Thursday Checking In

Patricia R.
on 3/19/15 12:31 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Family,

Must get my coffee.  Be right back.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 3/19/15 12:51 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning,

I'm slow moving today.  Got up at a decent time, but am not accomplishing much.  I'm overwhelmed by what I have to get done to get my house in order, and budget fixed.  Both are a disaster.

I have an appointment this afternoon.  Then, I have work to do here.

Must scoot.

Love, Hugs and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 3/19/15 2:18 am

Good morning Trish and everyone....

Trish....take some deep breathes....I know you are overwhelmed. Please try to not look at the big picture. You can only do one thing at a time. Take a section and do that then another and so on. You can do this!! You said the budget is fixed....good...let go of that for now. Don't hop from one thing to another...remember small areas at a time.  

I hope your appointment isn't a stressful one....keep taking those deep breathes! 

As for me...NIC is the highlight of my day. I am just so happy for him and so proud!! 

I couldn't sleep last night my pain was so bad. I took all the meds I could take. I was still up at 6:00 AM. I slept until 9:00. I am however feeling less pain today....YAY!! 

I am praying Butch and Vickie are having a better day. I sure am concerned about them. 

I was suppose to get my hair cut and highlighted today. I decided I didn't feel up to sitting in a beauty shop chair for a couple hours. I rescheduled for next Tuesday. It sure is nice having a shop right here in the complex. Lana is really good at what she does!! Since I got my hair cut there are at least 8 others that now have my haircut...LOL!! Lana thinks it is funny as most of them never wanted to make a change from their same old style. We laugh about it!!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!! 

Thank you all for the Congratulations for my Nic. He always reads them all, and it makes him so happy!!! I am still sitting here smiling like a Cheshire cat!!! 

Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love  and bunches of hugs  to all....connie d





on 3/19/15 3:58 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Trish and Connie and all my sistas!

Trish, we are moving very slowly too.  I got up and gave Butch his pills at 9 a.m. and then piled back into bed and we slept until 11 a.m.  It's 12:30 now, and I'm still in my pjs.  I do need to get dressed though.  I won't get anything done at all today if I don't.

So yesterday I made myself pack a few boxes.  I really need to do more today.  I'm trying to pack up stuff that I won't need in everyday life.  But there's so much of what's here that I don't even want to take to the new house.  I need to throw it all in a big pile marked garage sale.  I just have no place for it right now.

Butch had a terrible evening.  He started throwing up around 5 p.m. and threw up for the next several hours.  Nothing he had all day stayed in him.  I think it was all just sitting there in his tummy and then it all came back up.  He was so weak and debilitated after all that vomiting that he asked for the wheelchair to get from the living room to our bedroom.  This feels like the nightmare that will not end.  I have completely given up on my Thrive for right now.  I just cannot deal with my own body and problems while I'm trying to deal with his.  

So, still no word on closing tomorrow, although I expect a call from the realtor about it today.  Hopefully the sellers are dealing with the few problems the inspection turned up and we will close on the house tomorrow as planned.  Which means I need to keep right on packing today.  Ugh.  

My cousins are coming to pick up the boat on Monday.  Which means that on Sunday, I need to get out there and get the cover off of it and clean it out and clean it up.  Chris and Mike are supposed to come out on Sunday and I'll get Chris to help me while Mike works on taking apart the fort.  We've got to get that disassembled and moved to their house soon.  

So no rest for the wicked, LOL!  That would be me.  

Judy, I really think you need a second opinion about having a hysterectomy.  Seems like that would be the prudent thing to do, yes?  Unless there's something I'm just not understanding.  I'm just worried about you, sweetheart.  You don't need the added stress in your life.  You have enough right now as it is.

Connie, we are all so proud and so thrilled for Nic!  

Trish, I agree with Connie--take it one step at a time.  I had this conversation just the other day:  How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!  At least it sounds good in theory, huh?  In actuality, I do understand how easy it is to get overwhelmed.  I struggle with that daily.  Just remember His promise: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Sometimes I have to repeat that verse 20 or more times a day.

Love you all!  SO MUCH!


Connie D.
on 3/19/15 5:07 am

Hello Vickie....So when does Butch go back to the hospital?? It sounds like it should be soon. He needs to be able to keep fluids down. I am worried!!! I love you girlfriend!!!! You know what can happen then. Prayers and more prayers! 

I sure enjoyed all the pictures of flowers, porches and trees you have sent to Facebook. Makes me want spring even more! One more day!

I am glad you got some extra sleep this morning. It sounds like you did quite a bit of packing yesterday....good for you! least the boat will be gone on Monday. 

I am concerned about Judy even though she is mad at me I still care. I hope she gets a different doctor or the hysterectomy. It is crazy for her to have to put up with this!! I am praying for her every day!

I hope you hear on the closing soon. You need a few things taken care of each week. I am glad Chris and Mike are coming to help. It will be good when they can get that fort moved too. I am really missing all the pics of the boys. Maybe you can get a couple taken if you have a moment....hahahahaha!!!!

Be sure to take some time for you each day. That is important for your physical and mental health.

Thank you so much for the nice comment about Nic. He is one to get things done....he plows right ahead!! I know you care. 

Hope to see you on Facebook or somewhere later!!

I love you much....HUGS...prayers....connie d 



on 3/19/15 5:23 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi I'm babysitting my neice who is 15 months old and her 3 yr old brother and Vinnie. They do not stop! 

I want put them down for a nap, I turn around and they are up playing. I can't win!

I guess Vinnie will sleep good tonight!!

I decided not to drive to Denver. I'm just going to go home. I decided the drive home from there will to much. I'll leave here in Sunday.



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Eileen Briesch
on 3/19/15 1:09 pm - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

Getting on late. Had a busy day. Got up to go to the Y for the arthritis class; dropped Richard off at Walmart and he picked up his prescriptions plus some nonfood items he can't buy on his food stamps card (so I have to buy; we had to wait for my payday). I gave him some cash for his drugs, the other items and a little extra if he needed personal items like razors, shaving cream, etc.

So I got back there a little after noon and he was just getting done; pretty good timing. We got home and he starting making the side dish for the pork shank. Lunch was excellent. The pork was very tender and the green beans with bacon ... oh yum. I only wish I could have napped afterward. 

Now we're waiting for the Kentucky game to get done. It will be late because the game before it, Purdue-Cincinnati, went into overtime (Purdue lost). I'm doing wire, but helping with sports. So I'll probably be waiting for it to get over. 

Anyway, I'm really tired. Vickie, I hope you are doing better tonight. I feel for you and Butch. Wish I could come and help. You need someone to help you. 

Connie, I wish Nic congrats on FB. Sorry you didn't sleep well ... I slept well despite my pain ... enough drugs, I guess. Knee still hurts today. ... as in right now. 

Have a good, restful night, get some sleep. I'll talk to y'all  tomorrow.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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