Put on your workin' clothes Sunday!
Good morning sistas!
We have a busy day ahead of us today. Thank goodness the sun is shining and the rain has stopped. Got to get the boat ready for my cousin to pick up tomorrow. Got to get the boys' fort dissembled and hopefully at least partially moved over to Chris' back yard. (It will take several trips.) Plus I'll have to cook a meal for all my helpers. Gonna be busy, busy, busy.
Butch, thank God, is finally feeling a bit better. They told us the first 7-10 days after chemo were the worst, and they weren't kidding. But he had a little better day yesterday and actually managed to eat a little food off and on all day. And he woke up clear-eyed and feeling better this morning, too. Maybe we are finally over the hump this time. I truly thought it was going to kill him last week. He thought so too. He told me yesterday that he thought he might die last week. Gulp. I thought the same thing a couple of times. Neither one of us told the other what we were thinking though. I guess we didn't want to say it aloud for fear it would come true.
Carrie is here this weekend. Oh, my poor darling girl! Her wretched ******* boyfriend broke up with her on Friday night via a TEXT MESSAGE! I could just kill that young man. Really I could. So cruel. Anyway, she's here and she's hurting and there's just not much I can say or do but hold her when she cries. Personally, I think he'll come crawling back in a couple of weeks, and I told her she needs to be prepared for that. Her daddy told her not to take him back. I didn't tell her what I think (which is to tell him to go straight to hell), but I hope she will realize that he's too young and immature for a serious relationship. I think he's got some growing up to do.
Anyway, she ran home to Mama for some comfort, so I'm trying to provide that and not lecture her. I'm so afraid she will just derail and not finish her degree. Between her heartache over Leo and her fear over losing her daddy, she's very fragile right now. Please say a little prayer for my girl, that she will hold steady and find her way through all these stumbling blocks.
As for me, my shoulder still hurts. I don't think that shot did a whole lot of good, but it will have to wait awhile longer. I'm too busy right now to stop and have a problem! LOL! Talked to my mom and she's going to give notice at her condo that she'll be moving out by the end of April. I've got to get busy now and find and hire a moving company. Thank goodness I sold the boat! (That's my mantra when I get overwhelmed these days. LOL!)
Judy, honey, I'm so sorry for everything you've been dealing with. Goodness. What a bunch of crap to land on you all at once! I'm praying for you to have some peace and quiet for a change! And Trish, I'm sorry to hear about your sister and your mom. I know you worry about that situation, but really, you can't keep running back and forth, so you might as well just put it all in God's hands and try to let go of all that worry. Easier said than done, I know. Connie, I love you! I hope we hear from you soon! Sent you a PM.
I know we have some newbies here posting, and I do apologize for not acknowledging each of you personally. I'm so glad you're here and I hope you will stick with us! My situation is such that I just cannot hold a lot of new information in my brain right now. But I do welcome you and I enjoy reading your posts!
I'd better scoot, as Trish always says. Love you all!
Vic...I am the one that should be sorry for not being here for YOU and others...what I am going through is NOTHING compared to what you are going through!!! Sorry about your daughters break up and YES that was mean of him to do it that way!!!! What a jerk!!!!! (really wanted to say no balls). Hope everything works out today as planned!!!! Prayers for all!!! HUGSSSSSS
Not sure what is going on here today....made some breakfast...smelled something awful in fridge...OMG I forgot all about the dam chicken I bough last sunday!!!!!!!!!! DAMIT!!!!!!!!! That is now in the garbage!!!!!!!!!! ****!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I had something else to make last week and that was it!!!!!!!! Oh well........sighs.
Went to Bingo last night. Nothing. Just chance after chance. Same as last week. NOTHING!!!!!!
Guess we are going shopping. Rick needs some new work pants. Looking for .... CAMO ofcourse!!!!!! He only wears CAMO now. Good grief. I created a monster...LOL Oh well atleast the tenants KNOW it is him....lol.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Vickie, Judy, Trich, Connie, and All,
You continue to be in my nightly prayers. I pray God gives you the strength, courage, peace of mind and soul you each need in your own time.
I am doing well. I a very blessed as my water aerobics instructor is helping me to walk with a cane!!! Three times a week we get together at the gym before water aerobics to walk on the track. So far i have made it one mile without resting. I feel quite unstable still and my balance is precarious at best. She is such a great and patient coach reminding me to walk heel ball toe, stand up straight, helping with a steady arm and guarding me from the fast walkers on runners who pass by. I alsi walked with the cane in my right and the left hand. Believe me, using my left hand is really tough. It is a slow process, much slower than i expected and certainly than i want.
Claire is really struggling with exhaustion, being cold all the time, aches and pains in her legs and joints, and weight gain. Her nephroligist thinks she needs her thyroig meds adjusted. She has to wait to see her PCP to get blood work drawn. She needs a T3 T4 not just a TSH....
My weight is finally going in the right direction again after a long stall.
Well, gotta run. I check in every day to see how you are and to update my prayer list. Please take care. Blessings to all.
Hi Francine......I am so glad you are getting better at walking with your cane. That lady sure is nice to help you like that. Good job with trying to use your cane on your right and left hand. I know it is slow going but just keep at it!! Do you use a walker otherwise? I have to for balance issues! Keep up the good job!!
I am walking about 3 miles a day and now I have added an outside walk every day. I feel like I could do it with my cane but my doctor isn't agreeing yet. She wants my balance to improve more first. I really feel like an old lady with that walker!! My legs are small and now they are really muscular again so that tells me the walking is working!!
Glad your weight loss has started in the right direction...good for you!!
I am so sorry Claire is having such a hard time. I hope she can start feeling better soon.
Love and many hugs to you....connie d
I am so sorry for Carrie's heartless boyfriend and she is much better off. I hope if she takes him back, she makes him wait a long, long time before she trusts him again. I know you are excited about getting all moved into your new house and if I were close enough, I'd help. Moving sucks. I also hopes that Butch's next round is easier on him.
Judy, you have had a hard last few weeks. I went through the change in my mid forties and in my early fifties, they found a huge tumor so they had to do a total abdominal hysterectomy and my bladder did not fall out. In fact, I don't have any problems with my bladder or anything else. If you need the surgery, get it done.
Well, I spent the week in Tampa and the pollen from all the freakin' trees and the humidity liked to have killed me. I am sure that I have severe bronchitis and a sinus infection, so tomorrow, I am headed to my allergists to see what's happening. But the conference was very good and it looks like their is a publishing company that is interested in publishing an expanded version of my dissertation--really boring stuff but very good for me professionally. I got home a few hours ago. I drove with a two PhD students who also work in my writing center and they were so much fun...we stopped at every roadside mall from Florida to Tn. I did buy a bunch of really crappy paintings....flamingos, roosters, and beach scenes...my husband cracked up laughing at the pink flamingoes but they are very pretty and were very cheap. I also bought alligator heads and feet (don't judge), shells, fossilized shark teeth, and tons of little key chains for every one. My husband and I go to Tampa a couple of times a year, but I never do the touristy things so this was kind of fun.
I lost seven pounds from all the walking and the not eating between meals. LOL.
Well, I better get off here...this coming week is spring break and my granddaughter is on her way up to stay with us. The boys are doing some fishing bass thing or something like that with their dad and my brother in law and some cousins.
Hope you guys have a good day today.
Jeannie glad you had a great time!!! LOL at all the things you bought!!!! Flamingos...OMG maybe I should get some for here...ROFLMAO think the tenants would get a kick???
Anyhow I have not had a period since May of 2001. Just stopped and no problems. All my life I have had pap tests abnormal. Only reason I AM going through with all these dam tests is because of my mom and sister BOTH had cancer of the VULVA. Was told by their dr it is NOT hereditary. I do NOT believe it. If NOT, WHY did THEY BOTH get it and then within months of each other?????? This is what scares the hell out of me!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, Welcome home!!!! Time to relax!!!
Good Afternoon Vickie and Family,
Vickie, I am happy that Butch is doing better, but sorry for what Carrie is going through. It stinks that her boyfriend chose the chicken way to break up with her. If her were a mature man, he would have done it in person. She deserves better than that. If she takes after her Mom, she'll find a good guy, like you did.
Judy, you've been through the wringer, and I hope you are enjoying a relaxing day off.
Sorry I can't remember who else posted.
I was in Toddlers this morning both hours this morning. Plus, Michigan State won, so they've advanced to the Sweet Sixteen.
Love and Prayers.
Albert Schweitzer

Hooray for you Judy! You deserve it!
Now there is another thing I'm looking forward to post surgery: finding clothes at a great price! Plus sizes (especially my size) are so hard to find.