News from my grandson NIC!!!!!
That is right...he passed his tests and did a great job on them. My NIC is now a Fire Fighter!!!!! I am one proud Nana!!
He is the bravest and just a wonderful treasure of mine!!
He called and I had all I could do not to cry.....he is so happy and so excited!!!
Lots of love and more hugs to all.....connie d
I have tears of joy for both of you. I know how much this means to him, and you. His courage in fighting cancer will make him a terrific firefighter.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer

Thank you know I appreciate hearing from have always cared so much about Nic!!! Your input is important to our family!!
Yes we are all very happy!!
I have been missing you...I am sorry for upsetting you...I never meant to do that. I love you!!!
Love to you and many hugs too....connie d