cooking is art, baking is science. So, I don't have a recipe with measurements, but I could share what I did, with estimates.
Then, later, I'll be working on my Bible study on gratitude. Speaking of gratitude, after 8 days of sinus headaches, my headaches are gone. I am so grateful.
For my Jewish friends here, I posted two fun Passover videos on Facebook last night. They were awesome, especially the one from Israel. The story of Moses and the Israelites leaving Egypt, through dominoes, and other things.
Today is Palm Sunday. One of my friends bought palms for the Toddlers, to teach the story. Should be fun.
Hope the weather starts to improve for next week. I'm not fond of cold on Easter Sunday, especially for the Easter egg hunt next Saturday, which my church sponsors. We donate thousands of plastic eggs and candy, for the whole town to come out, hear the Easter story, and get candy. It's very popular in the community.
Must scoot.
Love, Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and all my sistas!
We are sleeping late this morning. I was just so tired. And this next week promises to be intense. I figured I'd better sleep while I could.
But it's time to get up and get moving now. We're meeting Sam, the handyman, at 2 at the new house. Butch says he is going. That's good. He just knows so much more about things like electrical and plumbing and carpentry than I do.
I went to Christie's house last night and did some babysitting. I was nervous to leave Butch here on his own, but he got into bed before I left and stayed put while I was gone, so it was okay. I don't think I've told y'all that Chris has taken a second job. This makes me upset and scared for her. And more than a little disappointed in Mike! They just don't make enough money to make ends meet each month. This has been obvious for a long time now. Mike just doesn't get enough hours at Hobby Lobby to bring home a full paycheck. Chris (who is in the frame shop) has pretty consistent hours each week, but still not a full 40. Anyway, Chris has gone back to IHOP and is working the night shift IN ADDITION to working days at Hobby Lobby. This is crazy! Call me old school, but it's the MAN'S job to provide for his family! If anyone is going to be working 2 jobs, it should be Mike.
Well, I'm trying to stay out of it, but I'm really worried about Chris. She won't be able to keep up such an intense pace for long. And traditionally, when she gets overextended, that's when she has a bad bi-polar episode. I'm just holding my breath and praying hard. She tells me that she and Mike have talked about it and that he's putting in applications--but I don't know where or for what types of positions.
So, since I'm on the subject of kiddos, I'll update y'all on Carrie's situation. She's been pretty torn up about Leo for the past couple of weeks, but I'm finally starting to see a few glimmers of righteous indignation and anger emerging. She went to a wedding yesterday of one of her oldest friends (she and Robert have been friends since they were 4 years old), and one of HIS friends was putting some major moves on her last night. Well, of course he was. She's gorgeous! She texted me off and on last night. She said she wasn't really interested in New Guy, but that it was doing wonders for her self-esteem. Then she started getting mad at Leo for dumping her. 'Bout time! I told her, "he's an idiot for breaking up with you." And he is. It took Carrie a long time to find herself and I just hate that this stupid LEO is making her doubt her self-worth again. Instead of crying "what's wrong with me?", she should be spewing "what the hell's wrong with HIM?"
Ah, well, mama tiger syndrome. I feel like both my girls are being mistreated or taken advantage of right now. Grrrr!
So, today I need to figure out what I'm going to move over to the new house. I'm thinking it might be a good day to move some of my planters. I have about a dozen big pots already planted (and blooming) with pansies and snaps. It'll take me a couple of trips to get them all moved, since I'll have to move them in the back of my SUV.
Oh, forgot to tell that last night, after I left Christie's house, I stopped by our new house and took a bath in the walk-in tub. Hmmm. That's going to take some getting used to! It's very nice and the bubbles are lovely, but I'm just not used to taking a bath sitting up! I always lie down in the tub. Gonna have to make some adjustments in my thinking on that one.
(Both Christie and Butch are looking forward to taking a bath there today. Chris, God love her, just needs some quality relaxation time today. She's exhausted.)
Well, I'd better get moving. Meeting Sam today, then meeting with the granite template guys on Tuesday. Then back to Houston on Wednesday, chemo on Thursday, and drive back to Canyon Lake on Friday. Like I said, intense week ahead. And I think next Sunday is Easter, right? Oy vey!
Love you all!
Hello Vickie....I am glad you don't have tons to do today. Conserve your energy for this coming week. Busy, busy,busy!!
Moving planters would be a good idea for today. They need to get there and are better off moving them in a vehicle.
I agree with you, Mike should be the one to work two jobs. You and Butch provided most everything they have. He needs to step up and do more for them! You are right, Christie can't go on like that for long. I too would worry about her mental health. I hope you aren't expected to babysit on a regular basis. That isn't why you are moving closer. PLUS, you don't need to be doing that with all you have going anyway!! I know the money is tight for them but they need to work out a babysitting arrangement before taking jobs. Hope things work out for them.
I am happy that Carrie is starting to see things differently as far as Leo is concerned. She will find the right one.
I am with you....when I take a bath I like to lay back and relax. It would be hard for me too.
Prayers for Butch and you as always!
Loads of love and hugs....connie d
Hi Vickie,
If the kids are only earning minimum wage, part time, then it could very well be necessary for at least one of them to have two jobs, maybe even both of them. It's common knowledge that today's minimum wage earners, who work full time, and have dependents qualify for food stamps.
When my ex got out of the army we went to college, and his mom helped pay for the house with money from when his dad died. He was getting monthly GI Bill checks too. Between semesters, I sometimes worked full time at an office, then part time as a receptionist in the evenings. He was a better housekeeper than I was. I didn't care, because I made sure one of us was home with the kids. We always alternated schedules. He was in day classes, while I went at night. He worked evenings when I was in day classes. I insisted on that. Today, it's difficult for a parent who works minimum wage today.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and Vickie and everyone.....
Trish...I know how busy you are...I would like to know what you put in your sauce sounds like it was a hit! I love, love love spaghetti with sauce!! I use spaghetti quash instead of pasta. I always am interested in different recipes. No rush on getting the recipe posted.
Praise GOD for answered prayers. I a so happy to know your headache is gone!! Enjoy your day!!
I think that is a great idea to tell the story of palms to the children. What a wonderful thing for them to learn! We have a huge Easter egg hunt here as well. It is not sponsored by our churches but by the city. I always took my girls when they were young. They do it in one of our larger parks. There are thousands of plastic eggs. Each egg has candy and some have a ticket too. The tickets are for prizes. The biggest prize is always some new bikes. They divide the areas into age groups. That keeps the little ones safe. The age limit for the hunt is 10 years old. I like your churches idea of telling the Easter Story, after all that is what it is all about!!
As for was supposed to be sunny and a high temp of 50 today. It is raining right now an 42 degrees. It is a nice gentle Spring rain. We need it to clean things up after all that nasty snow!
I have nothing planned today. I visited a lot with other people here yesterday. It was a nice day and so many were walking around. A lady across from me had a wheel fall of her walker. She was so upset. I put it back on for her and she was so happy! I had her call the company that delivered it to her. She only had it a couple days. It sure wasn't checked over very well. They are coming to adjust everything tomorrow.
I finished my puzzle off and on yesterday. This was really a nice puzzle and I enjoyed doing it. The two in our lobby have been done for a couple days. There is one lady that dominates when the puzzles can be taken down and a new one started. She is so bossy!! People just let her do it because she has been here for many years. That is another reason I started keeping one going in my apartment. I do both.
Well time to get one walk started. I will check in later.
Have a beautiful day!!!
Much love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Hi Connie,
I'll tell you what I put in my sauce.
Browned sweet Italian sausage, which I took out of the casings first. Sauteed chopped onion, and tons of fresh, minced garlic. At least two cloves. Maybe more. Then, I put it in the pot with a large can of crushed tomatoes, and a small can of tomato paste. Added more than a tablespoon of Italian spices, coz I couldn't find my oregano or basil containers. I simmered on low most of the day, like noon till 6:00. I taste tested and added parmesan cheese several times. I was shocked at how much I liked it. If you don't eat sausage, and just want to make plain sauce, I'd use much more garlic. I love lots of garlic.
I got to be in Toddlers when my friend did the Palm Sunday lesson, with the kids waving palm branches, and saying "Hosanna." They loved it. Plus, they got to take them home.
I'm enjoying leftovers today.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

I made something similar a few years ago when I lived in Louisiana, except I bought fresh Roma tomatoes from the farmers' market. I also tossed in green pepper and onions. I had fresh garlic too. I once listened to my cousin's Italian secretary discuss how she made her spaghetti sauce, and that's how she described it: she always used sausage and tomato paste, not sauce. And lots of garlic. BTW, you can buy Italian sausage that's not in the casings. Plenty of stores have it. it's just loose sausage. Johnsville brand has it, I know. Our local chain store, Schnucks, makes their own and it's really good.
Hello make your sauce more like I do. I have to have peppers, onions, fresh mushrooms and fresh garlic!!!! I agree...tomato paste ...a must!!! My tummy does do well with sausage so I have to use some turkey sausage and ground turkey.
Now I really want to make some. I know I don't have any spaghetti squash so I will have to wait until my next grocery shopping trip.
Love and hugs to you.....connie d
Good Afternoon, everyone. I haven't posted lately. I hurt myself again and haven't been spending much time in my computer chair. Have a dr. appt. this next week. It doesn't feel like a fracture -- but hurts nonetheless. I hope you all are having a nice day today. The sun is shining here and that always makes for a nice day (we get a lot of overcast/rainy days here on the Oregon coast).
We just cleaned the floors (dust mopped, vacuumed, and wet mopped). This morning we went grocery shopping. I was planning on using one of those electric carts but they all were in use so I walked carefully around the store. I'm paying for it this afternoon.
Not much else to say, I guess. Take good care of YOU and enjoy your evening.
Cindy P.